What is an HTML Explain | HTML Introduction

What is HTML, Features of HTML
Do you know what HTML is? If not, then you must read this article because as the usefulness of internet and computers is increasing, HTML programming language has also contributed to it. In the coming time, every person related to the Internet may need to know about HTML.
Computers and Internet have always played a major role in the field of technology, due to which technology has developed so much in today’s time. Similarly, in taking the Internet world to new heights, the importance of HTML increases because the largest part of the Internet has been designed through HTML. That’s why if you use the Internet, you must know about HTML.
The largest part of the Internet is designed through HTML. This means that whatever sites you see on the Internet like Facebook, Google, YouTube, HTML programming language has been used to create them. So let’s know what HTML is, and learn something new again.
1 What is HTML – What is HTML in Hindi
2 What is HTML 5?
3 Features of HTML
3.1 Simplicity.
3.2 Formatting Tags.
3.3 Operating System Support.
3.4 Can be taught quickly.
3.5 Attractive design.
4 Uses of HTML
What are 5 HTML Tags and how to use them?
5.1 HTML Basic Tags
6 How to learn HTML?
6.1 1. Learn with the help of internet
6.2 2. Learn through free courses available on YouTube
6.3 3. Learn through books
6.3.1 Some tips to learn HTML
7 FAQ’s – What is HTML
8 Conclusion
What is HTML in English:-
HTML is a high-level computer programming language, also known as Hypertext Markup Language. Which was created by Tim Berners Lee in Geneva in 1980, it is a high level programming language. Which is used by programmers for web development and with the use of CSS, web pages are made colorful and stylish.
This HTML language is often used by programmers to design web pages and websites and to add text, images, video and hyper links to web pages. Using HTML language, we make the device’s web browsers understand how to display website information to the user.
HTML language is completely made up of two words “Hyper text” and “Markup language”. The work of hyper text is that it connects two web pages into one text so that when any user clicks on that text, it takes him to another page, which users often call a link, but in correct words it is a hyper text. Contains text.
Markup language is used to create the structure of any web page, there is a lot of text in it with the help of which web pages are designed. The content of the page is described through the tags used in it, other than HTML. Markup languages are also available like XML, DHTML, XHTML but the good thing is that HTML is mostly used for web designing.
What is HTML 5 :-
Just as new versions of all the devices coming in today’s time keep coming, similarly HTML 5 is also an updated version of HTML programming language, in this you get many more facilities from HTML language, because as technology progressed, HTML also changed. There were many flaws in the programming language that needed to be solved.
That is why HTML 5 was introduced so that programmers do not face any difficulty while creating projects with the help of HTML, in HTML 5 you get many new features which help the programmers in coding. HTML 5 is the latest version of the HTML programming language.
Features of HTML:-
Actually, HTML has provided many such facilities to programmers which hardly any other programming language would have provided. HTML is a programming language which has various types of features which are as follows –
HTML programming language is simpler than other languages, due to which we can do coding very easily while creating any project, and its Tags i.e. Syntax are also simpler than other programming languages.
Formatting Tags.
In HTML programming language, we get such formatting tags with the help of which we can create better presentations.
Operating System Support.
In HTML programming language, we get support for all types of operating systems, that is, we can use HTML with any type of operating system.
Can be taught quickly.
Tags i.e. Syntax of HTML programming language are very simple, due to which HTML can be learned faster than other programming languages.
Attractive design.
With the help of HTML, we can also add graphics, videos etc. to web pages which makes our web page look more beautiful.
Uses of HTML:-
HTML is a programming language which is mostly used to design web pages, but in today’s time HTML can be used for different tasks like –
- HTML is used to create Hyperlink and Hypermedia to any text or photo video, for this Anchor < a > tag is used.
- Through HTML language, we can add any type of image to web pages, for this tag is used.
- We can also prepare games through HTML but the games prepared through HTML language are not of such high quality.
- With the help of HTML programming language, we can create web documents which can be accessed with the help of web browser.
- Navigations can be created through HTML, many big companies have created navigations inside their web pages using HTML.
What are HTML Tags and how to use them:-
If you are learning or about to learn HTML, then this question will definitely come in your mind that what are HTML Tags? So let us tell you that just as grammar has an important place in all types of languages, similarly there is syntax in programming language and in HTML syntax is called tag, it is used to indicate any element. As –
If the element is an image then we will use tag to display it in HTML language.
HTML basic tags:-
<html> – It is known as <> open tags in HTML language, it is placed at the first of the content. It is with the help of this tag that the web browser comes to know that it is an HTML file.
</html> – It is known as close tag in HTML language. This tag is placed at the end of the content so that the web browser knows that it is an HTML file.
<head> – It is called head tag in HTML language. It is a type of container inside which we can add things like title tag, script, CSS file etc.
<body> – This is called body tag in HTML language. This is the most important part of HTML web page. Whatever things you want to show in your HTML web page, all have to be added inside this tag. Everything from paragraph to image is added inside the body tag itself.
<p> – It is called paragraph tag in HTML language. To show paragraph, we have to use this tag in HTML.
<h1> – This is called Heading tag in HTML language. To show Heading, we have to use this tag in HTML. There are total 6 headings.
<img> – It is called image tag in HTML language. To display and add images in the web page, we have to use this tag in HTML.
<video> – This is called video tag in HTML language. To display and add video in the web page, we have to use this tag in HTML.
<audio> – This is called audio tag in HTML language. To display and add audio in the web page, we have to use this tag in HTML.
How to learn HTML:-
Many people must have this question in their mind that how to learn HTML? So let us tell you that compared to earlier, today we have many such options with the help of which we can learn HTML programming language like –
1- Learn with the help of internet
In today’s time, Internet is the biggest resource to get important information because every kind of information is available on the Internet, if you want to learn HTML language, then there are many such websites on the Internet through which you can learn HTML programming language, for example. Below are the names of some websites from which you can learn HTML –
2- Learn through free courses available on YouTube
YouTube is currently the largest video sharing platform and a search engine in which you will get all kinds of information through videos. In today’s time, if you want to learn HTML for free, then there is no harm in saying that YouTube is the best option for this. There is no better platform than HTML, because there are many such courses available on YouTube in which all the information about HTML from basic to advance is given.
3- Learn through books
Books are considered the best resource to learn any new skill because the information given in the books is with proper explanation, in such a situation, if you want to learn HTML programming language, then for this you can learn HTML language with the help of books. The names of some famous HTML books where you can learn HTML are given below –
Mastering Html, Css & Javascript Web Publishing
Web Design With HTML & CSS
HTML 5 Black Book
Some tips to learn HTML:-
If you want to learn HTML programming language, then some tips are given below, if you follow them then you can learn HTML very quickly.
1- Pay more attention to fundamentals
Whenever we learn any skill, we need to pay attention to the Basic Fundamentals. Similarly, if we want to learn HTML language quickly, then we should understand the Basic Fundamentals of HTML language.
2- Try to design small web pages
Whenever we do any big work, we should take small steps. Similarly, to learn HTML, we should first create small projects i.e. web pages so that we can learn HTML completely quickly.
3- Practice daily
It is absolutely true that if we do any work daily with proper practice, then we become master in that work. Similarly, if you want to learn HTML programming language quickly, then you must practice for at least 1 to 2 hours daily. Do it.
4- Become a problem solver
To become a good programmer, it is very important for any person to have problem solving skills, that is why if you want to learn HTML then become a problem solver, that is, instead of running away from problems, try to solve them.
5- Keep syntax in mind
Just as it is very important to understand its grammar to learn any language, in the same way, it is very important to pay attention to Syntax to learn a programming language. If you want to learn HTML, then keep its tags i.e. Syntax in mind.
FAQ’s – What is HTML ?
When was HTML programming language invented?
HTML programming language was invented in 1980.
Who is the father of HTML programming language?
The father of HTML programming language is Tim Berners Lee who was a computer scientist.
Which is the latest version of HTML programming language?
The latest version of HTML programming language is HTML5.
In simple words, it is very important to learn HTML language for web development and in today’s growing era, it is very important to learn programming and in this field of programming, it is very important to learn HTML language also. Now after reading this article you must have learned what is HTML (What is HTML) and we hope that you have learned a lot of new things through this article today.
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