How To Use Insert Tab In MS PowerPoint
MS PowerPoint Insert Tab

In this lesson, we will tell you about the Insert Tab of MS PowerPoint. You can activate the Insert Tab of MS PowerPoint by pressing Alt + N from the keyboard. Or you can also use it by mouse.
The Insert Tab is divided into several groups. Each group has commands related to a specific task. You can use these commands by pressing the mouse. Below we will tell you how many groups are there in the Insert Tab? And what is the function of the commands available in each group.
Insert Tab Groups Names and Their Functions
There are total 5 groups in the Insert Tab. You can see them in the screen shot shown above. The names of these groups are Tables, Illustrations, Links, Text and Media Clips respectively. Now you have become familiar with the Groups of Insert Tab. Let us now know the work of each group.

Table In PowerPoint
Table Groups are used to insert tables in PowerPoint presentations. There are many options available in this group related to table insertion. You can insert the table by writing the number of Columns and Rows. Or you can also draw a table for yourself. If you want, you can insert Excel Spreadsheets in PowerPoint Presentations.
Illustrations In PowerPoint
The commands available in the Illustrations Group are used to insert graphics in PowerPoint Presentations. You can insert in different types of Graphics Slides by the commands available in Illustrations Group. You can insert Pictures, Clip Art, Photo Album, Shapes, Charts etc in Slides.
Links In PowerPoint
If you want to Insert Link in PowerPoint Presentations. So for this the commands available in Links Group are used. You can insert 2 types of links in PowerPoint Presentations. Simple Links (Hyperlink), other Action Link. Actions by Mouse Click and Mouse Hover over a particular word in Slides are defined by Action Link.
Text In PowerPoint
The commands available in the Text Group are used to insert different types of text in PowerPoint Presentations. You can insert Text Box, WordArt, Date & Time Slide Number etc in Text Slides. You Header & Footer Commands are used to insert Header and Footer in Presentation. You can put things like Date, Slide No, etc. as Header & Footer. If you want, you can also insert your own name in Header & Footer. Apart from these, you can also insert Symbols in Slides. For this Symbol Command is used.
Media Clips In PowerPoint
There are two commands in Media Clips Group. Animated Clip Arts are inserted in PowerPoint Presentations through the first Command Movie. And the audio file is inserted through the second command sound.
What have you learned ?
In this lesson, we have told you in detail about the Insert Tab of MS PowerPoint. You have also learned about the function of each group available in the Insert Tab. We hope that you will be able to use Insert Tab easily after reading this lesson. And this Lesson will prove useful for you.