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Who Discovered The Internet | Wikipedia |HARTRON EXAM

Who Discovered The Internet

The Internet was discovered for the first time all over the world by Vint Cerf and Bob Khan (Robert Elliot Kahn). Therefore, both of them are also addressed as the father of the Internet. For the first time, both of them started working on such a network, which we are calling the Internet in today’s time.

Who Discovered The Internet
Who Discovered The Internet

In 1978, the combined consultations of these two led to the formation of Transmission Control Protocol and Internet Protocol, also known as TCP/IP.

So if you want to know about the current internet searcher or some information related to it, then you can definitely read this article completely.

What exactly is this internet

There is a lot of misconception about the Internet in the minds of people. So first all these need to be cleared. For your information, let me tell you that the Internet is not a web. Nor is the Internet a cloud. The internet, on the other hand, is not a miracle at all.

Then what is this internet

It seems very easy to hear, and also easily runs in our smartphone. That’s why we probably never gave it much importance. But let me tell you that a lot of process goes behind the internet, only then do we get internet service.

So let’s understand in simple words, what is internet after all.

Internet is actually a wire or wire. To tell the truth, there are many wires which are connected to computers all over the world.

You can consider the Internet as an infrastructure or infrastructure. It is a global network of interconnected computers which are connected with each other and are also communicating together, that too in a standardized manner according to certain set protocols.

One thing I have come to realize while reading about the history of the Internet, all the new inventions we are seeing in this world started with a problem. In this way, while searching for a solution to that problem, we have invented many such things which probably would not have been possible without that problem. One such thing is the Internet.

When was the Internet invented

The Internet is such a technology that is such a valuable and ever-changing technology that it is not possible to discover or invent it by a single person. Many people have a hand in the discovery of the Internet, everyone has put their labor and time in it.

That’s why the internet service that we are getting today after so much time is the hard work of more than 40 years. Many scientists and engineers have been involved in the development of this technology. Plus, since it’s always changing, people are still working on improving it and bringing in new features.

The Internet as we know and use it today was the result of an experiment, the ARPANET, the Internet‘s precursor network.

And it all started because of a problem.

Who invented the Internet and when

There is no easy answer to this question because internet is not for making or inventing any small thing. It is also true that the military had made many early computer tech for themselves and together they had done a lot of funding for the first connection between big and giant computers, by the way, this is about 1960.

But if you want to know about the real inventions, then these are Kahn and Cerf, who invented those frameworks of the Internet, which are being used even today. He set the rules and started building the invisible infrastructure that we all rely on.

While in 1989, Berners-Lee discovered the World Wide Web. This is the same platform that we are using today to access the Internet. But one thing you have to admit that without people like ARPANET and Vinton Cerf, today’s internet would not be what it is.

Therefore, it would not be right to give full credit to any one person for the invention of the Internet, rather we should all give due status to their works. The Internet as it is today has become possible due to the hard work of all these great people.

Vint Cerf and Bob Kahn dreamed of a Global Decentralized Internet

He believed that “information should always be free for all people”, and he wanted to make the whole world a better place by using the Internet. He was against giving ownership of the Internet to any one government or country, he wanted that all the people in the whole world should have the facility to use this best technology, all should be benefited from it.

When was internet started in India

Internet services were introduced in India by Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited on August 15, 1995.

Where was the internet started in India

Internet in India was started in Kolkata. Here the first common use of the Internet was made.

When was the use of internet started in India

Internet was used for the first time in the country on 15 August 1995.

What did you learn today

I sincerely hope that I have given you complete information about who discovered the internet and I hope you have understood this very well.

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