What is Web Browser-Internet Full Details
Learn Free Internet Tutorial 02 Full Details

You are reading this article on a web browser only. Which is installed in your computer or mobile phone. Through a web browser, you are able to read the information on the Internet. (Web Browser)
But, have you ever thought? What is a web browser? How does the browser work? What is the working mechanism of web browser? What is the definition of a browser? What are the functions in a browser?
If, you have also come here to know the answers to the above-written questions related to Web Browser, then you will not be disappointed. Because this article has been written for you only. In this article, we are giving you complete information about web browser.
For ease of understanding the Internet browser topic, it has been divided into the following parts. Click on the question you want to know the answer of. You will reach there. (Web Browser)
- What is web browser?
- web browser history
- How does a browser work?
- Some Major Browsers – Best Internet Browsers
- what have you learned?
What is Web Browser
A web browser is a computer program that locates and translates web pages on the Internet into human language for users. The information contained in these webpages includes graphics, multimedia, web programs and simple text. A browser fetches data from webpages based on web standards. Google Chrome is a popular web browser.
If it is put in more simple words, then browsers do the work of translating the websites on the Internet.
Many types of information are available on a website, which is read by the browser and displayed in front of the user in an understandable language. Because many languages are used to create these websites, which a common user does not understand.
Web resources available on the web are written in Hypertext Markup Language (HTML). The browser reads this code, then we are able to see, hear and read the content on the web. (Web Browser)
History of Web Browsers

It’s about the 90s. When Mr. Tim Berners Lee was working on a system for sharing information on a computer. He made this task easy through Hyperlinks. Hyperlink is a command of HTML language.
He created the HTML language to get the information present on one computer on another computer. HTML is written in special commands. These special commands are known as “HTML Tags”. (Web Browser)
Now the problem was that not everyone could understand these tags. Then he made a program that understood HTML tags.
This program read only HTML tags and displayed the information in front of the users. This made it much easier to share and read information.
Tim Berners Lee named this program “Browser”. Which today we also know as Web Browser. In this way the world’s first browser was ready in the year 1991. The name of the first web browser was “WWW”. WWW means World Wide Web.
How Browser Works
What is the working mechanism of the browser.
Location (a simple computer) or address (the name of this computer) is needed to connect to the content on the Internet.
This location or address is known as URL. The full form of URL is Uniform Resource Location.
Any URL has two parts. The first part is Protocols (standards for exchanging information between computers) and the second part is the Domain Name.
We can access these URLs through the browser. The content on these URLs is in the form of HTML document or webpage.
These documents are written by special HTML commands. Browsers read and interpret these Special Commands (HTML Tags) and then display the information in front of us ie users. (Web Browser)
Thus we can say that the browser first goes to the web address. Then reads and understands the content on that web address. After that it reaches the users.
The functionality of all browsers is the same. Because the data rendering engines in browsers fetch web resources based on certain web standards. Therefore, the web maintains a uniformity.
Hence, tutorialpandit.com looks the same in your mobile phone and our mobile phone. (Web Browser)
Some Main Web Browsers – Best Internet Browsers Name
1 Google Chrome
Google Chrome browser is also known simply as Chrome. Chrome is the first choice of internet users. This popular web browser is made by Google.
Google launched the Chrome browser in 2008. It is a fast and simple browser. Chrome browser is available for Windows, Linux, Mac OS and mobile platforms for Android, Windows Phone and iPhone.
Chrome Browser supports more than 50 languages.
2 Mozilla Firefox
Mozilla Firefox Browser is a very popular browser among desktop users. We know Mozilla Firefox Browser more than the name of Firefox.
This browser has been made jointly by Mozilla Foundation and its subsidiary company Mozilla Corporation. Firefox is an open source web browser. And is also User Friendly. (Web Browser)
Firefox has been developed for Windows, Linux, Android OS. Mobile version of Firefox is also available. But, the popularity of Firefox on mobile is less.
3 Internet Explorer
The web browser made by Microsoft is the default browser of users using Windows OS. It is also known simply as IE.
IE Browser is considered a Secure & Fast Browser. It was launched in 1995 for Windows users. It is one of the earliest web browsers.
Microsoft Edge, an advanced version of Internet Explorer, has also been launched. That is, now there are two browsers of Microsoft for the users.
4 Safari Browser
Apple Inc., the company that made Safari browser for iPhone. Created by. This browser is available for Mac OS and Windows OS. Its popularity is not much. But, it is a very popular browser among Mac users. (Web Browser)
5 Opera Browser
Opera browser is also a very old browser. This browser is made by Opera Software. Opera was launched in the year 1995. Opera browser is available in more than 40 languages.
This browser has been developed for Windows, Linux, Mac OS. Opera is also available for mobile users. But, its Mini Version ie Opera Mini Browser is more popular among mobile users.
What have you learned?
In this article, we have given you complete information about Web Browser. Do you know what a browser is? How does the browser work? You also know the history of the browser. (Web Browser)
Apart from this, we have also told you about some popular internet browsers. We hope you liked this article and found it useful to you?
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