Ctrl+ A to Z Keyboard Shortcut | Full Detail
A to Z Computer Keyboard shortcut keys

Whenever we work in the computer, we want our work to be completed as soon as possible and we want it to take less time to work, but for this we need to be the master of the computer and we need to know the shortcut keys of the computer. And we should have complete knowledge of them, with the help of which we can complete our work as quickly as possible with the help of keyboard shortcut keys, let us know the shortcut keys up to A to Z with control –
A to Z Computer Keyboard shortcut keys
Ctrl + A = (Select all) to select the entire text
Ctrl + B = (Bold) To make the selected text bold
Ctrl + C = (Copy) To copy the selected text
Ctrl + D = (Font) to open Font Window
Ctrl + E = (Center) To center the text
Ctrl + F = (Find) to find a word (Find)
Ctrl + G = (Go To) To go directly to a line or page
Ctrl + H = (Replace) to replace a word
Ctrl + I = (Italic) Text to Italic
Ctrl + J = (Justified) To justify the text
Ctrl + K = (Hyperlink) To go to Insert hyperlink
Ctrl + L = (Left align) To bring the text to the left
Ctrl + M = (Indent) Increase indent
Ctrl + N = (New) To open New File
Ctrl + O = (Open) To open a file
Ctrl + P = (Print) To print the document
Ctrl + Q = Remove paragraph formatting
Ctrl + R = (Right Align, Reload) To bring the text to the right and to reload the Internet page
Ctrl + S = (Save) To save the document
Ctrl + T = (New Tab, hanging indent) To open a new tab in Internet browser and to create hanging indent
Ctrl + U = (Underline) To underline the text
Ctrl + V = (Paste) To paste the copied/cut text
Ctrl + W = (Close) To close an open window
Ctrl + X = (Cut) To cut the text
Ctrl + Y = (Redo) Redo
Ctrl + Z = (Undo) Undo.