Review and View tab in Excel | Its Features
MS Excel Review Tab

In this lesson, we will tell you about the Review Tab of MS Excel. You can activate the Review Tab of MS Excel by pressing Alt + R from the keyboard. Or you can also use it by mouse.
The Review Tab is divided into several groups. Each group has commands related to a specific task. You can use these commands by pressing the mouse. Below we will tell you how many groups are there in the Review Tab? And what is the function of the commands available in each group.
Names of Groups of Review Tab and their Functions
There are total 3 groups in Review Tab. You can see them in the screen shot shown above. The names of these groups are Proofing, Comments and Changes respectively. Now you have become familiar with the Groups of Review Tab. Let us now know the work of each group.

Proofing In Excel
There are many useful commands related to Excel Sheet in Proofing Group. The most important command is Spelling & Grammar. By which the spelling and grammar related errors in the text written in any Excel sheet can be corrected. It also contains Thesaurus Command to find the synonyms of a word. You can also translate Sheet Data in different languages present in MS Excel through Translate Command.
Comments In Excel
If you want to type something extra about a specific word or group of words available in an Excel Sheet. So the Comment Command is used for this.
Changes In Excel
Changes Group is used to protect and share Workbooks. You can apply different protection to a workbook and the sheets available in it. And you can save your data from being changed by someone else. Any Workbook or Sheet you want to protect. In that first you have to enter the password. Once the password is set, no one can edit it without the password.
MS Excel View Tab
In this lesson, we will tell you about the View Tab of MS Excel. You can activate the View Tab of MS Excel by pressing Alt + P from the keyboard. Or you can also use it by mouse.
The View Tab is divided into several groups. Each group has commands related to a specific task. You can use these commands by pressing the mouse. Below we will tell you how many groups are there in the View Tab? And what is the function of the commands available in each group.
View Tab Groups Names and Their Functions
There are total 5 groups in the View Tab. You can see them in the screen shot shown above. These groups are named Excel book Views, Show/Hide, Zoom, Window and Macros respectively. Now you have become familiar with the Groups of View Tab. Let us now know the work of each group.

Workbook Views In Excel
The Workbook Views Group contains commands related to viewing the workbook in different styles. Through these, you can view an Excel Workbook in different ways in MS Excel itself before printing or publishing it. There are 5 types of Workbook Views available in Workbook Views. The Excel sheet is displayed in the normal way in Normal View. Workbook is shown in Page Layout View in Page Layout. In this, the workbook will show as it is after being printed. That type of Workbook appears.
That’s why it is also called Print Layout. In Full Screen View, the workbook is shown on the entire computer screen. Side Space and Tabs etc. remain hidden in this view. While printing the sheet in Page Break Preview View, from where the new page will start. He is seen through this view. In Custom View, you can do Display Settings according to you. And you can give it any name. When you set this view. So you can see Excel Sheets in this View anytime.
Show/Hide In Excel
There are many tools related to Workbook in Show/Hide Group. In this you will find mainly 5 tools. The first tool is Ruler, which is enabled by clicking on the box next to it. On enabling it, Ruler is installed in the workbook. With which you can see and change the Margins of the Workbook. The second tool is Grid lines. Grid lines are shown in the MS Excel sheet when it is enabled. And on unticking it, the grid lines are removed from the sheet. And the sheet becomes like a Word document. The third tool is the Formula Bar in it. It is used to Hide/Unhide the Formula Bar in Excel Workbook.
On ticking it, the Formula Bar is shown below the Tab Ribbon. And on unticking it, the Formula Bar gets hidden. The fourth tool is Headings. It is used to Hide/Unhide Sheet Headings. Headings are shown in the Excel Sheet by ticking it. And on Untick it, Headings gets hidden. There is a message bar. It is used in Excel to alert the user to potential dangers. If MS Office finds any potential threat in your content. So it shows us the message in Automatic Excel Window.
Zoom In Excel
The commands available in the Zoom Group are used to view the sheet at different zoom levels. Through the commands available in it, you can see the workbooks by enlarging or shrinking according to your own. Or you can also zoom the selected cells through Zoom Selection.
Window In Excel
If you work on more than one Excel Workbook at a time. So Window Group is made for you only. Through this you control the Open Excel Windows. You can go to another window while working in one workbook. And from this you can go to any other workbook. Or you can show two Workbooks simultaneously on Desktop. By splitting the window, you can see it in many parts. And if you want, you can also hide it. The most useful command in Window Group is Freeze Panes. Through this you can stop a Row, Column or Selected Area at one place. When you scroll the window up and down. Even then these Freeze Row, Column are at the same place.
Macros In Excel
You are working on a project. And some information in it is going to be of use to you again and again. So the work of Macros starts from here. If you have to use any one information repeatedly. So by recording the macro of that information, once you write it, you can use that information without writing. We connect Macro with keyboard shortcut. And when we have to write that information. So we just have to press that shortcut from the keyboard. And all the information is written automatically.
What have you learned
In this lesson, we have told you in detail about the Review Tab and View Tab of MS Excel. You have also learned about the work of each group available in Review Tab and View Tab. We hope that you will be able to use View Tab easily after reading this lesson. And this lesson will prove useful for you.