What is Computer System Structure Full detail
Computer System

A computer requires both software and hardware to function properly. If said in simple language, then these two are complementary to each other. Without hardware software is useless and without software hardware is useless. Means hardware commands are given from computer software, the information about how any hardware has to work is already inserted inside the software. Many types of hardware are connected to the CPU of the computer, the system software ie operating system works to make the computer run properly by making coordination between all of them.
Computer Working System
The process of working of the computer is done in a phased manner –
Input —– Processing —– Output
For input, you use keyboard, mouse, etc. Input devices, as well as give commands or instructions to the computer through software or enter data.
This is the second part of this process, in which the command or data given by you is processed by the processor according to the information and instructions available in the software.
The third and last part is the output, based on the command given by you, the output of the processed information is given to you by the computer, which is received by the output device.
Computer Hardware Architecture
The computer has the following important parts:-
• Monitor or LCD
• keyboard
• mouse
Monitor or LCD :- Its use shows the display of all the programs of the computer. It is an output device.
Keyboard: – It is used for typing in the computer, it is an input device, we can operate the computer only through the keyboard.
Mouse: – The mouse makes the use of the computer simple, it is a remote device in a way as well as an input device.
CPU (Central Processing Unit):- This is an important part of the computer, all our data is saved, all the parts of the computer are CPU. stay connected with. Click Learn About CPU Internals.
UPS (Unitrop Power Supply):- This hardware or machine prevents the computer from shutting down directly when the power goes out, so that all our data remains safe.
All this hardware is divided into two parts-
output device
input device