How To Do Purchase Entry In Tally
Purchase Entry in Tally Complete Information

Purchase Entry in Tally, whenever any goods are purchased in the business, whether it is in cash or in credit, it is entered in Purchase Voucher. There are many types of purchases in business, but the point to be noted here is that to sell the goods we buy, the same will go in the transaction of Purchase Voucher.
Here we buy goods by levying GST tax. But in this article we will learn to do Purchase Entry without GST, so that going ahead you can easily understand how Purchase Entry in Tally is done. You will be able to learn the article of our next GST Purchase, to learn now, we will know the simple Purchase Entry in this article. So let’s get started.
What is Purchase Entry in Tally ?
Purchase Entry in Tally means passing any Purchase Bill Invoice to Purchase Voucher regularly. Here Purchase Bill Invoice can be a cash purchase or a credit purchase, but to sell the goods we have bought, we treat the same as purchase.
For example: A business organization does the business of grocery grocery, if they buy grocery items like soap, oil, rice, biscuits, then it is a purchase bill and it will be an entry in the Purchase Voucher.
But if the same business organization purchases a car for business, then it is not a purchase, it is an expense and we cannot enter it in the Purchase Voucher, its treatment will go to the expense i.e. payment voucher.
What is Purchase Voucher ?
As all the financial transactions of Accounting Voucher are recorded in Tally, in the same menu Purchase Voucher (F9) all transactions of Purchase are entered.
Use of Purchase Voucher If you buy goods in cash or in credit from any party, then an invoice is received, we go inside Accounting Voucher and press the function key (F9) and Purchase Voucher becomes active, same invoice bill We do Purchase Entry in tally.
What are the types of Purchase Entry in tally ?
In Tally, Purchase Entry can be passed in two to three ways. For example, a business organization which does not maintain any inventory or stock, only enters purchase amount.
Another way is a business organization maintains inventory but enters purchase bill without levying tax. The third purchase entry is the business organization that enters the purchase systematically, in which tax is also levied and the inventory is also maintained. So here is the major Purchase Entry in Tally:
- Purchase Entry (Accounts Only)
- Purchase Entry in Tally with Inventory
- GST Purchase Entry in Tally
How to do Purchase Entry in Tally ?
As we know, we enter any purchase invoice in tally. So here we will see by taking example how Purchase Entry is done in Tally. We will pass three types of entry in Purchase Voucher as written above.
When we buy goods from a party in cash or credit, he raises a bill, for the entry of purchase, we need the bill but here we will enter by imaginary bill.
Purchase Entry (Accounts Only)
Purchase Entry (Accounts only) i.e. when the company does an account without stock or inventory, then such entries are made. We can also call this as Purchase entry in tally without inventory. Small business organization does not maintain its stock, it only keeps its accounts in Accounts Only.
For example: You have purchased goods from a supplier whose value is Rs. 15000/-, its entry will be like this:
- Debit Purchase A/c
- Credit Goods Supplier A/c
Purchase Entry Pass in Tally
1- Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > Enter > Press F9 Key to Activate Purchase

To pass Purchase Entry, enter in Accounting Voucher To activate Purchase Voucher, then press the function key F9 on the keyboard.
2- Enter Supplier Invoice No. > Change Date > Enter
Here we have purchased goods from the Goods Supplier, then we will take its account in 15000 / – credit and will debit the Purchase Account 15000 / – which is showing in the By option below.
It will show you the option of Accounts Only when you have selected Accounts Only in the option of Maintain at the time of company creation. If you have taken Accounts with Inventory in Maintain at the time of company creation, then you can bring option by doing As Voucher from this button bar.
Purchase Entry in Tally with Inventory
In this transaction, you have to fill in the details of the inventory stock of all the goods you purchase. We call this Purchase Entry in Tally with Inventory. Here we will take an example of this, look at the bill given below, we will pass its entry:
Here we see that the Purchase Invoice contains the details and complete details of the item. When we record this type of entry in purchase, it is called Purchase Entry in Tally with Inventory. To pass this entry, follow the steps below:
Purchase Entry in Tally with Inventory
1- Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > Enter > Press F9 Key to Activate Purchase > Enter The Bill Details
Here you select the invoice number according to the bill, date of the invoice, party name and purchase account in the purchase ledger. In Name of Item, you select the item according to the bill and fill the amount and save the voucher by giving below narration.
GST Purchase Entry in Tally
The most important is the entry of purchases, GST Purchase Entry in Tally After the implementation of GST of the Government of India, everyone enters the purchase bill along with the GST invoice. This is a big topic, there are many types of purchases in it.
We have covered this in the article of GST Purchase Entry in Tally. You can watch the video of its GST Series by clicking on this article.
Here you can see. A GST Purchase Bill contains details like this. For this, GST has to be setup, the tax has to be defined, then the purchase bill is entered. In this, different types of taxes are levied for each different item.
In this article, we have tried to give you the basic information about Purchase Voucher and its entry in Purchase Entry in Tally.
Apart from this, you can learn our Tally ERP9, Tally Prime Full Course, stay connected with us, if you like this article then share it with your friends, like our Facebook page thank you.