3 Easy Ways – To Add Bullet Points in Excel
Haw To Add Bullet Points in Excel

Bullets are great for keeping your information organized, especially if you have a lot of text lists in your spreadsheet.
But, unlike most word processors, Excel does not have a button to add bullets. Although this seems like a very simple thing, Microsoft ignored it in all its versions to include it.
This does not mean that you cannot add bullet points in MS Excel. You just have to know how to do it.
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Today I will tell you about its 3 ways how you can easily add bullet points.
So what is the delay, immediately open a new spreadsheet and learn how bullet points are added!
1) Add Bullets With Keyboard Shortcut
Keyboard shortcuts are the easiest way to add bullet points to your spreadsheet list.
First of all, you have to type your list. After that double click on the cell in which you have to add bullet points. You can also press the F2 key key from the keyboard by activating that cell.
Then, press these keys from the keyboard for the bullet –
Alt + Numpad 7
Alt + Numpad 9
7 gets solid fill bullet, while 9 gets unfilled bullet.

If you want to type this bullet list in the same cell, then you have to press Alt + Enter from the keyboard to move to another line in the same cell.

To add another bullet to your list, press Alt + Enter to move to another line in the same cell, then press the shortcut for the second bullet.
2) Using the Symbol
Nowadays, many keyboards do not have a number pad. So this second method is for users who do not have this number pad in their keyboard or who do not want to use these AutoHotKey. They can manually add bullets.
Now once again double click in the cell.
From the Insert tab and click on the Symbol button.
Now the Symbol window will open. From here, select the icon you want to use as a bullet.
Now click on the Insert button and close the window of this Symbol.
Now you have a bullet in your cell!
To get a new line again, press Alt + Enter from the keyboard.

To save you some time, type the number 2022 in the character code box to move quickly to the bullet. As shown in the square in the above image.

That way you won’t have to scroll until you find it.
3) Copy Bulleted List
Another easy method you can use. And that is you type your bulleted list in the first word.
Then from there, you can copy this list and paste it into Excel.

Now as you can see in the image above, I have pasted the copied list of words in Excel in two ways.
If you paste this list directly in access, then this list will be pasted in different cells in the same row.
The same if you double-click in a cell, and then paste, the whole list will come with a bullet in the same cell.
Friends, there are three simple ways that you can help to keep your Excel data organized.
Which method did you like? Please tell in the comments below.