Operating System needed:Computer Basics
Why need operating system
The operating system is a system of systematically frozen software that controls the transmission of data and instructions.
Operating system required
The operating system acts as a bridge between hardware and software. The computer itself does not exist. It is only a group of hardware such as keyboards, monitors, CPUs, etc. Operating system establishes the connection between all the hardware. Due to the operating system, the user does not need to know the different parts of the computer as well. The user can do all his work without stress, it distributes and arranges the resources of the system.

There are many other useful departments of the operating system, many of which are performed by the central processor. For example, if a printing job is done, then the central processor leaves the work on the operating system by giving the necessary commands. And he himself starts doing the next work. Apart from this, renaming the file, changing directory contents, changing directory etc. are done by the operating system. Under this comes the following tasks.
1) File system
Create, delete and move files from one place to another. Organizing the file directory.
2) Process
Distribute programs and data into memory. And to initiate and synchronize the process. Instructions for copying user directory files, directories, etc., graphic disks, etc.
3) input / output
Intermediary for monitor printer disk etc.
Operating System Features

1) memory management
Programs and data need to be put into memory before executing. Most operating systems allow more than one program to remain in memory at a time. Operating system ensures that the memory in use is not overwritten when the program is exhausted. The memory used becomes free.
2) Multi Programming
The operation of more than two processes at the same time is called multi-programming. CPU based on special technology It is decided by which of these programs to run the CP at the same time. U. Runs a program.
3) Multi Processing
There is more than one CPU on the system for execution of more than one task at a time. This technique is called multi processing. Due to more than one processor available, there is coordination between input output and processing functions.
4) Multi tasking
Mutual control in more than one process in memory is called multi tasking before a program is removed before its control is saved when the control arrives on the program. The program remains in its previous state. In multi-tasking, the user gets a feeling that all the tasks are running simultaneously.
5) Multi threading
It is an extended form of multi-tasking. A program runs more than one thread at the same time. For example, a spreadsheet performs a long conversion when the user enters the data.
6) Real Time
The process of real time operating system is very fast. Real time operating system is used when a particular control is being controlled by the computer. The result of this type of experiment is obtained immediately. And this result is used immediately in its care. The process to be controlled can be changed when the requirement is required.Through this technique, the work of the computer is to collect the data continuously, arrange them in memory and arrange them in memory and give instructions based on the result of the death.
Operating System Type

The operating system is divided into two parts based on user count.
1) Single User
A single user operating system is an operating system in which only one user can operate at a time.
2) Multiple Users
Operating system in which more than one user can work at the same time.
It is also divided into two parts based on the mode of working.
1) Character user interface
When the user communicates with the system by character, this operating system is called character user interface.
Example dos, unix
2) graphical user interface
When user interacts with images from computer then it is called graphical user interface.
Example window