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How to Install Notepad in Computer | HARTRON EXAM

How to Install Notepad in Computer

What Is Notepad | How to Install Notepad in Computer

How to Install Notepad in Computer
How to Install Notepad in Computer

Notepad is a program that is inbuilt with Windows. Therefore Notepad does not need to be installed to use it. You can use it by opening Notepad as soon as you install Windows.

Notepad is not developed by Microsoft as Third Party Software. Notepad is developed along with Windows. So we do not need to buy it from any external source. Notepad gets installed along with Windows. You can find Notepad in computer by reading this tutorial of ours.

What Is Notepad

Friends, if you use a windows pc or laptop, then you must have used notepad, but if you do not know what is notepad after all? So today in this post we will know what is Notepad after all? Use, Advantages? how to use how to download.

Friends, we use many software / applications in our computer. And today we are going to talk about one of those popular application notepad. Friends, if you are a computer user, then you must have heard or used the name of the word Notepad.

But those computer users who do not know what notepad is? How is it useful to you? So today’s article is going to be very important for them, in which you will get complete information related to Notepad.

Friends Notepad is a pre-installed program in windows computer that means this text editor program is already installed in your computer. Which can do many of your tasks. Like you can quickly create text file in notepad and save that file in different formats as well as you can use html language in notepad to create web page.

What is Wordpad? – What Is Wordpad In Hindi? I have already told about it, and today in this post we will know what is Notepad.

So what is you notepad? What are the uses of Notepad? And what are its benefits. If you want to know how to use note pad etc., then you will get the answer of all these questions in this article today. So read this article from beginning to end. Come friends, first of all we know what is notepad.

What Is Notepad

Notepad is a text editor application developed by Microsoft company. It is a basic text editor application which can be easily used by any windows computer user. Notepad is commonly used to create, open and save text documents as well as read plain text files.

If a file has special formatting or it is not a plain text file. So notepad cannot read and edit that file. Notepad has been used in Windows computers for many years (from Windows 1.0 to the present day). Even today the use of notepad software can be seen in new Windows 10 computers.

Friends, in this way you must have understood that what is notepad, now we know what are the uses of notepad.

How to Notepad usage?

Friends, if you are a Notepad user, then the most important thing you should know is that you can use Notepad to create a web page. But for this you should have knowledge of html (hyper text markup language) language.

If you know a little bit of HTML language then you can easily create a simple web page. However, other software such as brackets, notepad++ etc. are more convenient in creating web pages.

Second is that users can use notepad as a diary. That is, in this you can write the important things of your daily life. Which will prove to be helpful in maintaining your daily routine and old memories.

Apart from this, while studying using notepad, you can prepare notes and later share that file with any person.

Apart from this, Notepad is used to create text files and later you can edit that file anytime.

Apart from this, through notepad, new computer users can learn to create text files, save and print them etc. Therefore, using Note Pad in place of other complex applications is very beneficial for computer users in the beginning.

Therefore, learning Notepad for a new computer user is not much difficulty.

In Notepad, a user can change the font style while creating text files. Because there are many prebuilt fonts available in Notepad. So a user can change the text from simple to stylish fonts and can bold, italic and underline any word.

How to use Notepad?

Friends, although you must know how to use Notepad in computer. But the users who do not know how to use notepad. For their information, let us tell you that you can open the Notepad program on your computer in many ways.

First of all, press the R keys along with the window key from your computer’s keyboard. Pressing these two keys together will open the run command. Now type notepad in the search bar here. and click on ok. In this way Notepad will be open in your computer.

Apart from this, another easy way is to press the windows key in your computer and type notepad in the search bar. And hit enter. In this way Notepad will be open in your computer. Now type the words you want to type in notepad. And after completing typing, now that file has to be saved. So save it by pressing ctrl+S key and save it here as .text file in below encoding format.

Friends, in this way you will save .txt file in your computer.

Benefits Of Notepad

The Notepad program provides a simple and easy-to-use interface. Which uses very little computer memory and other resources. Hence this program can be accessed by computer users with a single click.

Text Manipulation

Microsoft Notepad provides text editing and formatting facilities to users. Suppose if you copy the text of an article from the internet, then when you paste that article in notepad. So now in Notepad, you can change the font style of that article and change the text by bolding italicized and underlining a word. So this is the main advantage of using notepad.

Friends, in this way we learned about the many uses of Microsoft Notepad and its benefits. But being a notepad user, you should be aware of its drawbacks as well.

Simple Interface

On one hand its simple interface creates convenience for new users. On the other hand, all this simple interface does not give Microsoft Notepad the look and features of a professional text editor. Compared to Microsoft Word, Microsoft Notepad has very limited features to save the created text file in different formats.

Friends, although you can use notepad to write programming languages ​​like html language. But if Notepad is compared with other text editor Notepad ++ and Brackets etc software, then notepad spends a lot of time. Also, every time the web page is reviewed, the file has to be saved.

Apart from this, while programming in Notepad, if there is an error in the code, then this software is incapable of telling it and as you know if you have a better knowledge of coding then only you can do error free coding.

Along with this, there is no facility of auto-indentation in Notepad during programming.

The way we are able to open two document files in one window in Microsoft word. Same way we can’t in notepad. Because of which most people prefer to use Microsoft Word instead of Notepad to create text files.

What did you learn today

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