HSSC PGT Recruitment 2021Online Apply
HSSC PGT Recruitment 2021:

HSSC PGT Recruitment 2021:Application for the post of 534 teachers started, here is the direct link Talking about the age limit, candidates from 18 to 42 years can apply for HSSC PGT recruitment. The reserved class will also get exemption as per rules.
The total number of posts in HSSC PGT recruitment is 534. Those who will be appointed under Group B service. HSSC PGT Recruitment 2021: Haryana Staff Selection Commission (HSSC) has activated the link to apply online for the recruitment of 534 posts of Post Graduate Teacher (PGT).
Candidates to apply for HSSC recruitment can apply online till 09 June 2021. Earlier, the commission had fixed May 19 as the last date for the application. With this, the date of submission of online application fees has also been extended. The schedule of HSSC PGT recruitment exam will be released later.
The notification of HSSC PGT Recruitment 2021 was released on 11 February 2021, but due to Corona epidemic, the application process had to be postponed several times so the Commission is still giving the candidates a chance to apply. To apply for these posts, one should have a Hindi / Sanskrit subject in Candidate Matric or Higher.MA / Acharya degree from Sanskrit with at least 50% marks. Along with this, there should be B.Ed. / Shiksha Shastri or LTC.
Talking about the age limit, candidates from 18 to 42 years can apply for HSSC PGT recruitment. The reserved class will also get exemption as per rules. Applicants are advised to read the entire recruitment notification before applying. The total number of posts in HSSC PGT recruitment is 534. Those who will be appointed under Group B service.
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