What is Computer | Computer Basics-Definition
What is a Computer

Ever since the computer was invented and people started knowing about it, there has been an increased curiosity among people to know what is a computer (What is a Computer) and when and by whom was it invented?
Computer has become the most important part of this era and today you need computer along with internet to do any online work or sometimes you do it from your mobile but in most cases online work is done from computer. Only possible.
Today you can also order your food online, which if we see in the time of 5 years ago, it was not so easy, but as technology changed and the best computers became available, our work became easier.
- what is Computer ?
Meaning of computer
Definition of Computer
Types of Computer
What are the characteristics of computer?
Computer hardware and computer software
Other important parts of computer – Parts of Computer
Computer Operating System (Explanation) - invention of computer
How was computer made?
History of Computer – History of Computer
computer made in india
Can we also make computers? - Computer in daily life
Advantages of Computer –
Disadvantages of Computer –
How to learn to run computer – - Computer related government schemes
List of Computer Courses
How does computer work?
Bill Gates contribution to computer - What are the other achievements in the field of computers?
- Computer FAQ – 13+ Most Important Questions Answered
When was the world’s first computer made?
How did the computer originate?
When was the vacuum tube invented?
Which was the first computer?
What was the world’s first computer?
When was India’s first computer made?
When was India’s first super computer made?
When was the first electronic computer made?
What was the old name of computer?
Where did Udhav first take place in the form of computer as a calculating device?
How old is the history of computers?
Which is the first computer made in India?
Which was the first computer of IBM?
When was the modern computer first invented? - Conclusion – What did we learn today?
What is a Computer
Computer is an electronic machine whose main job is to follow the instructions given by the user and process it accordingly and show the result as output in front of the user.
The full form of computer is “Commonly Operated Machine Particularly Used For Technical and Educational Research”.
The name of computer is derived from the Latin word “Computare” and the English word “Compute” which means “to calculate”.
You can read this post to know more Full Forms related to Full Form of Computer – Full Forms of Computer.
Computer mainly works in three phases –
The first is Input – Input is the process in which we give commands to the computer.
The second phase is Process – During this phase the computer processes the order given by us.
The third step is Output – In this step, whatever you have ordered to the computer and which has been processed by the computer, you will see it in the display i.e. Monitor.
Meaning of Computer
The meaning of computer is – the calculating machine by which the questions of mathematics are solved, but today computers are not limited to calculating only.
In today’s time, you can do many types of work on computer. Computers have revolutionized the digital world and they are multitasking as well as high performing.
In today’s time, most of the work is being done on this and it may be that in the coming time it will replace all the work done on paper.
Definition of Computer
When we use a machine to calculate any large number, it is called a computer, such as a calculator, which is also a type of computer designed only to solve calculations.
There are some important parts of computer such as Input Device, Output Device, CPU, Memory and Storage Device. The work of Input is to enter the data into the computer.
After that the work of processing the data is done by the processor, then the output that comes after processing the data appears on the display (monitor).
Types of Computer
There are many types of computers, which are difficult to understand together, so it is classified into many topics to make it easier to understand, you can read all of them in detail below –
1. According to Data Handling Qualification –
➤ Analog Computer
Analog Computers are called computers that directly accept data without converting it into Numbers and Codes.
These computers are mostly used to measure values in functions like Speed, Temperature, Current etc.
Analog Computer is mostly used to process the data which keeps on changing continuously.
Examples of Analog Computer are Temprature, Pressure, Telephone Lines, Speedometer, Voltage etc.
➤ Digital Computer
These computers are used to do High Speed and Complex Calculations. These computers are digital as well as electronic.
A lot of information can be stored in these computers and when you need that information, it can be retrieved very easily.
The working speed of this computer is also very fast as compared to other computers. Examples of digital computers are Smartphones, IBM PC, the Apple Macintosh.
➤ Hybrid Computer
Hybrid computers have features of both digital and analog computers.
It has the speed to solve complex problems like an analog computer and also has the ability to perform logical and numerical operations like a digital computer.
Hybird computer has been designed in such a way that it can solve more complicated equations.
Examples of hybrid computers are Human Immunosupressive System, Chemical Reaction Kinetics and Food Processing Plants.
2. On the basis of size –
➤ Super Computer
Super computers are the fastest and most expensive computers in the rest of the computer categories, which are not normally used at home or office.
These computers are so powerful that they have the ability to do billions of calculations in just a few minutes.
These computers are used in fields like Weather Forecasting, Oil and Gas Exploration.
The size of these computers is also very large and are mostly used in Scientific or Engineering Department only.
➤ Mainframe Computer
The speed of mainframe computers is also very high and they are used in large businesses or organizations where many users can use it at the same time.
This computer has been designed in such a way that thousands of users can use it at the same time.
These are multi-programming computers. These computers are mostly used in Banking and Telecom Sector, where many Employees work. Like super computers, the cost of these computers is also very high.
The only difference between super computer and mainframe computer is that super computer is used to execute a single program very fast, but multi-programs can be done in mainframe computer.
➤ Mini Computer
Minicomputers are a mid-sized multiprocessing computer consisting of two and more than two processors.
These computers are used in Accounting, Billing Departments, Scientific and Engineering Computations, File Handling and Database Management.
In these departments, up to 200 users can use them comfortably. They are very small in size due to which they can be easily carried from one place to another.
These computers were developed in the Mid-1960s and their price is also less than other computers. The speed of these computers is more than Microcomputer but less than a Mainframe computer.
➤ Workstation
Workstations are a special type of computer specially designed for technical and scientific applications. Only one user can use these computers at a time.
And its speed is also very high. These computers have High Resolution Graphics Screen and Large Amount of RAM.
Workstation has better quality graphics and more storage than a personal computer. That’s why it is used in many businesses.
➤ Personal Computer
Personal computers are multi-purpose computers. Whose size and price are in such a way that they can be used by an individual.
These computers are mostly used at home or office. And their price is also very low, so everyone can easily afford it.
Only one person can use this computer at a time. Examples of Personal Computer are Desktop Computer, Laptops, which are used in Home, Office, School and Small Business.
On the basis of Daily Uses –
➤ Basic Computer –
Basic computers are those computers which we use in our daily life. You can add your Home PC, Laptop, Office PC to these.
Through these basic computers, we can complete all our work needs.
These computers are not made for heavy work load, but if you do heavy work like video mixing, editing, or graphic designing in them.
You can easily do this and if you face any problem, your computer is not able to take load, then you can also make modifications in your computer and use it by changing it according to your need.
➤ Cloud Computers
Cloud Computers are a type of Virtual Computers which are Virtually Available with people and you cannot touch them but in this you get all the things like Processor, RAM, Graphic Card, etc.
➤ HTTP Computer
HTTP is a communication protocol that connects web servers to the Internet and the local network. It sends HTML pages to the users’ browser by making the main connection between the web and the servers.
The full form of HTTP is Hypertext Transfer Protocol.
These are web running software such as Apache. If we see, it is a part of Cloud Computer, which works to store web data and transmit data to clients. That’s why they are also called Web Server.
➤ Desktop Computer
Desktop Computer will be seen in everyone’s homes in today’s time.
These computers are made for daily use on which you can do daily tasks related to your online work. Along with this, you can also do heavy work on Desktop.
Such as HD Video Editing, High Graphic Gaming, Animation Work but it is very difficult to carry them and take them from one place to another.
➤ Laptop Computer
These computers are made for multitasking and it is very easy to carry them anywhere.
These computers are very light in weight and you can work them on battery for about 6 to 8 hours but they are not suitable for gaming.
Meaning that you cannot play Games for a long time in Laptop Computers as you play in Desktop Computers. But you can do Heavy Graphic works on them. Such as Editing, Graphic Designing, Animation etc.
➤ Tablet
Tablet is a kind of small but bigger and compact Computing Device than Mobiles, in which you can do your Study to Notes and Office Works and if you want, you can also play Games in it.
➤ Cloud Computing
Cloud Computers are different from our Regular Computers, as you must have come to know from the name itself that you cannot see and touch it but you can use it.
Cloud Computers are actually big servers in which Websites and Apps are present and which you can use online anytime.
In Cloud Computers, all things are provided to you like Physical Computer. Like Processor, RAM, Graphics Card, Storage.
But all these things are present in one place and you can access and manage them through internet.
➤ Supercomputers
It is also similar to Cloud Computer but it is made for a specific purpose.
The specialty of these computers is that they solve big and difficult problems in a few seconds, which if a simple computer does, it will take years.
Such computers are used in the medical field to make new medicines.
This is done in security. It is done in defence. It is also done in Research Programs.
➤ Smartphone
In today’s time, which you are using Smart Phones, it is also like a small computer in which things like Processor, RAM, Storage, Internet are present.
You can do all your work through these Smart Phones.
➤ Smart Watches
This is also a type of Mini Computer in which all the important parts of the computer are attached.
And you can do all the basic computer work through these Smart Watches.
In today’s time, Smart TVs have come, which you can use like a computer. You can use Internet in those TVs.
You can play games and also do your office related work.
What are the characteristics of computer?
You can talk to anyone through computer.
You can also study online on computer.
Computer you can solve the biggest calculations immediately.
You can easily save your data such as Videos, Documents, Files in the computer and it does not get spoiled over time.
Through computer, you can also handle your business remotely from anywhere.
Computer hardware and computer software
To make and operate a computer, mainly two things are necessary in it. The first is Hardware and the second is Software.
No computer can run without these two. Both HARDWARE and SOFTWARE are complementary to the computer, so let’s know about Computer Hardware and Software.
The most important thing for any computer is its hardware, hardware is those things which we can see and touch. Such as Hard Disk, Dvd Drive, Motherboard, Speakers, RAM, Processor etc.
Computer is made with the help of these hardware. If even one of these essential hardware’s in the computer is less or gets damaged, then your computer will not work.
Computer software is most important after hardware, when you start any computer, you see an interface called Windows where you do web browsing and store your data.
The main job of software is to control your computer hardware and run it according to your command. Without software the hardware of your computer does not work.
Software is a type of program that is created for different purposes. For example, if you want to store any type of data in your computer, then with the help of software, you can copy and store the data in your hard disk.
Parts of Computer
➤ Motherboard
Motherboard is one of the most important parts of the computer which connects all the things of the computer and makes them workable.
Along with the motherboard, all types of connectors are added such as USB, Speakers, Processor, Ram, Power Supply unit, Cables etc.
Without this you cannot even use the computer.
➤ Mouse
Through Mouse we can select any option in Computer and with Mouse you can work faster than Keyboard. Mouse is the most necessary thing to use the computer.
Without this, you will have a lot of difficulty in operating the computer and you will not be able to use the computer properly.
Computer Mouse is an Input Device that inputs the user’s instructions into the computer according to which the computer works.
We can also call the mouse as a Selector, by which many such things are done from Select to Open any Folder or File, Drag, Copy / Move etc.
Like the keyboard, the mouse is also an integral part of the computer, which is used in about 95% of the tasks in the use time of the computer. Mouse has a huge contribution in the computer era because it has made the work of computer very easy.
There are many types of mouse according to different tasks.
If any user wants to learn how to operate a computer or learn all things about a computer, then they must learn and know what a mouse is.
So we can say one thing with confidence that mouse has really made the use of computer very easy and in future we can get to see many types of mouse as well.
Although there are many buttons in the mouse, but mostly 3 buttons are used.
left button
right button
scroll button
⑴ Left Button – Most of these are used for the Left Button, which is mostly used to open or close any Task.
⑵ Right Button – It is used to see the options of any Task, then according to that Options, further Tasks are performed.
⑶ Scrolling Button – Scrolling Button is used to scroll the Task Page from top to bottom or Left to Right or Right to Left which is very useful.
Keyboard is also the most important thing to use the computer.
You cannot type anything in computer without keyboard. Keyboard gives us the freedom to type any word in the computer according to our own.
Whenever you have heard the name of computer, you must have heard the word keyboard along with it. So let us tell you that keyboard is such a device without which you will not be able to do 75% computer related work.
You can input data into the computer only from the keyboard and that is why the keyboard is called Input Device. Keyboard is used in almost all computer related work.
Nowadays, people who want to learn about computer, they definitely think that what is keyboard, complete information?
So Keyboard is an Input Device by which data is input into Computer CPU and it is very important Input Device.
It is almost impossible to run a computer without a keyboard.
It is very important to have a keyboard to run a computer, whether you use a physical keyboard or a virtual keyboard.
➤ Power Supply Unit
The Power Supply Unit supplies the right amount of power to the computer and protects the computer from electrical damage.
Processor can also be called the brain of the computer because it is the only thing that helps the computer to run and solve all kinds of calculations.
Without this, you cannot do any kind of work in computer.
You can see Processor in every small electronic device which is used to solve calculations.
➤ Spikers
We mostly use speakers to listen to music or while watching movies.
But in today’s time, as all Office Related Meetings and Online Education is happening, in such a situation, the use and need of Speakers has also started increasing.
Monitor is such a part of the computer without which we cannot operate the computer or we cannot see the things happening in the computer.
We can see computer functions visually only through the monitor.
If there is no monitor in the computer, then you will not be able to see anything, nor will you be able to do any work properly or give instructions to it.
➤ DVD Drive
DVD Drive is not so important in today’s time.
In today’s time, we have mostly started using Cloud storage or Usb Drives to store or carry the data, but DVD DRIVE has some advantages of its own.
For example, if you have some data that you want no one to delete, in such a situation, you can write and keep the data through DVD Drive and use it anytime.
➤ Hard Disk
Hard Disk Drive is one of the important parts of the computer, which is used to store all types of data in the computer.
In today’s time, SSD has replaced Hard Disk, which is many times faster than Hard Disk and it also lasts for a long time.
Along with this, it also consumes less power.
Friends, if you do not know what RAM is, then let us tell you that RAM stores the short term memory of the computer. The full form of RAM is “Random Access Memory”.
In this, the data is stored only for a short time and as soon as you restart or turn off the computer, then this data itself gets deleted.
But this is the most important part to keep the computer working and for your computer to work fast, you should always use RAM with more memory capacity.
➤ Graphics Card
The work of Graphic Card is mainly to process Graphics. Whatever you see Visually Image or Video in Computer, all that is possible only with the help of Graphic Card.
If Graphic Card is not present in a computer, then you will see all the things only in Numeric Form, which you will not be able to understand at all.
Computer Operating System

Computer Operating System is that Program Software by which the entire computer is operated and which manages all the operations of the computer and hence it is called “Operation System” .
Whatever operation is done in the computer, from turning on to shutting down, the entire operation is managed by the operating system.
No matter what digital device you use, about 90% of the devices use the operating system, whether it is a mobile, a computer, or any other digital device. Whoever learns a computer must know and learn that the operating system What ?
The first operating system in the computer world used to be DOS, in which all the work was done from Coding Line, but as soon as Bill Gates launched the Windows Operating System, after that the nature of the Operating System changed.
The Windows Operating System had shaken the entire Computer World and the same Operating System had made Bill Gates the world’s number 1 rich. Apart from this, there are many other operating systems like Apple’s MAC, Linux, Android and Ubuntu.
Today, Android Operating System is used in about 80% of mobiles in the world and that is why it is called Android, which is an Operating System, while iOS Operating System is used in Apple’s phone IPhone.
Without Operating System, you will not even have a Computer, Mobile, ON. The Operating System itself manages all these operations. Each and every work of Digital Device is possible only because of the Operating System.
Invention of computer
Charles Babbage is called the inventor of the computer.
He made the first mechanical computer in the year 1837, which was known as Analytics Engine at that time and data was entered in it through Punch Card.
In this, the concept of ALU, Basic Flow Control and Integrated Memory was implemented.
All today’s computers have been designed on the basis of design from this node and because of this contribution, he is today called the father of computer.
How was computer made?
We can say that the first computer was made by Abacus or its descendants, which was made by Slide Rule William Oghtred in 1622, but today’s modern computers are all based on Analytic Engine.
It was conceived by British Mathematician Charles Babbage and it was designed in 1833, but before that computer used to be a person who used to do all kinds of calculations and they were stored in books.
Till that time tables used to appear only in books.
After the invention of the Analytic Engine, there were continuous improvements in it, and later on, Silicon Chips were used in computers, which increased the processing power of the computer to a great extent.
History of computer
No one knows exactly how the computer started to be made, but the purpose behind making the computer was that the biggest calculations could be solved quickly and correctly.
But in the world of computer, there were some such inventions in the early times that changed the whole of computer and today you are able to carry computer with you.
And the first computer that was made was about the size of a large room and it took more energy and manpower to run it, so let’s know about Computer Generations, how the world of computers changed and what happened to us. Had an impact.
1. First Generation Computer (1940 – 1956)
The first generation of computers was made between 1940 and 1956. In this computer, Vacuum Tubes were used for circuitry and Magnetic Drum for memory.
About 18000 Vacuum Tubes were used in it and it used to occupy a lot of space and it also required a lot of power to use it.
Due to the large size of this computer, it used to produce more heat, which was a big problem and UNIAC and ENIAC Machine Language were used in it.
2. Second Generation of Computer (1956 – 1963)
The second generation of computers came between 1956 and 1963, due to which there was a huge change in the computer field.
Vacuum Tubes were replaced with Transistors in Second Generations Computer.
Along with being very small, they also used to occupy less space and they used to consume less energy and were also fast, but the problem of heat still remained, but they used to release less heat than the first generation computers.
3. Third Generation of Computer (1964 – 1971)
The third generation of computer came between 1964 and 1971. Integrated Circuits were used in this.
In this, small transistors were inserted in the silicon chip which was called Sami Conductor.
A big advantage of this was that the processing speed of the computer had increased considerably.
Third Generation Computer was first launched for the people in the market and it used Monitor and Keyboard and Operating System which was quite User Friendly.
4. Fourth Generation of Computer (1971 – 1985)
Microprocessors were used in the fourth generation of computers from 1971 to 1985.
It was designed in such a way that thousands of integrated circuits were embedded in a silicon chip, which helped a lot in reducing the size of the computer and the processing capacity of the computer also became much faster than before.
5. Fifth Generation of Computer (till now)
After 1985, the Fifth Generation of Computer started, which is still going on. Artificial Intelligence is being made in this.
It is so powerful that when it is fully developed, it will have so much capacity that it will be able to think and take decisions on its own.
Computer made in india
The first computer in India was made by Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Automatic Calculator in 1950 and this computer was fully used in 1965.
2700 Vacuum Tubes, 1700 Germanium Diodes, 12500 Resistors were used to make this computer.
Its word memory capacity was 2,048 40-bit.
Can we also make computers?
Yes, anyone can make a computer, but for that you need to have complete information because there are many sensitive parts in the computer which can be damaged if wrongly jointed.
In today’s time, competition has increased a lot in the field of Computer Manufacturing, this is because of its increasing Demand.
If you want to make and sell your own computers, then first of all you have to hire some people who have good knowledge and experience about computer and its manufacturing.
After that, you will have to keep workers doing many other types of work in your company so that you can get the productions of computers.
The biggest thing is that you also have to create a Research & Development Team that searches for new technologies, otherwise you will be left behind from your competitors.
Computer in daily life
In today’s time, the use of computer has increased a lot in daily life.
In today’s time, most of the businesses have become online for which computer is required, so let us know which are the main businesses which require computer to manage.
1. Online Store
In today’s time, the trend of online shopping has increased a lot and people also like to buy something online instead of going to the market, which requires a computer to manage.
So that whatever your customers have placed the order on your online store, you can deliver it on time.
2. Grocery Store
In today’s time, many online grocery shops have opened such as Grofers, Zomato, Jiomart.
Like many Online Grocery Platforms have been launched through which you can order vegetables or home ration sitting at home only with the help of your mobile or computer and get Home Delivery of your goods at home.
3. Social media
In today’s changing times, many people have started using social media, which requires a computer or mobile to use.
There are many advantages of using social media, such as you get to know any kind of news immediately and you can also stay connected with your friends.
The same social media like Facebook and Instagram have also done the work of meeting many old friends.
4. Online Business
In today’s time, most of the businesses are being operated online for which computer is very important.
In today’s time, many shopkeepers are selling their goods through websites like Amazon and Flipkart, which are managed only with the help of computer.
Along with this, Office Meetings are also being done online.
5. Education
The role of computer is increasing in the field of education as well.
In today’s time, children are preferring to study online and institutes are also providing education online.
Advantages of Computer –
We can store any kind of data in the computer, no matter how much. Compared to paper, the data in the computer does not spoil easily unless it is destroyed.
If your data is stored in Cloud Computers, then you can access that data or files from anywhere with the help of Internet.
Computer makes many of our work easy. Such as booking tickets or ordering food online.
Due to the computer, the government has put a check on the people doing corruption. You can handle many tasks at a time on computer.
This is the Perfect Device for Multitasking Role. In today’s time, computers have become so capable that most of your work is done by the computer itself according to your schedule.
Disadvantages of Computer
In today’s time, a lot of fraud has started happening with people and many times some people cleverly steal their money by knowing their bank details.
The number of hackers has also increased due to which many times the data of big companies is also stolen. There has been a lot of increase in Cyber Crime.
On the one hand, new job opportunities have been created for many people, and on the other, many people have lost their jobs because of this.
Children mostly keep playing games on computer and pay less attention to studies.
How to learn computer
Learning to operate a computer is not a rocket science, but it is very easy. If you know how to use Mobile Phone, then you will learn to use Computer completely in no time.
First of all, you should come to turn on and off the computer, which is a very important part.
Although it is easy for anyone to turn on the computer, but a new person does not know to turn off the computer and you cannot turn off Direct Computer because by doing this your computer can also get damaged.
Therefore, to shut down the computer properly, the option of Shutdown is given in it, which you can do by pressing Alt+F4.
Along with this, you are taught to STORE, TRANSFER and Web Suffering in MS OFFICE and DATA in Basic Computer Course.
To know in detail the complete information related to computer learning, you can read this post – How to learn computer?
Computer related government schemes
In the field of computer Govt. Has also launched many of its schemes through which children will now be able to take training and develop their skills.
The name of this scheme is Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana, under which the skills of the youth will be improved so that those people can get a better future.
For this, Skill Development Centers have been set up in almost all the villages and cities, which are absolutely free for all and any person can take admission and when your training is completed, you are also given a certificate.
Not only this, but the students who are studying engineering such as IT, Computer Science are also helped by the state governments and the government bears the entire cost of their studies.
List of Computer Courses
In today’s time, many types of Computer Courses are available, by learning which you can make a very good career.
1. Basic Computer Course
In Basic Computer Course, you are taught about how to operate the computer.
Along with this you will get MS. Office is also taught and made practical, which is the main subject in any Computer Basic Course.
Along with this, you are also told about the functionality of the computer. So that when you are new then there is no wrong tampering with your system due to which you are at loss.
2. Designing Course
In today’s time, the demand for Graphic Designer has increased a lot and if you know Designing like Poster Designing, Logo making, Products Ads Designing then you can get a good job in this field.
3. Editing Course
If you do Video Editing Course then you can make a good career in this field. Video Streaming Platforms are becoming very popular in today’s time.
Often Content Creators look for a good Video Editors. In such a situation, you can get a good job by doing a course in Video Editing.
4. Accounting Course
In today’s time, work related to accounting is also done on computer only.
In such a situation, if you learn to use Accounting Software like Tally, then you can also make your career in the field of Finance.
5. Programming Course If you want to become some kind of Software Developer or you want to make your career in Software Engineering then you can join Programming Courses. In this you will also get many types of Career Opportunities.
6. Data analyst
If you want to make your career in Data Analyst, then you can join the course of Data Analyst.
In this, you are taught to analyze all types of data and program it, and in this you will get many types of Career Opportunities and you can also make a good career in this field.
If you want to do something in the field of Computer, then you can choose BCA/MCA Subject.
In this only computer related studies are done and you are given knowledge about Computer Programming Language.
8. Network engineering
Network Engineering is also a computer related field.
In this, you are taught about Computer Networking, Networking Engineering plays an important role in all the computers that are connected through the web.
You can make a good career in this field.
9. Cyber Security
If you want to do Cyber Security Course, then you can have a bright future in it.
In today’s time, the demand of Cyber Security Employees has increased a lot because Cyber attacks keep happening on Tech Companies and IT Companies every day.
Companies hire Cyber Security Expert to protect their information.
10. Digital marketing
In today’s time, Digital Marketing Course is also very popular and its demand is also increasing in the IT sector.
In this, you are given information related to Online Marketing.
11. CSE
This is a course of Computer Engineering in which children are taught about Computer Programming and Computer Engineering.
How does computer work?
Computer mainly works in three steps which are Input, Process, Output.
1. Input – When we input any type of data into the computer through keyboard or mouse and give instructions to do some work, it is called Input.
2. Processing – In this step, the entire work is done by the computer. In this whatever data you have entered in the computer is processed by the processor.
3. Output – Whatever data is entered and processed during Input, we get that data in Output and show it on Display.
Bill Gates contribution to computer
Bill Gates has made a huge contribution in the field of computer. The OS that we are able to use in our computer today is Microsoft’s Windows which was created by Bill Gates.
Bill Gates has completely changed the use of computer.
The first operating system was Dos in 1985. After this, Windows 95 was launched in 1995, which also supported the Internet.
After this, Microsoft launched Windows XP in 2001, in which you could do many types of work. In this you could watch multimedia, play games, use internet.
After this WINDOWS 7 was launched, in which many shortcomings were removed and it was made more user friendly.
And then WINDOWS 8 was launched, in this they also included the Basic Drivers of the Computer so that the Drivers do not have to be installed separately after installing WINDOW in the Computer.
And now Windows 10 has been released by Microsoft. Which has become the most used Operating System.
BILL GATES has made the use of computer so easy that any person can learn to use it in a few days.
But when Windows was not invented then codes had to be typed to use the computer. Which was not easy for everyone to remember.
But the User Friendly Design of WINDOWS made it easy for everyone to use the computer, which has been possible only because of BILL GATES.
What are the other achievements in the field of computers?
In today’s time, any kind of COMPLEX calculation or other works can be completed in no time by Super Computers.
Today we are working on AI (Artificial intelligence) which has the power to think.
Research is going on on Quantum Computers and it will be completed soon so that computers will be able to work more powerful and faster.
Computer FAQ – 13+ Most Important Questions Answered
When was the world’s first computer made?
The world’s first computer was built by Charles Babbage in 1822 and that computer was called Differential Engine, then later Charles Babbage built another computer which was an Analytical Engine and proved to be very useful.
How did the computer originate?
The computer was invented about 2000 years ago, which was in the form of an abacus and which was a wooden rack with two wires attached and a ruby on top of the wire, which could be rotated to solve any easy math questions. is resolved.
After this, Analytical Engine was invented in the 18th century, after which the first generation of computers came from 1940 to 1956, in which Vacuum Tubes were used.
The third generation of computers was from 1964 to 1971 in which Integrated Circuits were used.
The fourth generation of computers was from 1956 to 1963 in which transistors were used. In the third generation of computers, which was from 1971 to 1985, Micro Processor was introduced.
After this, the fifth generation of computer started from 1985, which is going on till date, in which AI (Artificial Intelligence) is being developed.
When was the vacuum tube invented?
The vacuum tube was invented in 1904 by British engineer John Ambrose Fleming, whose name was Thermionic Valve.
Which was the first computer?
The world’s first computer was the Differential Engine, which was built by Charles Babbage in 1822.
What was the world’s first computer?
The world’s first computer is considered to be the Differential Engine.
When was India’s first computer made?
India’s first computer was made in 1950 named TIFRAC.
When was India’s first super computer made?
India’s first supercomputer was ready to work in July 1991 and was named Param 8000.
When was the first electronic computer made?
The first electronic computer which was fully programmable and could solve the largest calculation for General Purpose was named ENIAC in 1944.
What was the old name of computer?
The old name of the computer was ENIAC (Electrical Numerical Integrator and Computer).
Where did Udhav first take place in the form of computer as a calculating device?
Uddhav was first born in China in the form of a computer calculator, which was a calculation machine.
How old is the history of computers?
If we look at the history of computers, it is about 3000 years old when China made the first calculation machine named abacus, which is used to calculate today in China and Japan and other countries of Asia.
Which is the first computer made in India?
TIFRAC, which was made by TATA INSTITUTE OF FUNDAMENTAL RESEARCH, was made a pilot machine in 1950 and was used in operation in 1956.
Which was the first computer of IBM?
IBM’s first personal computer was the IBM 5150, which was introduced in 1981.
When was the modern computer first invented?
The modern computer was invented in 1946 by Charles Babbage, who was the first to design a programmable computer.
Conclusion – What did we learn today?
In this post, we learned about Computer, what is a computer (What is a Computer) and when and how was it made? Which was the generation of computer, how was computer invented and how has computer become everyone’s need in today’s time?
If seen in today’s time, computer has become a great necessity.
Today almost all the work has started to be done online such as banking work, online booking, online food orders, online studies in which computer has played an important role.
Even people have started doing shopping online in today’s time, but it has also had many disadvantages, cases of fraud with people have also increased a lot and theft of data has become a common thing.
It is often heard that the data of a company has been stolen, due to which the company has to bear the loss. That’s why you should be very careful while using computer and never visit Malicious Website.