What Are Classification of Computers by Size
Types of Computer Based on Size

Since the invention of the computer, there have been changes in its size and working capacity, the computer is divided into four categories on the basis of size, super computer, mainframe computer, mini computer and micro computer, so let’s know on the basis of size. ( Classification of computer based on Size )
Types of Computer based on Size
1- Micro Computer
Microcomputers are computers that can be comfortably placed on the desk, the development of small computers occurred in the 1970s with the invention of the microprocessor, with the advent of microprocessors, it was possible to make computers cheap and small in size, these computers Also called personal computer, microcomputer includes desktop computers, laptops, palmtops, tablet PCs and workstations.
2- Mini Computer
Mini computers are larger than micro computers in size and capacity, the first mini computer was prepared in 1965, its size was equal to a refrigerator, where on the one hand personal computer i.e. micro computer. ) in a C.P.U. Whereas mini computers have more than one C.P.U. and more than one person can work simultaneously on a mini computer, they are often used by small or medium-sized companies.
3- Mainframe Computer
Mainframe computers are very large in size, mainframe computers are used as the central computer in large companies, can be interconnected with many computers in a network, in which hundreds of users simultaneously. Node.js is a software platform used in the mainframe computer.
4- Super Computer
Supercomputers are much larger, have more storage capacity and have the highest speed than all other categories of microcomputers, mini computers and mainframe computers, their size is a equal to a normal room, Supercomputers are used in research work in large scientific and research laboratories, in 1998, a supercomputer was created by C-DAC in India and named “Param-10000”, its computing capacity was 1 trillion calculations per second. What is the name of supercomputer in the world.