What is a good CTR for AdSense
Google Adsense Gets Suspended Due to High CTR

There are some bloggers who say that the Google Adsense CTR of our site is always high, we do not click on Google Adsense AIDS on our site and neither do anyone get it done nor do any wrong activity related to AIDS. I have done, yet the CTR is high on our site, so does Google Adsense get suspended due to high CTR, why this problem comes.
So we told that Google Adsense has not kept any such percentage of CTR, on which percentage your CTR will come, then your Google Adsense will be suspended, actually this problem is due to less views on the site when the views are coming less on the site. and more clicks are coming then CTR will always be high in your Adsense account.
What is a good CTR for AdSense
less than 10%
What is a good CTR for Page
Some bloggers put more AIDS on their sites, so because of this also the CTR remains high in Adsense account, but if you are honestly working on your blog, you are not getting anyone to click on AIDS on your site, nor yourself. If you are not doing any illegal activity, then there is no danger to your site, no matter what the CTR of your Google Adsense account may be.
If someone is deliberately clicking on ads on your site, then you can stop the ads on the site for some time or you can keep your Google Adsense account protected by using Ad Invalid Click Protector (AICP) plugin and particular IP address. You can also blog so that they cannot see AIDS on your site.