Generations of Computer
Computer generation
A computer is a really amazing machine. Computers are classified into different generations. :-The classification of computers according to the time period is given below.Generations of Computer
- 1)First generation computers (1945 to 1956)
- 2)Second Generation Computers (1956 to 1963)
- 3)Third Generation Computers (1964 to 1971)
- 4)Fourth Generation Computer (1971 to present)
- 5)Fifth generation computers (present to present)
1) First generation computers (1945 to 1956)

:-In 1946, two engineers from the University of Pennsylvania named Professor Eckert and John. He built the first digital computer. In which he used a vacuum tube. He named his new discovery Enik (ENIAC). :-The computer had about 18,000 vacuum tubes, 70,000 registers and about five million joints. This computer was like a very heavy machine. Which required about 160 kW of electrical energy to run.)
2) Second Generation Computers (1956 to 1963)

:-The discovery of transistors in 1948 played an important role in the development of computers. Now the vacuum tube was replaced by transistors which were used to make radio, television, computer etc. :-As a result, the size of the machines was reduced. :-The use of transistors in the manufacture of computers made computers more energy efficient, faster and more reliable. Computers of this generation were expensive.In second-generation computers, machine languages were replaced by assembly languages. In assembly languages, brief programming codes were written instead of hard binary code.)
3) Three Generation Computers (1964 to 1975)

:-Although the vacuum tube was replaced by the transistor, its use produced a large amount of energy that was harmful to the internal organs of the computer. In 1958 Jack Kilbey built IC (integrated cercuit). :-So that scientists absorbed more and more components of the computer onto a single chip, called a semiconductor. As a result, the computer became faster and smaller.)
4) Fourth Generation Computer (1971 to present)

:-Fourth generation computers In 1971, a large amount of circuits were incorporated on a single chip. LSI (very large scale integrated circuit) VLSI (very large scale integrated circuit) ULSI (very large scale integrated circuit) contained a large amount of circuits on a single chip. :-The first microcomputer Altair 8000 was introduced in 1975. :-In 1981 IBM introduced a personal computer which is used in home, office and school. Laptops were manufactured in fourth generation computers. Which was similar in shape to the brifcase. constructed of plamtop which could be kept in pocket.)
5) Fifth Generation Computers (from present to present)

:-Defining the computer of the fifth generation will be somewhat difficult. :-This generation is similar to the HAL 9000 described in the novel A Space Odyssey written by computer writer C Clarke. These will be real-life computers with artificial intelligence. It will be built using modern technology and science, in which a single CPU will be created. :-Will be replaced by parallel processing.And in this, semiconductor technology will be used in which there will be a flow of electricity without any resistance, which will increase the speed of flow of information.)
what is Computer ?
:-(Commonly Operated Machine Particularly Used for Technology Education and Research)
Today’s era is computer era. Life is incomplete without a computer. What is a computer? You all know what a computer is, but there are many things about it that you do not know if you know what the Hindi name of a computer is. Come on, you don’t know, so I’ll tell you – computer. Today you will know all the essential things of computer. A computer is an electronic machine or device.Which saves our important data by accepting our instructions as input, it is also called data repository or storage device, its speed is very fast and it never makes any mistake in its work. Can also calculate multiple types simultaneously.
The computer was invented to calculate.
But nowadays it is being used in every area of our life.
Let’s know the features of computer
Fast Speed – You all will know that computer can do calculations at very fast speed. A computer can do millions of calculations simultaneously in a second. The speed of a computer’s processor is measured by hertz.
The computer acts as an automatic device. Once the user gives instructions to the computer, then the computer does all the work automatically,Then he does not need to tell anything or give instructions and during this time the possibility of human intervention is very less. It performs its job well.
Computer does not make mistakes
A computer can perform errorless calculations very fast. If the computer user does not make a mistake while giving instructions in the computer, then the computer corrects all the calculations. If an error is found while calculating. So it is not your computer’s fault, it is your fault.
Computer also has privacy
There is an option in a computer using which any person can keep their private data safe in the computer. No other person can see him nor find him. You can do all this using a password.
Computer can store anything
In computer – many information and data can be stored. You can save all the data in it. We can collect data and information in many ways. :-Some of them are external and some are internal. Like, in today’s time, expandable hard disk is also being used in computer RAM, you can save your important data in ROM.
Importance of computer in our life
All of you know that today computers have an important place in the whole world. In today’s time, the use of computers everywhere is increasing everywhere, whether it is educational institute or scientific research, computer has become very important. You will also see in big hospitals and nowadays its popularity is increasing among the children, its use also entertains the children and it is also helpful in their reading.