Home Tab and Insert Tab in Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Excel Home Tab

Tools have been set in many places to create a sheet in MS Excel and to edit text. These places are called Tabs. You also know them by the name of Menu. In this tutorial, we will tell you about the Home Tab of MS Excel.
You can also activate its tools by pressing Alt + H on the Home Tab of MS Excel from the keyboard. Or you can also use it by mouse. By Default in MS Excel, the buttons of this tab remain open.
The Home Tab of MS Excel is divided into several groups. Each group has Buttons/Commands related to a specific task. You can use these buttons by pressing them with the mouse. Below we will tell you how many groups are there in the Home Tab? And what is the function of the tools available in each group?
Home Tab Groups Names and Their Functions
There are total 7 groups in the Home Tab of MS Excel. You can see them in the screen shot shown above. The names of these groups are Clipboard, Font, Alignment, Number, Styles, Cells and Editing respectively. Now you have become familiar with the Groups of Home Tab. Let us now know the work of each group.

Clipboard In Excel
Clipboard is a temporary storage. In which the data copied or cut by you is saved. Unless you paste this data somewhere. Till then that data remains in the Excel Clipboard. When your system is turned off, Save Data in Clipboard also automatically becomes Empty. So as long as your system is running. Till then only you can use Save Data in Clipboard.
Font In Excel
You do the formatting of the data through the commands available in Font Group. In this you are given commands to change Font Family, Font Size, Font Style etc. Through these commands, you can format the data of any MS Excel sheet according to you.
Alignment In Excel
There are commands related to writing text in the Alignment Group. Through these commands, you can give Left, Right, Center Alignment to the text written in the cell. If you want to see the whole text in a single cell. So for this Wrap Text Command is used. And your text is being written in more than one cell. So you can make them a cell by Merge & Center Command. With this, all the cells will become a single cell. Apart from these, you can also change the orientation of the cell data. Orientation Command is used for this.
Number In Excel
There are commands to format the numbers in this group. You can show numbers in cells in different formats: General, Date Format, Accounting, Percentage, etc., through the commands available in Number Group. Apart from this, you can also show Decimal Format in Cells. Meaning how many Zero’s do you want to see after the point.
Styles In Excel
Styles are applied in workbooks through this command. In the Styles Command, there are some ready-made Table and Cell Styles. Font, Font Size, Font Color, Headings etc. are already set in these. Whichever style you want to use. You can select it from here and use it for your data. If you want, you can also create your own Custom Style for Table or Cell.
Cells In Excel
There are three commands in the Cells Group. Insert Command is used to insert Row, Column, Sheet and Table in Excel Sheet. You can insert Row, Column, Table, Sheet anywhere in the sheet through this command. To delete the Selected Row, Column, Table, Sheet by Delete Command. And Format Command is used to edit Row, Cell, Sheet. You can set Height, Width of any Row, Cell through Format Command. If you want, you can also hide them. And you can also put a password in the sheet.
Editing In Excel
There are 5 commands in Edit Group. Through Auto Sum Command, you can see Sum, Average, Number, Maximum and Minimum Value etc. of the data available in the selected cell. Through Fill Command, you can fill the data available in the nearest cell to Left, Right, Up and Down. Clear command is used to erase cell data. If you want, you can clear only Cell Formatting, Comment, or Content. The Sort & Filter command is used to sort the data into different formats. And through Find & Select Command, any word/sentence available in MS Excel Sheet is searched. With Replace Command, you can write any other word in place of any word available in MS Excel Sheet.You have to change the word only once, and in place of that word another word is written. And the text available in the document can be selected simultaneously through the Select Command.
MS Excel Insert Tab
In this lesson, we will tell you about the Insert Tab of MS Excel. You can activate the Insert Tab of MS Excel by pressing Alt + N from the keyboard. Or you can also use it by mouse.
The Insert Tab is divided into several groups. Each group has commands related to a specific task. You can use these commands by pressing the mouse. Below we will tell you how many groups are there in the Insert Tab? And what is the function of the commands available in each group.
Insert Tab Groups Names and Their Functions
There are total 5 groups in the Insert Tab. You can see them in the screen shot shown above. The names of these groups are Tables, Illustrations, Charts, Links and Text respectively. Now you have become familiar with the Groups of Insert Tab. Let us now know the work of each group.

Tables in MS Excel
Table Group is used to insert Table in Excel Sheets. In this group, you have to provide many options related to the table. When you insert Table. So after this the Design Tab opens. You can design the table by the commands available in this tab. You can also insert Pivot Table in Sheets.
Illustrations in MS Excel
The commands available in the Illustrations Group are used to insert Graphics in Excel Sheets. You can insert into different types of graphics sheets by the commands available in the Illustrations Group. You can use Pictures, Clip Art, Ready-made Shapes, SmartArt etc. in Sheets.
Charts in MS Excel
You can convert Excel data into different Chars by the commands available in Charts Group. For this, all you have to do is take the charts of your choice. And your data will change in that chart. In Excel, you can insert types of charts like Pie, Bar, Line, Scatter etc.
Links in MS Excel
Commands available in Links Group are used to insert links in Excel Sheets.
Text in MS Excel
Different types of text can be inserted in Excel Sheets by the commands available in Text Group. You can apply Text Box, WordArt etc. Text Styles through these commands. Header & Footer is also inserted from this group in Excel Sheets. You can also insert Symbols and other Objects in Excel Sheets from here.
What have you learned?
In this lesson, we have told you in detail about Home Tab and Insert Tab of MS Excel. You have also learned about the work of each group available in Home Tab and Insert Tab. We hope that you will be able to use Insert Tab easily after reading this lesson. And this Lesson will prove useful for you.