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How Old is The Windows XP Operating System | HARTRON EXAM

How Old is The Windows XP Operating System

What is the operating system

How Old is The Windows XP Operating System
How Old is The Windows XP Operating System

If you are given a computer from the market without Windows installed, will you be able to run it, your answer will be no and that is because it does not have an operating system or operating system, so let us know what happens to this operating system –

What is operating system?

In true words, without the operating system, the computer is nothing more than a tin box, the operating system is the only means with the help of which we can reach our point to the computer hardware or give commands to the hardware. The operating system acts as a bridge between the hardware and us, the users. Due to the operating system, you can type a letter on the keyboard and print it out from the printer. That is, the better the operating system, the less tension you have.

The operating system keeps a complete account of users, hardware, programs ie software. That is, you can do the same work with it, whose facility is given in it, to take other work from it, you have to install the program ie software as per your convenience in the operating system. For example, MS Office for letter typing and office related work or browser for using internet, in addition audio and video player for playing videos and audios.

what is windows xp

It is such a system, which helps us to operate the computer easily. That’s why we call it operating system. The Microsoft company named the operating system created by it as Windows, many versions of which are available in the market, one of which is Windows XP. Although Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8 are also available in the market after Windows XP, but even after almost 12 years, Windows XP continues to dominate.

Microsoft released Windows XP in October 2001, which changed the face of modern computing, it was very easy to operate, and it worked smoothly with all types of hardware and software, due to these features of Windows XP. Since then, people have made a different place in their hearts and even today it is the most popular operating system of Microsoft.

End of windows xp

Microsoft has announced to end its support from April 08, 2014, so will it be the end of Windows XP, many people have asked whether Windows XP will end on their computer, it is not so, actually people who Take online support, or update from Windows, only it will expire, if your computer has Windows XP, it will continue to work properly, provided you keep a good antivirus, Microsoft behind this plan only Windows 7 and 8 has to be brought among the people.

If you want a cheap alternative to Windows XP, you can look at Linux Ubuntu 13.10.

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