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What is MS Word 30 shortcut keys |Full Detail | HARTRON EXAM

What is MS Word 30 shortcut keys |Full Detail

A to Z MS word shortcut keys

What is MS Word 30 shortcut keys Full Detail
What is MS Word 30 shortcut keys |Full Detail

If you want to become a master in MS Word, then it is necessary to know all the shortcut keys related to MS Word and it is also necessary to remember these shortcut keys only then you will be able to complete any task in MS Word as quickly as possible.
Let us know all the
shortcut keys related to MS Word.

A to Z shortcut keys with CTRL

Ctrl + A = (Select all) to select the entire text

Ctrl + B = (Bold) To make the selected text bold

Ctrl + C = (Copy) To copy the selected text

Ctrl + D = (Font) to open Font Window

Ctrl + E = (Center) To center the text

Ctrl + F = (Find) to find a word (Find)

Ctrl + G = (Go To) To go directly to a line or page

Ctrl + H = (Replace) to replace a word

Ctrl + I = (Italic) Text to Italic

Ctrl + J = (Justified) To justify the text

Ctrl + K = (Hyperlink) To go to Insert hyperlink

Ctrl + L = (Left align) To bring the text to the left

Ctrl + M = (Indent) Increase indent

Ctrl + N = (New) To open New File

Ctrl + O = (Open) To open a file

Ctrl + P = (Print) To print the document

Ctrl + Q = Remove paragraph formatting

Ctrl + R = (Right Align) To bring the text to the right

Ctrl + S = (Save) To save the document

Ctrl + T = (Hanging indent) to create Hanging indent

Ctrl + U = (Underline) To underline the text

Ctrl + V = (Paste) To paste the copied/cut text

Ctrl + W = (Close) to close the open window

Ctrl + X = (Cut) To cut the text

Ctrl + Y = (Redo) Redo

Ctrl + Z = (Undo) Undo.

Shortcut keys with CTRL+SHIFT –

Ctrl + Shift + C = Copy formats

Ctrl + Shift + D = To double underline the text

Ctrl + Shift + E = Track changes

Ctrl + Shift + F = To change font

Ctrl + Shift + H = For hidden text formatting

Ctrl + Shift + K = Format letters as small capitals

Ctrl + Shift + L = for list style

Ctrl + Shift + M = Remove paragraph indent from Left

Ctrl + Shift + N = for Normal style

Ctrl + Shift + P = To change font size

Ctrl + Shift + Q = To change the Symbol font

Ctrl + Shift + S = Apply Style

Ctrl + Shift + T = To reduce Hanging indent

Ctrl + Shift + V = Paste formats


We have tried to give complete information about all the shortcut keys related to MS Word through this post, hope that you must have got some new information from this post, if you have any suggestion then comment below. Tell me, thank you for reading the post.

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