What is IP Address Full Detail

What is IP Address and how to find it
Do you know what is an IP address and how to find someone’s IP address? The simple answer is: Internet Protocol Address. People also know it by the name of IP number, Internet address.
You may say this whatever you want, but in the end it is such a link so that your device can connect to the internet, communicate with other devices. As the name suggests, it is an address. In such a situation, if you do not know what the IP address is, then there is no need to panic.
Because there are crores of people like you who use computer but they do not really know what they can do with IP address. By the way, there is no harm in this because even though it is the biggest contributor to connecting your system with the Internet.
The IP address is also called the passport of the Internet, although it is not necessary for a common user to know about it. But to be a smart user, you must have some knowledge about this technology.
That’s why today I thought that why should I provide complete information to you people about what is my IP address and how it works so that you can know how this technology is used to connect the device with the internet. So, without further delay, let’s start and know what this IP address is.
What is IP Address
IP address is an identifying number of a piece of network hardware. Having an IP address allows a device to communicate with other devices in an IP-based network such as the Internet.
IP address, we can also simply say “IP”. It is a unique address so that a device can be easily identified on the Internet or in a local network. It allows a system to be recognized by other systems that are connected via Internet protocol.
By the way, two primary types of IP address formats are currently available — vIPv4 and IPv6.
What is IP Address Full Forum
The full form of IP address is Internet Protocol address.
Why is IP Address used

An IP address provides an identity to any one networked device. Just as to identify a home or business office, they must have a specific physical location with an identifiable address, in the same way different devices in a network are differentiated from each other through IP Addresses.
for example. If I want to send a package to my friend who lives in another country. Then for this I need to know about his ‘exact destination location’.
Only the name of the receiver is not enough, it should also have a specific address, which is written or attached to that package, so that the package can reach it easily. You can use Phone Book to see the address.
If with the help of the process, data is sent to the Internet as well. Wherein in lieu of a phone book, your computer uses DNS servers to look up the hostname so that its IP address can be found.
For example, when a user enters a website, such as www.hartronexam.com, in a browser, a request is sent to the DNS servers to load that page, so that the DND server is the hostname (hartronexam. com) to get its corresponding IP address (
Without attaching any IP address, the user’s computer cannot even imagine what he is behind and what he wants to find.
Types of IP Address
If you have ever heard about IP Addresses before, then you must know that there are many types of IP Addresses too. Where all IP addresses are made of numbers and letters, the functions of all addresses are not the same.
So let’s know about the types of IP Addresses.
Private IP Addresses
Public IP Addresses
Static IP Addresses
Dynamic IP Addresses
The matter does not end there, but each IP address also has two types, an IPv4 address and an IPv6 address.
Private IP Address
These are used “inside” of a network, such as the one you probably run in your home. These types of IP Addresses are used for your devices to communicate with routers and other devices in a private network. Private IP Addresses are set manually or can be assigned automatically by your router.
Public IP Address
These types of IP Addresses are used “outside” of the network, which are assigned by the ISP. This is the same main address that is used in your home or business network to communicate with networked devices around the world (that is, the Internet). It provides a way for your devices to reach the ISP so that you can communicate directly with websites and other devices around the world from your own personal computer.
Both private IP Addresses and public IP Addresses can be either dynamic or static, which means that they can either change or not.
Dynamic IP Address
An IP address that is assigned by a DHCP server is called a dynamic IP address.
Static IP Address
Whereas if a device does not have DHCP enabled or does not support it then the IP address is manually assigned, in this case the IP address is called a static IP address.
How to find ip address
Different devices and operating systems require unique steps to find the IP address. By the way, there are different steps to get it (Public IP Address and Private IP Address), which we will know further.
Public IP Address
It is very easy to find the IP Address of your Router, for which you can use any sites such as WhatsMyIP.org, or WhatIsMyIPAddress.com. These sites can work with all network-connected devices that support a web browser, such as smartphone, iPod, laptop, desktop, tablet, etc.
Private IP Address

By the way, it is not so easy to know the private IP address of a specific device.
In Windows, you can find the IP address of your device via Command Prompt, for which you just have to use the ipconfig command.
Linux users: For this, launch a terminal window in their system and enter command hostname – I (in which capital “i” is used) ifconfig, or ip addr show.
Whereas in macOS, you can use the command ifconfig to get your local IP address.
You can view the private IP address on iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch devices through the Settings app in the Wi-Fi menu. To see it, you’ll need to tap the small “i” button next to the network you’re connected to.
To see your local IP address in Android Devices
Steps to be followed from Settings > Wi-Fi, or Settings > Wireless Controls > Wi-Fi settings. You have to tap on the network on which you are on, so that you can see all the information of the network which also has a private IP address.
Versions of IP (IPv4 vs IPv6)
Tell about the versions of IP, then these are only two. So let’s know about IPv4 vs IPv6.
In this IPv4 is the old version, while IPv6 is its upgraded IP version. The biggest reason why IPv6 was brought in place of IPv4 is that IPv6 provides more number of IP addresses than IPv4. Where currently the number of devices is so high and they are constantly connected with the internet, then it is very important to have a unique address available to all of them.
If we talk about IPv4 addresses, then only 4 billion unique IP Addresses (232) can provide us. Admittedly, this is also a very large number of addresses, but for today’s modern world it is not enough, because today every user has more than one different device which uses the internet.If we think practically then there are more than 7 billion people in the world. Even if everyone uses a single device, IPv4 is still not able to provide sufficient IP address to them.
On the other hand, IPv6 supports about 340 trillion, trillion, trillion addresses (2128). what happens 340 and with12 zeroes! This means that if every person on earth can also connect millions of devices with the internet. Even then there will be no shortage of IP Addresses.
Apart from supplying more IP Addresses, IPv6 also provides many other benefits such as.
Now there will be no more IP address collisions that happen from private addresses, auto-configuration. Also there is no need to do Network Address Translation (NAT)
It provides efficient routing
Also provides easier administration
It also provides built-in privacy.
Where IPv4displays addresses in a 32-bit numerical number written in a decimal format, such as or Whereas IPv6 has addresses in the number of trillions, so they are displayed in hexadecimal format, such as: 3fge:1800:4545:3:100:l8ff:ee21:97cf.
What is the number of digits in an IP address
There are 4 numbers in total in an IP address. For example, your IP address might look something like 193.158. 1.30. In this, each number is present in a set between 0 and 255.
What is my IP address
IP address is different for everyone. In such a situation, if you want to know your IP address, then you have to search on your browser “What is My IP Address”. By doing this, your IP address will be shown in front of you on the search result.
What is the IP address of my mobile
If you want to know the IP address of your mobile, then first you have to go to Settings > About device > Status. You will see the IP address of your phone or tablet, along with other information.
Does changing the SIM card change the IP address
Yes, the IP address changes when you change your SIM card. These IP addresses are assigned to all network devices. In such a situation, whenever you connect to a new network connection, then your IP address also changes.
Which protocol assigns IP address to clients connected in the Internet
Dynamic Host Configuration (DHCP) is a computer networking protocol used by devices (DHCP clients) that assign IP addresses to clients connected to the Internet.
What did you learn today
I hope you must have liked this article of mine, What is IP Address (What is IP Address). It has always been my endeavor to provide complete information to the readers about how to find IP address so that they do not have to search any other sites or internet in the context of that article.
This will also save their time and they will also get all the information in one place. If you have any doubts about this article or you want that there should be some improvement in it, then you can write low comments for this.
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