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Typing practice online-part-13 | HARTRON EXAM

Typing practice online-part-13


Know which compression you are typing with. Typing practice online-part-13, if you do not know how to use all your fingers without looking at the keyboard, then we recommend you to improve your typing speed with our free online typing. Use the syllabus, do not use backspace while typing, and use the Good Typing Test lesson to increase typing speed 100% (if you are ready, Then you can start the test. Good luck!)

Practice part- 13

Part 13 – A new key, ‘apostrophe (‘) will be added to this part. Apostrophe is often used to abbreviate words and type it with the little finger of your straight hand.

Typing speed test

Type the following text…

But first I want to know from you whether you have verified your blog
in the search console or not If you have not done this, you must verify
your blog in Google Search Console and submit your sitemap as well because
sitemap is very important thing Friends, as you will know that every day a
new blog is created, there is a lot of competition in ranking blog posts
and if you want to rank your blog post, then it will be better for you that
any blog post Do the keyword research properly before writing.

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