What is Hartron Exam |SETC Exam Full Details

HARTRON SETC Syllabus 2022 & Exam Pattern PDF Download : There is good news for the candidates who are searching for HARTRON SETC Syllabus 2022. On this page, we had provided the HARTRON SETC Exam Syllabus Topics for State Eligibility Test (SETC). Candidates have to click on the link given below and download the HARTRON SETC Syllabus PDF. Also, candidates who have applied for the State Eligibility Test in Computer Appreciation and Application (SETC) can check the HARTRON SETC Exam Pattern 2022 as well as the HARTRON SETC Selection Process.
To know other details, visit the official website of Haryana State Electronics Development Corporation Limited (HARTRON) which is hartron.org.in. Read the below sections and then start preparing for SET C exam. HARTRON SETC Part-I Objective Type Online Test consisting of 50 questions with four options of answers in English language only. The pass percentage for the online test will be 50%.
HARTRON SETC Syllabus 2022 – Overview
HARTRON SETC Syllabus 2022 PDF | Check Exam Pattern | |
Authority Name | Haryana State Electronics Development Corporation Limited (HARTRON) |
Course Name | State Eligibility Test in Computer Appreciation & Applications (SETC) |
Category | Syllabus |
Selection Process | State Eligibility Test |
Job Location | Haryana |
Official Site | hartron.org.in |
HARTRON SETC Exam Pattern 2022
Latest HARTRON SETC Exam Pattern 2022 | ||
Part-I | No. Of Questions | Exam Type |
Introduction to Computer | 50 | Objective Type MCQs |
Introduction to Windows | ||
Word Processing | ||
Spread-Sheet | ||
PowerPoint | ||
Internet | ||
WWW and Web Browsers | ||
Introduction to E-mail |
Download HARTRON SETC Syllabus 2022 PDF
All the applied candidates download the given HARTRON SETC Syllabus & Exam Pattern. And also have a brief idea about HARTRON SETC Selection Process. All this information helps you to score more marks in HARTRON SETC Exam. Now, download the given HARTRON SETC Syllabus Subject Wise and then prepare a perfect time table to cover all the topics before the exam.
Introduction to Computers
what is Computer
components of a computer system
Introduction to Computer Peripherals
Hardware and software concepts
classification of computers
Introduction to Windows
Operating System
Basics of Operating System and Windows
Start button and menu selection etc.
Windows setting
advanced windows
using multimedia
Word processing
word processing basics
open document and close document
Show/hide paragraph marks
Text Creation and Editing
formatting text
table manipulation
mail merge
Dissemination letter
Elements of an electronic spread sheet
manipulation of cells
Spread Sheets for Small Accounts
Power point
- Introduction to PowerPoint, What is PowerPoint, Starting PowerPoint, Creating and
- opening a presentation
- PowerPoint view, move between slides, save/close a presentation, exit
- power point
- Creating a new presentation by using the Auto Content Wizard and Slide Layout. Creating a new presentation using different layouts
- Customizing Presentation: Changing Text Format, Adding Bullets, Aligning Text
- Formatting slides: Using, adding color schemes, background colors and designs
- Pictures/Graphics on slides
- Add headers and footers, change slide layout
- Slides, Organization Chart, Adding Different Types of Charts to a Slideshow
- Using slide transitions: Adding and using timing, sound, and animations to slides
- preset animations
- Using the Drawing Toolbar
- slide master view
- Using custom animations:- Animating pictures and text with sound effects
- Using page setup and printing
basics of computer networks
Internet Service Provider (ISP)
WWW and web browser
World Wide Web (WWW)
Web browser
Search Engines and Internet Surfing
Introduction to Email
origin of electronic mail
create a new e-mail account
what is electronic mail
sending and checking mail
document handling
visit different sites
Introduction to Computer
1.0- Introduction
1.1- Objective
1.2- What is Computer
1.2.1- Advantage/Disadvantage of Computer
1.2.2- History of Computer
1.2.3- Generation of Computer
1.2.4- Basic applications of computer
1.2.5- Entertainment
1.2.6- e-governance
1.3- Components of Computer System
1.3.1- Central Processing Unit (CPU)
1.3.2- VDU
1.3.3- Keyboard and Mouse
1.3.4- Other input/output Devices
1.3.5- Computer Organization
1.3.6- Computer Memory – Primary & Secondary, Ram & Rom,
units of memory ( SETC Syllabus )
1.4- Introduction to Computer Peripherals
1.4.1- Connecting keyboard, mouse, monitor and printer to CPU
1.4.2- Use of Mouse
1.4.3- Working with left Mouse Button
1.4.4- Working with right Mouse Button
1.4.5- Checking Power Supply
1.5- Concepts of Hardware and Software
1.5.1- Hardware
1.5.2- Software Application software Systems software
1.6- Classifications of Computers
1.6.1- Representation of data/Information concepts of data Processing
1.6.2- Data and Information
1.6.3- Storage of Data/Information as files
Introduction to Windows ( SETC Syllabus )
2.0- Introduction
2.1- Objective
2.2- Operating System
2.2.1- What is Operating System
2.2.2- Types of Operating System
2.3- Operating System and Basics of Windows
2.3.1- User Interface
2.3.2- Using Mouse and Moving Icons on the screen
2.3.3- My Computer
2.3.4- Starting an application using start button, minimize, maximize,
restore and closing of window
2.3.5- Taskbar
2.3.6- Status Bar
2.3.7- Recycle Bin
2.4- Start Button and Menu selection etc.
2.4.1- Running an Application
2.4.2- Windows Explorer
2.4.3- Creating, Deleting and Renaming of files and folders
2.4.4- Opening and closing of different Windows etc.
2.5- Windows Setting
2.5.1- Control Panels
2.5.2- Wall Papers and Screen Savers
2.5.3- Setting the date and Sound etc.
2.5.4- Using Help
2.5.5- Display Properties
2.6- Advanced Windows
2.6.1- Using Right Mouse Button
2.6.2- Creating short cuts
2.6.3- Basics of window set up
2.6.4- Notepad
2.6.5- Window Accessories
2.7- Using Multimedia:
2.7.1- Playing CD’s/DVD’s
2.7.2- Using Media Player
2.7.3- Sound Recorder
Word Processing ( SETC Syllabus )
3.0- Introduction
3.1- Objectives
3.2- Word Processing Basics
3.2.1- Opening Word Processing Package
3.2.2- Menu Bar
3.2.3- Toolbar
3.2.4- Using Help
3.2.5- Using Icons below Menu Bar
3.3- Opening Documents and Closing Documents
3.3.1- Opening Documents
3.3.2- Save and Save as
3.3.3- Page Setup
3.3.4- Print Preview
3.3.5- Printing of Documents & Other Properties
3.4- Display/Hiding of Paragraph Marks
3.4.1- Moving Around in a Document
3.4.2- Scrolling the Document, Scrolling by line/paragraph
3.4.3- Fast Scrolling and Moving Pages
3.4.4- Using a Document/Help Wizard
3.5- Text Creation and editing
3.5.1- Creating a document
3.5.2- Selecting & moving text
3.5.3- Spell checking
3.5.4- Text Selection
3.5.5- Editing with cut, copy & paste
3.5.6- Undo & Redo
3.5.7- Find and Replace
3.5.8- Thesaurus
3.5.9- Paragraph and Tab Setting
3.6- Formatting the Text
3.6.1- Font and Size selection
3.6.2- Bold, Italic and Underline
3.6.3- Alignment of Text: Center, Left, Right and Justify etc
3.6.4- Bullet and Numbering
3.6.5- Border and Shading, Change Case
3.6.6- Working with tabs, Indents & Spacing
3.6.7- Formatting paragraphs, using columns
3.7- Table Manipulation
3.7.1- Concept of table: Rows, Columns and Cells
3.7.2- Draw Table
3.7.3- Changing cell Width and Height
3.7.4- Alignment of Text in Cell
3.7.5- Copying of cell
3.7.6- Delete/insertion of row and columns
3.7.7- Borders for Table
3.7.8- Deleting a table
3.7.9- Splitting and merging cells
3.7.10- Converting table to text
3.7.11- Setting table properties
3.8- Mail Merge
3.9- Printing
3.9.1- Print Preview
3.9.2- Print a selected page, etc.
3.9.3- Paper Orientation
3.9.4- Paper setting/Margin
Spread-Sheet ( SETC Syllabus )
4.0- Introduction
4.1- Objectives
4.2- Elements of Electronics Spread Sheet
4.2.1- Application/usage of Electronic Spread Sheet
4.2.2- Opening of Spread Sheet
4.2.3- Menu bar
4.2.4- Saving Workbook
4.2.5- Creation of cells and addressing of cells
4.2.6- Inserting new rows & Columns, Worksheets
4.2.7- Editing rows/columns height & width
4.2.8- Renaming, Deleting and Moving a Worksheet
4.3- Manipulation of Cells
4.3.1- Cell Addressing
4.3.2- Enter texts
4.3.3- Numbers and Dates
4.3.4- Cell Height and Width
4.3.5- Copying of cells etc.
4.4- Formulas
4.4.1- Using Formulas
4.4.2- Using basic functions & formulas a cell
4.4.3- Sum function
4.4.4- Average
4.4.5- Percentage, Other functions.
4.5- Function
4.5.1- Data Sorting
4.5.2- Using Subtotals
4.5.3- Applying filters
4.6- Chart
4.6.1- Inserting Chart
4.6.2- Formatting chart
4.7- Spread Sheets for Small Accountings
4.7.1- Maintaining invoices/budgets
4.7.2- Totaling of various transactions
4.7.3- Maintaining daily & monthly sales report
Power-point ( SETC Syllabus )
5.0- Introduction to PowerPoint, What is PowerPoint, starting PowerPoint,
creating and opening a presentation,
5.1- PowerPoint views, moving between slides, saving/ closing a
presentation, exiting PowerPoint,
5.2- Creating a new presentation using the auto content wizard and slide
layout. Creating a new presentation using different layouts,
5.3- Customizing Presentation:- changing the text formats, adding bullets,
aligning text.
5.4- Formatting Slides:- Using Color Schemes, background Color and
Designs, Adding Pictures/ Graphics on Slide,
5.5- Adding Header and Footer, changing slide layouts,
5.6- Adding charts of different types to slide, organization chart, Slide show,
5.7- Using slide transition:- giving timing, sound and adding animations to
slides and using preset animations,
5.8- Using Drawing Toolbar,
5.9- Slide Master View,
5.10- Using Custom Animation:- Animating pictures and Text with Sound
5.11- Using Page Setup and printing
Internet ( SETC Syllabus )
6.0 Introduction
6.1 Objectives
6.2 Basic of Computer networks
6.2.1 Local Area Network (LAN)
6.2.2 Wide Area Network (WAN)
6.3- Internet
6.3.1- Concept of Internet
6.3.2- Application of Internet
6.3.3- Advantages of Internet
6.3.4- Connecting Internet
6.4- Internet service providers (ISP)
6.4.1- Internet Access
6.4.2- Broad Band
6.4.3- Dial-Up
6.4.4- Wi-Fi
6.4.5- Troubleshooting
WWW and Web Browsers ( SETC Syllabus )
7.0- Introduction
7.1- Objectives
7.2- World Wide Web (WWW)
7.3- Web Browser
7.3.1- Internet Explorer
7.3.2- Netscape Communicator
7.4- Search Engine and Surfing the Internet
7.4.1- URL address
7.4.2- Searching over the Web
7.4.3- Moving Around in a web-site
7.4.4- Printing and saving web pages
7.4.5- Uploading and Downloading
7.4.6- Chatting
Introduction to E-mail ( SETC Syllabus )
8.0- Introduction
8.1- Objectives
8.2- Basic of Electronic Mail
8.3- Creating new e-mail account
8.4- What is an Electronic mail
8.4.1- Email addressing
8.4.2- Mailbox: Inbox and outbox
8.5- Sending & checking mails
8.5.1- Creating an E-mail
8.5.2- Viewing an E-mail
8.5.3- Sending an Email
8.5.4- Replying to an E-mail message
8.5.5- Forwarding an e-mail message
8.5.6- Sorting and searching emails
8.5.7- Saving mails
8.5.8- Sending same mail to various users etc.
8.6- Document Handling
8.6.1- Sending soft copy as attachment
8.6.2- Sending a portion of document as email
8.7- Visiting various sites.
We hope that all the candidates must have got the complete details of HARTRON SETC Syllabus & Exam Pattern. For more interesting updates, please visit our website Hartron Exam. Thanks.