How To Select Word In PowerPoint
Complete information on how to select in PowerPoint

Before we cut or paste any word/word group in a MS PowerPoint Slides, we have to select them. Then those words/word groups can be cut/paste.
We have explained step-by-step below about selecting a word or group of words in PowerPoint. So let’s select a word or group of words in MS PowerPoint.
A word/word group can be selected in several ways in MS PowerPoint. In this tutorial, we will tell you how to select words/word group in MS PowerPoint in 3 ways.
So let’s know, the 3 ways in which words / group of words are selected in MS PowerPoint.
- by Home Tab
- by Keyboard
- by Mouse
1- Selecting via Home Tab
Step: #1
First of all open MS PowerPoint.
Step: #2
After opening MS PowerPoint, you have to write something in it. If nothing is already written in it.
Step: #3
After typing, you have to go to Home Tab from Menu Bar. You have to go to its Editing Group.
Step: #4
Here you have to click on Select. After clicking on it, three options will open in front of you. First Select All Second, Select Objects and Third, Selection Pane. Out of these, you click on the first one i.e. Select All. And your typed word/word group will be selected.

Step: #5
Above you can see that all the text written in MS PowerPoint has been selected. After being selected, your text will also show like this.
2- Selecting by Keyboard
Words can also be selected through the keyboard in MS PowerPoint. To select from the keyboard, you have to use some keyboard shortcuts. Follow the steps given below to select from keyboard.
Step: #1
First of all, the word or line you want to select. Click there with the mouse. This is done to bring the Mouse Cursor to that line or word. Which one to select.
Step: #2
After this, you select the word / word group by using Left and Right Aero Keys with Shift Key. Or you can also select the entire paragraph. Keep in mind one thing here that you have to hold down the Shift key.
Step: #3
If you press CTRL + A from the keyboard, then the entire MS PowerPoint presentation will be selected simultaneously.
3- Selecting by Mouse
You can also select a single word or entire paragraph of an MS PowerPoint presentation with the mouse. This is a wonderful trick. By which you can save a lot of time. For this you just have to click with the mouse. Follow the steps given below about selecting with mouse.
Step: #1
By moving the Mouse Cursor over the word you want to select, click 2 times (Double Click) quickly. By doing this that word will be selected.
Step: #2
If you want to select Paragraph. So for this, by moving the Mouse Cursor over that paragraph, quickly click 3 times (Triple Click) with the mouse. By doing this, the entire paragraph will be selected simultaneously.
What have you learned ?
In this tutorial, we have told you how to select a word or group of words in MS PowerPoint. You have known many ways to select in MS PowerPoint. We hope that this tutorial has been useful for you.