Computer Brain And Our Brain Full Details
Our Brain And Computer

Computer is the most used machine of the time from today and it is said that it is more than man, without it no work can be done, according to us computer is the only machine you need, just like you can do it by hand. If you could not break any wall or stone, then you made a hammer, in the same way you made a computer to do some important work, so how can it compare with us.
In the matter of identification of colors
As far as the difference in colors is concerned, the human eye can distinguish about 1 crore colors, but a 32-bit computer is able to differentiate between 1 crore and six million colors.
To Calculate
Humans are behind the computer in this matter, where the human brain can calculate 2 or 3 digits very comfortably, but if the same calculation is 10 or 12 digits then it takes a lot of time and if it is made bigger If you go, it will take you almost the whole day, but the computer solves it in a few seconds. like your calculator
Recognizing faces
Face recognition works through computer face recognition technology, in which it points some parts of the face, so that it can easily recognize the face of anyone, now the same technology is also using Facebook social networking site. But the human mind is more than this, there are billions of people living all over the world and everyone’s faces are different, the human mind takes the difference between all these faces very comfortably,Even that he can identify the person only by looking at the eyes and not only this, if two faces are merged to make a new face, as you must have often seen in the news paper, the brain differentiates those two faces and them too. recognizes.
Identification of objects
Your brain can differentiate between salt and sugar just by looking, apart from this, the human brain is adept at distinguishing between other things of everyday use. However, now there are applications like Google Glass, which can recognize objects when they scan images, but not accurately.
Decision making ability
Here also there is no response of the human mind, you can take any decision in a moment, where the computer also fails, there the human mind wins, like while driving, while playing a sport, ( Chess, cricket, badminton etc.) and even fighter plane pilots are known to take even faster decisions, where the computer is far behind the human mind.
In case of control of a machine
Yes, no matter how powerful and fast a computer is, it is only a machine and the human mind has no answer in this matter either, whether it is a domestic computer or the control system of a spaceship, the human mind is all understands and operates. For an example, if a typist is typing on the keyboard, then he does not even look at the keyboard, then how he is able to type the exact letter, it is also amazing brain,When you practice typing, the brain remembers the distance and letters of the buttons and other buttons you press with your fingers, and not only this, you are also able to type very fast.
In terms of practical
Let us tell you that the computer can only do the work for which it has been programmed, but if it has to do any other work, then the computer does not know how to do it, but the human mind is practical, it is capable of doing any work. Somebody finds a way, which you also call Jugaad in Hindi language, this unique ability is only with human beings.
Continuous working ability
We have read many places that the computer never gets tired, it can keep working continuously and the human brain gets tired, it needs to sleep. We have not yet seen any robot or machine that can run without electricity or battery or does not require charging. The same is with the mind and body of man, the mind of man continues to work even while sleeping,Even when you are sleeping, thoughts keep coming in your mind, you keep dreaming and if you are tired, then there is a disease of hanging in the computer too.
Storage capacity
In the computer, you can store songs, videos and songs from all over the world, this ability is also with the human brain, it keeps recording the events happening nearby, but the unnecessary events are automatically deleted over time. While in the computer you have to delete those files yourself, but still the computer is ahead in the storage capacity.
In the end
Human mind and human body can do many things together, which computer alone can never do, you can count notes, you can drive, you can read, you can cook food, you can calculate You can also run a computer, just think, you have made a computer, that is, man, then how can it be better than a human, yes it may be a good machine but it cannot become a good human,It is only a machine, consider it as a machine and with its help do good work and make the name of the country proud.