What are The 8 Types of Computers Full Detail
Types of computers on the basis of purpose

The purpose of each computer is different. That’s why it is very important to understand the classification of computers on the basis of purpose.
Different computers have been launched in the market according to the human needs and today in this article we are going to discuss about the types of computers on the basis of purpose? Can share the information with you.
In terms of purpose, computers are either for General Purpose or for Specific Purpose.
General purpose computers are capable of doing multiple tasks simultaneously. But their speed and efficiency are usually less.
On the other hand, specific computers made for a specific purpose work to solve a specific problem, then such computers can only do some specific tasks.
So let’s know about all these purpose-built computers one by one.
How many types of computers are there on the basis of purpose ?
In the previous article, we gave you information about the type of computer based on the application. So let’s know the classification of computers on the basis of purpose.
1. Analog Computer
Analog computer is that type of computer in which the data process and the data to be shown are continuously variable. The data we see on analog computers always keeps on changing.
These computers are mostly used in scientific data, industrial application. These computers perform arithmetic operations by measuring quantity.
Telephone lines, Speedometer, resistance of Capsitor are all types of Analog computers.
2. Digital Computer
A computer that helps in processing any information is a digital computer. In such computers, when the user receives any input, he gets its output immediately. The main types of such computers are personal computers, desktops, laptops, smartphones etc.
In the 21st century, digital electronic computers are being used the most by humans for their personal and commercial use.
3. Hybrid Computer
When a digital computer and an analog computer are combined, a hybrid computer is formed.
Hybrid computers are used today to perform large technical and logical calculations. Their best quality is Speed, their biggest disadvantage is that many network hubs and cables are used to operate them.
Thermometer, speedometer, these are all types of hybrid computers.
4. Super Computer
This type of computer is extremely powerful, these computers provide high performance. Such computers are not used for daily use.
They are used for scientific, data engineering purposes. Because such high speed computers are required there. These computers are very expensive, whose use is also very limited but useful.
5. Mainframe Computer
Mainframe computers are also known as big iron computers. Due to the large size of these computers, their use is generally seen less.
But even today many enterprises use mainframe computers to perform bank operations.
A Mainframe system is required to perform many Tasks in one turn without interruption and Mainframe Computer Banks fulfills these requirements.
This type of computer requires heavy power. But their ability to run any application and process data is very fast.
6. Mini Computer
The name of a computer in the category of computers is Mini computers, which started manufacturing in the 1960s. The price and performance of these types of computers are less than any mainframe or supercomputer.
Minicomputers have all those features just like big computers, just their size is small. Multiple users use these computers for personal work.
Minicomputers are also called mid range computers. IBM’s AS/400e, Honeywell200, TI-990. Like some are examples of mini computers.
7. Personal Computer
These types of computers are called microcomputers. In the 21st century, most people have personal computers, due to the price, size and features of such computers, most people prefer to buy such computers.
Micro processors are used to make these computers, so their size is small. Computers running on Windows OS are a prime example of personal computers.
Not only this, even the Android smartphone that fits in our pocket is also a type of personal computer. Which is capable of doing many Tasks just like a computer.
In short, this type of computers is most famous among the people, it would not be wrong to say that for many people computer means only personal computer.
8. Work Station Computer
Workstation computer is also a type of desktop family. Which are mostly used by analysts, designers, content creation professionals, developers.
These computers are known for high performance, so they are used for high end graphics, video editing etc.
A personal computer where it is perfect for doing Mails, creating documents and playing Games etc. The same a Workstation station computer needs a lot of power.
Therefore it is capable of performing heavy tasks such as CAD, animation, data analysis, and photorealistic renderings.
So friends, in this way you have come to know which computer has been made for which purpose? It is expected that after reading this article your knowledge about computer machine would have increased further.
We hope after reading this post, you must have come to know the types of computers on the basis of purpose. If you have liked this post of today, do not forget to share it as much as possible to reach others.