Electronic mail (E-mail) Part-20-A-Send email message
Send email message
A mail message can be sent for information exchange or idea exchange. But it is wrong to understand that the message will be read as soon as it is sent. People do not check their messages every day so they can send your message quickly.(E-mail)

Write a message to shut down the Internet:
When you are writing an email message, make sure that you are not connected to any internet. When you have written the entire message, then add the connection and send all the messages at once. Because you will not have to pay any money in writing the message, thus you can save a lot of money.(E-mail)
Use Address Book:
The address book is provided with most email programs. You can note the email addresses of the people to whom you often send e-mails or would like to send. With this topic you will not have to type the address again and time will also be saved.(E-mail)
Bossed Message:
The message you get back because it could not reach the destination is called a bounced or returned message. Usually this happens when you have made a mistake in writing the email address. So before sending the message, you must check the email address.
Attach Message:
You can send any document, picture, sound, video or program by adding it with your message. But the computer receiving it should have a program in which you can open and view that attached message.(E-mail)
Email virus

Most suspicious messages spread the virus. These viruses are associated with the file. If the virus spreads, it should be stopped immediately. But a text mail that does not have some attachments does not contain a virus.(E-mail)
What is a virus?
Virus in this context means a deadly computer program which can be dangerous to your files (secure scolding / messages etc.). It can negatively invade your computer that you do not know and the computer’s working goes awry.Virus gets into your computer in three basic ways: (i) By opening the file associated with this virus
(ii) Running a program involving a virus
(iii) If you have a floppy disk with a virus in your floppy drive and boot the computer from it.
Virus is often a common source. The attached files that come with the e-mail may be carriers of the virus. Therefore, before opening any file related to any email, make sure that it has come from your trusted source. If an e-mail has come to you from an unknown source, delete it immediately without opening it.(E-mail)
How does a virus get into the computer?
A virus program is created by a programmer. The virus is hidden in the world document and the word document is attached to an email message. Internet is used to send emails all over the world, that too in millions. Remember this as a precaution:
- Once the attachment is opened, a virus will appear in your computer.
- Immediately erase the email message when the sender’s name is not recognized. If the user does this then the virus will not be able to get into his computer.
How does the virus spread through email messages ?: The virus spreads to the computer when a virus-bound email attachment is opened. If you forward that attachment to others, then the virus in their computer will be affected when they open that attachment. Many e-mail viruses can also reach your address book and thus the number of people who have files in the address book, the virus will spread to all of them.(E-mail)
Key features of email

The main features of the email are described below:(E-mail)
Receiving Message:
It is not necessary to get the message that the person concerned is sitting on their computer. The service provider saves all the messages until it is retrieved or accepted. These messages should be checked regularly. You can get your message connected to your service provider again by connecting your computer to the modem. This means that you can receive messages wherever you are.(E-mail)
Replying to message:
You can also reply to a question by message or provide additional information about the subject.
When you reply to a message, it is important to include part of the original message. Where does it go to Kavotting. The task of capturing is that the questionnaire knows immediately which message he has responded to. In the answer, you can delete the part of the original message that does not belong to your answer. In this way, you can also save time receiving messages.(E-mail)
Message forward:
When you receive the message and you want to add some thoughts to it, you can also forward it to the desired destination.
Print the message:
You can print the message and get a paper copy of it.
Message arranging:
Often email programs store the message that you have sent, received, or deleted. You can keep them in separate folders. In this way, you can organize the sorry messages and revise them later.You can keep your messages in personalized folders in a more systematic way.You can also delete these systematic messages regularly which may not be of any use to you.(E-mail)
Some other email features

Some email programs also have additional features through which you can do many things besides sending or receiving messages. With their help, you can be more organized and can use other internet. Your email programs can also talk to you.(E-mail)
Automatic replies:
Some email programs also have a provision to automatically reply to your messages when you are out. This feature is for example called the Order of Office Assistant in Microsoft Outlook. It is used a lot because people taking information about you through it will automatically get information about your return.
To be settled:
Sometimes an email program has a variety of features so that you can organize yourself more – such as a calendar, an address book and a way to create a list. The programs that make you more organized are also called PIM or personal information managers.(E-mail)
Speaking email:
If you have the right equipment, your computer can also talk to you. For this, you need a talking email program which will download and read messages to you after downloading.(E-mail)
Talk to your computer:
With some programs, such as Microsoft World 2003, you can also communicate with your computer. Such programs are called speech recognition programs. You can also dictate your email message, letter or other document through this.
Some ways to write good emails

At the time of sending messages through e-mail, it would be good to follow some rules or rules. These are given below.
- There should be a subject line in your message which explains your intention. For example, can you send your CD? Better play with send CD.
- Your message should be more simple and the original meaning should be centered or to the point. Your message should be a short note and not a complete history.
- The message should never be sent in CAPITAL LETTERS. Such messages are considered shouting in the language of e-mail.
- Send your message immediately by writing – even before you recognize your silly mistakes. Some e-mail programs allow you to use spelling checks. Alternatively, type the message in a word processing program, then check the spelling and copy it and test it on a new email message window.(E-mail)
- When you are remarking something funny, use smileys because on the telephone you can express funny tone by your voice, but by not using smileys in email people may misunderstand you.
- Because most email programs do not include bold ya italic’letters and they do not even show them, it is better not to use them.
- Email is not always private or private and the message sometimes reaches the wrong person. Therefore write them carefully and intelligently.
- Try to reply to the email as soon as possible. Letters are answered a few days later, but if the e-mail is not answered in 1 day, people can become angry.
- On ‘snail mail’ we get the time to reply with thinking but you can reply immediately on the email and later sorry what can be typed. Rude and angry messages in email language are called Flame. Therefore, the message should be answered with full caution and discretion.(E-mail)
- When you send a reply or forward a message, do not automatically include the original original message. Also try to edit the message first.