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Electronic mail (E-mail) Part-20 | HARTRON EXAM

Electronic mail (E-mail) Part-20

Electronic mail (E-mail)

You can send messages or files anywhere through a computer network via electronic mail or (email). It is one of the early and Gul service of the Internet, through which scientists and researchers located in remote places and connected with the people involved in government schemes were immediately connected. Today email is becoming very popular. 1 as a primary communication system through which personal and business information can be easily exchanged.If email programs such as Outlook Express, Hotmail, or Gmail are used, you can create, send or receive messages, forward, store, print and delete them.(Electronic mail)

Electronic mail (E-mail)
Electronic mail (E-mail)

This message or messages can be careful text or an attachment to a word processing document, as well as graphics messages can be sent or audio, video clips can be sent.If you are sometimes working in another application, most email programs provide a separate mail notification that alerts you via message or sound when you receive new mail. As soon as your mail arrives it is placed in your mail box. Computers often have a storage location that connects you to the Internet — such as a server that is operated by your ISP and connects you to a mail box. This server is also often called mail server and contains mail boxes.(Electronic mail)

Most ISPS provide an Internet email program and a mail server with a mail box which is a part of their Internet access services. When you connect to the website and set up an email account, you get a special email address and a password, from which you get web based email programs provided by some websites. Instead of sending elephant mail messages, the side provides the convenience of sending online invitations and greetings.
(Electronic mail)

There is also a server on these websites which can send your control messages and greetings etc.When you send an email message, a program on the mail server determines the route Internet of your message and then sends it. When your message reaches the recipient’s mail server, the message is transferred to the POP or pop3 server. POP (Post Office Protocol) is a communication technology by which email can be retrieved from a mail server. The POP server keeps that message until the recipient retrieves it from their email software.(Electronic mail) What is internet

Benefits of email


There is no better way to send, exchange or receive your message immediately. An email can reach the world in a few minutes.(Electronic mail)


There is no cost to send or receive email. As soon as you paid for your internet connection, the cost of sending email is also included in that. Apart from this, there is no need to pay even a single penny to send your long messages.(Electronic mail)


An email message can be sent anywhere at any time. It is also not necessary that the recipient of your email is sitting on your computer as is necessary for a telephone call. Your email service will be stored in the provider and will be able to receive it when it receives it. But you should check your email message score daily. Also we should not think that the recipient of our email will read it immediately.(Electronic mail) What is internet

How to Win Information in Computer

How to Win Information in Computer
How to Win Information in Computer

The computer should have a set of rules or rules that determine how to send information. This manual or set of rules is called a protocol. The most important protocol on the net is the Internet Protocol or IP. It decides that information sent to computers, servers and routers is broken into packets of data.When a message is sent from one computer to another via the Internet, it is divided into small pieces called packets. Each packet has a destination computer address. The pieces of messages are then merged into full email messages when she arrives at the desired computer.(Electronic mail)

E-mail address

An email address is a combination of the user (user) name and the domain name that identifies the user on whom he or she receives the message. Your user name is a second coordinate of some characters that make up your identity and which should be different from other user names available in the same main server.
Your username is a group of 8 characters or letters that is usually formed by a combination of your first and last name — such as the initials of your first name and the addition of your last name. You can choose a special nickname or group of letters for your username if you want, but others have little difficulty in remembering such a username.

Email address parts

Email address parts
Email address parts

An email address has 2 parts separated by an @ (‘at’) sign.
An example of of an internet email address. Sometimes, the underscore character separates sections of the user’s name; for example, [email protected].
After all, some characters in an e-mail address are usually the identity of the organization or country where the person is.

Choose an email address

As soon as you want to open an account, Sarwar will give you the opportunity to choose a user name. But your user name should not be chosen by someone else. So it would be better to do a second combination of numbers and letters for this name. For example, a username is Manya Minhas whose domain name of the server is, m_Minhas will choose its user name. But if no m_Minhas in, (suppose for Mona Minhas) already exists Manya would then need to hear another name — such as Manyaminhas or Manya-minhas. Most users choose the username by adding the first and last name so that others can remember it easily – although ‘(nickname) or other combinations can also be used.
Use of any comma spaces or brackets in an email address is forbidden, although hyphens and underscores may be used.

Part of an email message

Part of an email message
Part of an email message

When you are writing an email message, you have to work with different parts of the message like Form:, To:, Cc:, Bcc: and Subject: etc.(Electronic mail)


The email address of the person sending the email will be written in this section.


In this part, the email address of the person who receives the email will be written.(Electronic mail)


CC means carbon copy. This is a copy of the message. In this section, the email address of the person will be written which is not directly related to this behavior, but you would like that he also get a copy of the message.


BCC means blind carbon copy. If you want to send a copy of this message to many people and they do not know that the same copy is being sent to others, you can do this with the help of using BCC.(Electronic mail)


In this part, a better abbreviation of your email address is written. For example, if you are sending your resume in email, then you will write the resume in the subject section.

Message making

To write a message, you should do the following.(Electronic mail)

Manner of writing

Manner of writing
Manner of writing

You should ensure that your message is clear, concise and there are no spellings or spelling errors. And also make sure that there is no misinterpretation of your message.(Electronic mail)



This special character called Smiles (given on the left hand side) can do this to show the emotion (emotions) in his message. This character meets the human mouth if you see it in crooked form.(Electronic mail)


These are commonly used in messages to save time while typing.
E.g. FAQ. = Frequently asked questions
BTW = By the way


If a message is written in capital letters, it is difficult to read and irritability also occurs, it is called shooting.
Always use upper and lower case letters whenever you type the message.
(Electronic mail) What is internet


You can add a notification about yourself at the end of every message sent by the email program. This is called signature. This will not require you to write the same information again and again. As a signature, you can use your name, email address, business, or someone you love (Quotation) at the end of the email.(Electronic mail) What is internet

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