What is URL its complete information
What is URL (Uniform Resource Locator)

Are you ready to teach something new, friends, do you want to know what is URL – (What is URL) and what is its full form? then this post is very beneficial for you.
Friends, I welcome you to Rk HE Blog, friends, I hope you are healthy and safe. Today I am present for you with information about URL. In today’s blog post, we will know what is URL? What are its parts and what is the difference between IP address and URL. So guys let’s start.
- What is URL – (What is URL)
- URL full form
- parts of the URL
- how to open url
- What characters are allowed in URLs
- Are IP Address and URL Same
What is URL
URL is also known as internet address or web address. The full form of URL is Uniform Resource Locator. A URL is a form of URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) and is the standardized registration unit for addressing documents accessible on the Internet and Intranet. An example of a URL is https://www.Facebook.com. Which is the URL of the official website of Facebook.
URL full form
Uniform Resource Locator
Parts of the URL
A URL consists of the following parts –
- http:// Or https://
- www.
- Domain Name
- /Jargon/U/
- url.htm
http:// or https://
http means hyper text transfer protocol. This lets the browser know what protocol it is going to use to access the information in the domain.
There is an https protocol for Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure and it states that the information given over HTTP is encrypted and secure. http or https is followed by a colon ( : ) and two forward slashes ( // ). which separate the protocol from the rest of the URL. http:// or https:// protocols are covered under SSL.
After http:// or https:// protocol, comes WWW i.e. World Wide Web and is used to separate content
There is no special need for this part of the URL, sometimes WWW is also omitted in the URL. For example, typing “http://facebook.com” will take you to the Facebook website. This part of the address can also be substituted for an important subpage known as a subdomain.
Domain Name
After WWW, “Facebook.com” is the domain name of the website as in the example above. The end part of the domain is known as the domain suffix or TLD. It is used to identify the type or location of the website
For example – .com stands for commercial, .org for an organization and .co.uk for United Kingdom. Click here to know what a domain name is.
“Jargon” and “U” are the directories where the web page is located on the server. The file to be found on the server will be in the /public_html/jargon/u directory. As with most servers, the public_html directory is the default directory that contains HTML files.
url.htm is the actual web page on the domain you are visiting and .htm is the file extension of the web page which indicates that the file is an HTML file. Other common file extensions on the Internet include .html, .php, .asp, .cgi, .xml, .jpg, and .gif. Each of these file extensions serves a different function.
How to open url

You can open the URL by clicking on any type of hyperlink. If any URL is in printed material i.e. in email or magazine then if there is no hyperlink then you can open page by typing URL in browser search bar. If the URL is in an e-mail, it can be copied and opened in the search bar
What characters are allowed in URLs
The URL string can contain only alphanumeric characters and the characters !, $, -, _, +, *, ‘, ( ), characters. Any other characters that are required in the URL are encoded. For your information, let me tell you that space is never used in the URL.
Are IP Address and URL Same
The answer is no, an IP address is a unique number that is signed to each device on the network. On the World Wide Web, a domain name is assigned a unique IP address.
when typed. For example, facebook.com DNS converts the domain name into an IP address that routers use to find the web server.
A domain name is used instead of an IP address because it is easier for humans to remember. For example, facebook. com is easy to remember
In short
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