Computer Data and Information Full Details
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In this lesson, we will give complete information about computer data and information. Because often data and information are understood to be the same and also used as synonyms of each other. Therefore, by reading this lesson, the difference between data and information will also be known. For the convenience of study, this lesson is divided into the following parts. (Computer Data)
- What is Data
- What is Information
- Difference Between Data and Information
- what have you learned?
What is Data – (What is Data)
Facts and information about something is called ‘data’. This information includes numbers, words, pictures, symbols, opinions, etc. These facts are meaningless and beyond the comprehension of common man. Data is gathered from various sources. (Computer Data)
The data is later processed through various means to make new data (meaningful data). Since computer is an electronic machine. Therefore the process of processing data by computer is called EDP i.e. Electronic Data Processing.
There are data numbers for a computer which is a group of bytes. Which is represented in Binary Digits (0 and 1). This data goes to the CPU for processing. Where New Data (Output) is created by doing Logical Operations over it. (Computer Data)
Example of Data

What is Information – (What is Information)
Information is called information in English. Information is meaningful information about something. which can be understood by the common man. For example, the average age of students in a class is an information that is useful.
When instructions are given to do a task in a computer, then by processing this data a meaningful result is given which is called information.The example of the information given above, we have written it by correcting the example given in the data. This is a person’s address. It is clear from this example that there is a difference between data and information. And even though both are similar, how different are they? (Computer Data)
Difference Between Data and Information
- Data is meaningless and unprocessed information. But, information is meaningful and processed information.
- Data cannot be understood by a common man, but information is understandable by a common man.
- Data is less useful but information is always useful.
- Data is independent but information is dependent on data.
- There is no fixed form of data. Where the information is found in a special form.
What have you learned?
In this lesson, we have given you complete information about data and information. What is data and what is information? Have to know about both and also understand the difference between these two information. We hope that this lesson will prove useful for you. (Computer Data)