What is Computer And its Introduction
Introduction to Computers

What is computer, full form of computer, names of parts of computer and who is the father of computer, if this question is in your mind, then it is only for information, you have been given complete information about who is called computer.
What is Computer
The word computer is derived from the English word “compute”, which means “calculation”, that is why it is also called calculator or computer, it was invented to calculate, in olden times the use of computer was only for calculation. But nowadays it is being used for document making, e-mail, listening and viewing audio and video, play games, database preparation as well as in many other tasks, such as in banks, educational institutions, offices Computers are being used extensively in homes, shops,
The computer only does the work that we tell it to do, that is, only it follows the commands that are already put inside the computer, it does not have the ability to think, the person who runs the computer, it The user is called, and the person who creates the program for the computer is called the programmer.
A computer requires both software and hardware to function properly. If said in simple language, then these two are complementary to each other. Without hardware software is useless and without software hardware is useless. Means hardware commands are given from computer software, the information about how any hardware has to work is already inserted inside the software. Many types of hardware are connected to the CPU of the computer, System software i.e. operating system works to make the computer run properly by making synergy between all these.
Who is the father of computer
The father of the computer is called Charles Babbage, Charles Babbage was born in London, the official language there is English, so why no word was taken from English, the reason is that the technical words of the English language are especially But is based on the ancient Greek language and Latin language, so the Latin word compute was taken for the word computer i.e. for a machine that calculates.
Full form of computer
c – usually
o – powered
M – machine
p – especially
u- used
T – technical
R – research
A computer is a machine that is usually used for technical and academic research.
Computer parts name – Computer parts name
Processor – Micro Processor.
Mother Board – Mother Board.
Memory – Memory.
Hard Disk – Hard Disk Drive.
Modem – Modem.
Sound Card – Sound Card.
Monitor – Monitor.
Keyboard Mouse – Keyboard/Mouse.