Types of Computers and Examples | Full Detail
Types of Computers Based on Application

You must be well aware about the computer, but do you know that on the basis of the application of the computer, the computer is divided into different parts. And today in this post we are going to tell you the types of computers on the basis of sequence.
Even though the computer started as a calculating machine (calc), but over time computers were made for various experiments. Because of which we get to see different computers today, so let’s know.
Classification of computers on the basis of application
In the previous article, we gave you information about the type of computer on the basis of size. So let’s know how many types of computers are there on the basis of application?
1. Analog Computer
A system in which physical quantities keep on changing is called an analog computer. This computer transmits analog data, due to which it was named analog computer.
This type of computer is one of those machines that were developed in the early days of computers.
Such computers are used in places where data is measured without converting them into numbers. It stores data in a continuous physical quantity on the computer, there are many types of analog computers, some of the main types are as follows.
mechanical analog computer
Pneumatic Analog Computer
Hydraulic Analog Computer
Electronic Analog Computer
Analog computer was used for the first time in the decade of 1950-60 and even today we can see the use of these computers in many electronic components.
In earlier times, computers were used in aircrafts, boats and equipment.
Whereas even today their use has not ended, today we use refrigerator, speedometer etc. in our daily life.
2. Digital Computer
A digital computer can also be called a digital system! Which is capable of doing computerized tasks.
In simple words, digital computers work on the binary number system, there are 2 digits in the binary system, 0 and 1.
The world’s first digital computer was made in the year 1940. This computer was capable of doing mathematical operations.
Digital computer is made up of two parts software and hardware. All those physical electronic devices present in the computer are called hardware.
At the same time, the program available to operate that computer is called Software. With the help of which the computer processes the data on the basis of the command given by the user and completes a task.
Computer is made up of many parts, some of the main parts are input output devices, CPU (Central Processing Unit), RAM and ROM and memory unit.
In which the data is stored, all these are included under this.
Compared to computer, the data processed by digital computer is more accurate as well as faster.
Let us understand the difference between the two, so that it will be easier for you to understand the features of these two.
3. Hybrid Computer
The computer system in which analog and digital components are found is a hybrid computer.
The main purpose of making this type of computer was to include the features of analog and digital computers in a single computer.
Hybrid computer is designed to solve complex calculations easily. Therefore, they are used by businesses and organizations to perform technical and logical operations.
The specialty of these computers is that they provide the same accuracy as analog computers. Also maintains digital computer speed. Computers are known for their ability to do large equations in real time.
There are also some disadvantages of these computers such as their cost is very high. Many network hubs, nodes are used in hybrid computers, so they are very costly.
Difference between analog computer and digital computer
Data in computer is displayed in dynamic form, whereas in digital computer data is displayed discretely in phone like 0, 1 is there.
Speedometer, telephone lines, Astrolabe, Oscilloscope etc. are all examples of analog computers. While all personal computers IBM PC, digital computer are examples of this.
Digital computers are faster in terms of speed.
Any kind of input and output device is not attached to analog computer. Whereas in digital computers, devices like mouse, keyboard etc. are attached as input outputs.
Technical staff is required to operate an analog computer. But any user can learn to use digital computer easily.
Signals in analog computer are in electromagnetic wave. While the pulses of voltage are in a sequence in a digital computer.
Analog computers are used to determine quantities and for scientific computation. On the other hand, digital computers are used in homes and businesses.
Analog computers do not include memory units and computing terminals, while digital computers have memory units and storage to store data.
Analog computers require a physical device such as a thermometer to display variable data. On the other hand, digital computers show text and visuals with absolute accuracy from devices like monitors and printers.
In order to display the data accurately, noise is generated with the circuits in the analog computer. But digital computers do not provide electronic noise.
Today’s article ends here. Hope knowing the types of computer on the basis of application has now helped you to understand about computer in more detail. If you like this information then do not forget to share it as much as possible.