What are 11 Examples of Hardware and Software
Difference Between Hardware and Software

Software is the application of knowledge in computer science. Hardware is the physical and tangible part of a machine or device that can be seen, touched or operated by humans.
In the previous article, we had known that what is this hardware? What is software? We also told you that software without hardware and hardware without software both are incomplete. By the way, both hardware and software complement each other. But still there is a lot of difference between these two.
If you want to know the difference between hardware and software, then definitely read it completely. Often people eliminate the difference between hardware and software in just one sentence by saying that hardware is the physical part of the computer and software is the internal part of the computer which we cannot touch.
This is correct, but the difference between hardware and software can be explained in many better ways than this.
That is why below you have been given a description of the difference between hardware and software in very simple words and with the help of different categories. After reading which you will be able to know the hardware and software part of the computer in a better way.
Difference between hardware and software
Hardware is that mechanical part of the computer using which the users enter the necessary information in the computer. The hardware part of the computer includes CPU, Memory, Hard Disk, Monitor, Printer, Mouse etc.
The special programs present in the computer using which different tasks are performed are called software. These programs present in the computer are run by the CPU of the computer. MS Word, Google Chrome, Photoshop are the best examples of software.
Both hardware and software are quite different from each other. The difference between hardware and software is shown in detail.
1. On the basis of organ
Hardware is the physical part of the computer, which is used to give instructions to the computer. Software is a program that is used to complete different tasks.
2. On the basis of development
The hardware parts of the computer are made in the factory. The software parts of the same computer are made by the software engineer in the software development company.
3. On the basis of dependency
Without software the hardware cannot carry out any instruction given by the user. And without the same hardware, no instruction can be entered in the software.
4. Based on visibility
Hardware is that electronic device of computer which we can feel as well as touch. The same software exists only in digital form, it cannot be touched.
5. On the basis of type
There are three types of hardware – Input Devices, Output Devices and Storage Devices. There are also three types of software – Programming Softwares, Application Softwares and Operating Systems. But the functions of these hardware and software parts are different.
6. Based on virus
The virus has no effect on the hardware, the same software can also be completely ruined due to the virus.
7. On transfer basis
Hardware parts can be physically transferred. Software can only be transferred digitally.
8. On the basis of replacement
If any hardware gets damaged or breaks then it can be replaced and fixed. But the software cannot be fixed, it can only be reinstalled.
9. On the basis of importance
Hardware is made up of different parts while a computer user is able to work on the computer with the help of software.
10. By Example
Keyboard, Mouse, Monitor, Printer, CPU, Hard disk, RAM, ROM etc. are examples of hardware. Whereas Ms Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Photoshop, MySQL are examples of software.
11. On the basis of work
If hardware is called the heart of the computer, then software is called the soul of the computer.
After reading this much, you must have understood what is the difference between hardware and software. We have used some questions to provide information related to hardware and software.
Can a computer work without hardware ?
It is very important to have at least display, hard drive, keyboard, memory, motherboard, processor, power supply and video card in any computer.
Without these things no computer can work. If there is any problem in any of these hardware parts of the computer or it gets damaged. So in such a situation the computer will not start at all, because with the help of hardware, the users enter the necessary information and information in the computer.
After entering the information, the hardware parts present in the computer run the software and process the information given by the user. After processing, users can see the result with the help of hardware parts showing the output of the computer.
Can a computer work without software ?
The answer to this question is a bit complicated as there are many such software. Without which the computer can run smoothly because software cannot use many things like hardware, but different types of software have been created to do different tasks.
And people download these software as per their requirement.
But on the other hand, if the operating system software is not installed in the computer, then the computer will not work at all. Working is still a distant thing, without the operating system the computer will not start at all. In short, it depends on the need and type of software whether the computer can work without it or not.
Friends, in this post you have come to know that what is the difference between hardware and software? Not only this, after reading this post, you must have also understood what is the importance of hardware and software in a computer. If you like the information given in this post, then definitely share it with your friends.