SSC SHSL TYPING TEST GUIDELINES:- If you are interested in Data Entry Operator, Lower Division Clerk (LDC), JSA, Postal Assistant, Sorting Assistant and Accounts Clerk cum Typist Post and your selection in CBT-3 If it is on post, you will be called for Typing Skill Test by SSC. Stay on the website for complete information about this test.

Know which compression you are typing with.SSC CHSL TYPING TEST PART-1, if you do not know how to use all your fingers without looking at the keyboard, then we recommend you to improve your typing speed with our free online typing. Use the syllabus, do not use backspace while typing, and use the Good Typing Test lesson to increase typing speed 100% (if you are ready, Then you can start the test. Good luck!)
Type the following text…
she lies, that she might think me some untutored youth, unskillful in the worlds
false forgeries, thus vainly thinking that she thinks me young, althugh i know
my years be past the best, i smiling credit her false speaking tongue, outfacing
faults in love with loves ill rest, but wherefore says my love that she is young
and wherefore say not i that i am old, loves best habit is a soothing
tongue, and age, in love, loves not to have years told.