What is Hardware Explain | Full Detail
What is hardware ?

Hardware is the physical part of the computer which includes the CPU, hard drives, memory chips, fans and power supplies. Some computers today also include video cards which are not always considered hardware.
We all use computers for our every small and big work without knowing about computers. The word computer sounds very small, but it is made up of many programs and with the help of these things, the computer also completes the task given by the user. Hardware is also a very important part of the computer and without it the computer cannot do any of its work. So what are the other hardware to enhance your knowledge about computers? To explain this, we have brought this post.
After reading this article of ours, you will get all kinds of information about hardware. If you are interested to know about computer, then you must know about these essential parts of computer like hardware and software. After knowing these things, you will be able to understand the computer even better. So let us first know in this post what is called hardware?
Definition of hardware
Hardware is those parts of the computer that we can see and touch. Hardware is the physical part of the computer. With the help of hardware, users are able to enter data and information into the computer. Monitor, keyboard, mouse and printer are examples of computer hardware devices.
Hardware type
Hardware is an essential part of a computer, but hardware is not a machine. Rather, it is made up of many machines and does its job. Below we have explained the type of hardware in detail. Here the types of hardware are explained in detail.
- Operating Device
- Input Device
- Output Device
Operating Device – An operating device is required to run a computer and under the operating device are RAM, hard disk and CPU.
RAM – RAM is the essential hardware of the computer, with the help of which the computer processes any work.
Hard disk – After completing the task given by the users, the computer saves that work in the hard disk.
CPU – CPU is considered the brain of the computer and without it the computer cannot do any work.
Input Device – With the help of input device, necessary information and data are entered in the computer. Input devices include mouse, keyboard.
Mouse – Mouse is an input device of the computer, with the help of which something is pointed on the screen.
Keyboard – Keyboard is also an input device, with the help of which data and information is entered in the computer.
Output Device – Monitor and printer are included under the output device. With the help of output device, users can see the result of their data.
Monitor – Monitor is a TV shaped output device. In which users can see their work.
Printer – Printer is also the output device of the computer. With the help of which the soft copy of the computer is converted into hard copy.
What is the relationship between hardware and software ?
With the help of both hardware and software, the computer completes its work. With the balance of hardware and software, the computer completes any work. The relationship between hardware and software can be seen in this way –
If hardware is the body of the computer then software is the life blood of the computer.
With the help of both hardware and software, users complete tasks in the computer.
Software without hardware cannot complete any task. Hardware cannot work without the same software.
Computer is used by putting different types of software in hardware.
In simple words it can be said that hardware and software are the heart and soul of the computer.
Why is hardware important ?
Hardware is that part of the computer! With the help of which users enter the necessary information and data in the computer. If there is no hardware, then users will not be able to put any kind of data and inputs in the computer and the computer will not be able to do its work. With the help of hardware, the user controls the computer by entering instructions and does its work. So you can understand how important hardware is for a computer.
What is the difference between hardware and software ?
As you also know, both hardware and software complement each other. Software made of hardware Both hardware are incomplete without software, but still there is a lot of difference between these two. The difference between hardware and software is explained below in very simple words –
1- Hardware is the physical part of the computer, then the same software is the non-physical part of the computer. That is, we can touch and see the hardware but we cannot touch the software.
2- Where the hardware works like a machine, then the same computer works as a program.
3- Hardware requires physical materials. The same software is made with the help of programming language.
4- Hardware works with the help of software. And the entire computer is operated through software.
5- If the hardware gets damaged, it can be repaired and replaced if needed. On the other hand, if the software gets damaged, then there is a lot of difficulty in fixing it and sometimes the software does not even get fixed.
6- The virus has no effect on the hardware part of the computer. Nor does the hardware get damaged due to the effect of virus. But the same virus completely spoils the software.
7- Computer is incomplete without hardware. But hardware cannot work without software.
8- Hardware is slightly cheaper than software, because software is very expensive.
Friends, what are our hardware in this post? After reading, you must have got complete information about the hardware of the computer. What is hardware and why is it important? You must have got the answers to all such questions in this article. If you have liked this work of ours, then definitely share it with your friends.