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How to create a new folder in Windows 11 | HARTRON EXAM

How to create a new folder in Windows 11

How to Create New Folder in Computer?

How to create a new folder in Windows 11
How to create a new folder in Windows 11

Folder is a store location in our computer, in which we store our data. This can be in the format of Data Files, Images, Videos, etc.

Folders are the best place to store our data. You can name the folders according to the data of a particular type, and you can easily see them whenever you want. You can create any number of folders at one place. And you can create any number of sub-folders within a folder.

Let’s have a look now let’s know some of the advantages of the folder. After that we will create a new folder Windows 11 together.

Benefits of creating new folders Windows 11

1 Data can be stored in it by creating a new folder in Computer Hard Drive. We can keep one type of data in the same new folder. For example, we can store all the videos in a new folder named ‘My Videos’. If we want, we can keep our videos subject-wise by creating a new folder within this folder as well.

When a new folder is created within a folder, it is called a sub-folder. For example, within the ‘My Videos’ folder, we create a folder named ‘Punjabi Videos’. So this ‘Punjabi Videos’ folder is a sub-folder of ‘My Videos’ folder.

Like videos, we can store all our pictures/photos in a new folder named “My Photos”.
If we have any other type of data other than Videos, Photos. So it can also be stored by making a new folder.

2 Folder is helpful in keeping our data subject-wise. When the data in the computer is classified subject-wise, then it does not take much time for us to find and use that data again. We find any specific data immediately.

Only then can we use the benefits mentioned above. When we know how to create a new folder properly. So are you ready to create a new folder Windows 11 for yourself? Where did you go? So let us create a new folder together with you.

In this tutorial, we will tell you about many ways to create a new folder. After reading this tutorial, you will be able to easily create a new folder. The methods of creating a new folder are being explained in detail below.

Creating a new folder Windows 11 with Keyboard Shortcut

The easiest and fastest way to create a New Folder is to use Keyboard Shortcuts. Let us know which Keyboard Shortcut is used to create New Folder Windows 11.

Keyboard Shortcut of New Folder Windows 11

  1. First of all, wherever you want to create New Folder, go to that place. If you want, you can use Desktop like us.
  2. Then press Ctrl+Shift+N simultaneously from the keyboard.
  3. After this, write the name of the folder you want to give. and press Enter.
  4. And in a few seconds your New Folder will be created.

Creating a New Folder Windows 11 by Right Click

1 First of all, wherever you want to create New Folder Windows 11, go to that place. If you want, you can use Desktop like us.

2 After this, press the right button of the mouse (Right Click) on an empty place.

3 On Right Clicking, “Right Click Menu” will open in front of you.

4 From here you have to first click on New and then on Folder.

Creating a New Folder Windows 11 by Right Click
Creating a New Folder Windows 11 by Right Click

5 After this, write the name of the folder you want to give. and press Enter. Or you can click outside.

6 And New Folder will be created in front of you.

What have you learned?

In this tutorial you have learned how New Folder is created. We told you about many ways to create a new folder. We hope that this Tutorial has been useful for you. And you can easily create New Folder Windows 11.

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