What is Secure Sockets Layer Full Detail
What is SSL, how it works and where to buy

If you want your website or blog to be secure and you are looking for a technique for that, then this article is going to prove to be very important for you.
In this article, we are going to tell you what is such SSL and what is the benefit of using it and why is it necessary for the website, where to buy it.
After getting complete information about SSL, you will be able to understand how internet connection is kept secure as well as how you can keep your website secure.
- What is SSL
- What are the Different Types of SSL Certificate
- Types of SSL Certificates – Based on Validation Level
- Types of SSL Certificates – Based on the number of domains to protect
- How does SSL work
- Why use SSL in site? Benefits of using SSL Certificate.
- How to check if website has SSL or not
- Which SSL Certificate should I get
- How to Choose SSL Certificate Providers
- How to get SSL Certificate for website
- Where to buy SSL Certificate
- How to Install SSL Certificate
What is SSL
The full form of SSL is Secure Socket Layer.
SSL is a technology used to secure internet connection
In other words,
SSL is a technology used to establish an encrypted connection between two systems be it a web server (host) and a web browser (client) or a web server and a web server.
The data transfer between two systems connected to the Internet happens in an encrypted form. In such a situation, at the time of data transfer, if a person (hacker) intercepts the request in the middle and even sees the data, there is no harm from it because that data is in a form which he cannot understand.
If you have visited a website that starts with https:// in the address bar, then you have created a secure connection using SSL.
What are the Different Types of SSL Certificate
The use of such SSL certificates has increased significantly in the last few years.
SSL certificate is mainly used to secure the website and user’s data.
But since Google has considered SSL as a factor for the site to be ranked in search engines, the use of SSL certificates has increased significantly.
SSL certificate is mainly divided on two basis
- Validation Levels That Provide
- How many domains or subdomains do you secure
Types of SSL Certificates – Based on Validation Level
Domain validation
Organization validation
Extended validation
Domain validation
This is a basic certificate that only secures the communication between the server and the browser.
This certificate is valid for a website where no personal information is submitted by the user or which does not have a login system.
This type of certificate is used for beginner-level websites and businesses.
Organization Validated
Suitable for those who have a legitimate business whose website collects sensitive information from its users
Visually, both Domain Validated Organization Validated certificates look the same, when anyone clicks on the start pad lock, then he sees the details that the organization is valid certificate.
Extended validation
Of all the certificates, Extended Validation Certificates are the most reliable. This certificate is very expensive and it also takes some time to get it.
Before issuing this certificate, the certificate authority does business whether it is correct and safe or not and gives the certificate on the basis of that
Standard Validation Certificate gives padlock with green address bar
If the payment details or address information is entered by the user on the website, then Standard Validation SSL Certificate is best for such website.
After installing and activating this certificate for the website, the company name along with a green lock pad appears before the address of the site in the address bar of the browser.
Types of SSL Certificates – Based on the number of domains to protect

Single domain
single domain
Single certificate only secures a single website or host
If you take a single domain SSL certificate for one of your websites www.abc.com, then you cannot secure any of your subdomains such as demo.abc.com.
Wild card ssl certificate
You can also secure all the subdomains of one of your domains if you take a wildcard SSL certificate
for example
If you obtain a wildcard certificate for one of your websites, such as www.abc.com, you can access all subdomains of your site (such as demo.abc.com, tools.abc.com, blog.abc.com and hi.abc. .com etc.).
Multi-domain SSL Certificate
With one such certificate you can secure your 100 domains
This certificate protects different domains from one certificate with the help of SAN extension.
How does SSL work
SSL secures the connection between two systems connected to the Internet under a process.
SSL working steps
- First the web server sends its SSL certificate to the browser or server
- The browser checks whether the SSL certificate is correct or not. If true, sends a message to the web server.
- The web server after receiving the message sends a digitally signed acknowledgment to the browser. After which an SSL-secured session is started.
- Now the data is shared in encrypted form between the web server and the browser or the server.
Why use SSL in site Benefits of using SSL Certificate.
- Provides a secure experience to visitors or customers
- Protects customer and site internal data
- Using HTTPS in the site also benefits in Google ranking
- Encrypts browser-to-server or server-to-server communication
- Provides security to web applications and mobiles
- SSL improves customer trust
How to check if website has SSL or not
By looking at the pad lock in the browser’s address bar or the bottom status bar, you can easily know that the site is secured using an SSL certificate.
Also there is another way
Open a website in a browser and view the URL of the website if it starts with HTTPS instead of HTTP Secured using SSL certificate on the side
HTTP + SSL = HTTPS ( Here S stands for Secure)
Note: When creating a new website, the website’s address always starts with HTTP, when an SSL certificate is used, it always starts with HTTPS.
Using SSL: https://website.com
When not using SSL: http://website.com
Which SSL Certificate should I get
Always buy SSL certificate knowing your own need.
Before getting the certificate, ask yourself some questions so that you will know what kind of certificate you should get.
- How many domains do you want to protect
- do you want to gain the trust of your vistas
- What type of website do you want to secure
- Payment information is submitted on the website
- When you understand your requirement, then go through your budget and select the certificate on that basis.
How to Choose SSL Certificate Providers
There are some factors based on which one can now choose SSL certificate provider
Make sure to compare the given factors before selecting SSL Certificate Authority or Reseller
- cost
- Encryption algorithm and key length
- License Single or Unlimited
- validity
- money back guarantee
- And so on
How to get SSL Certificate for website
You can get an SSL certificate for your website from any trusted certificate authorities (CAs) or from a Certificate Authority Authorized Reseller.
To get SSL certificate from any certificate authority or reseller, you have to pay 1 year money. After this, the SSL certificate has to be renewed every year for which you have to pay.
In today’s time, there is no famous and trust certificate and a little was low
Comodo, AlphaSSL, Symantec and RapidSSL.
Where to buy SSL Certificate
Today almost all hosting company is giving free SSL i.e. if you buy hosting to create a website or blog, then you get Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate for free.
If your hosting company provides free SSL, then there is no need to buy SSL certificate separately, you can use it in all your websites now.
If the company from which you have taken your hosting is not providing or does not provide SSL for free, then you have to buy the SSL certificate from any certificate authority or reseller of the certificate authority.
SSL from certificate authority is very expensive so you can save some money by buying certificate from reseller because reseller charges less money for certificate as compared to CA.
Some of the best resellers to get an SSL certificate are as follows.
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How to Install SSL Certificate
To install SSL certificate, you have to follow some steps which are as follows
- buy ssl certificate first
- activate the certificate
- Install the certificate after activation
- Now Update Your Website to Use HTTPS
- Now the SSL certificate will be fully installed on your site.
So now you must have understood what such SSL is and how many types of SSL are there and how it works, so if you like this information then share it.
If you have any suggestion related to this information, then do tell by commenting.