How To Change Font Insert Picture In WordPad
How to Change the Font of a WordPad Document

You are working on a WordPad document. And you do not like the default formatting. So it doesn’t matter. You can easily change the font, font size, color etc. of your choice. Apart from this, you can also change the font to Bold, Italic etc. Style.
We have explained step-by-step below about changing font style in WordPad document. We hope that you will be able to do formatting of WordPad document easily by reading these steps. So let’s change the Font Style in WordPad.
How to Change Font and Font Style in WordPad Document
Step: #1 – Open WordPad Document
First of all, open WordPad and open a WordPad document. Or you can open a new file and type some Dummy Text.
Step: #2 – Go to Font Group
After this you have to first click on WordPad Home Tab. By doing this the Home tab will open in front of you. Which you can see in the screenshot below.
Step: #3 – Select Text or Paragraph
Now you have to change the Font Style of any Word, Paragraph in the WordPad Document. He has to select. If you want, you can select the entire document. Or you can select only one word or paragraph.
After selecting that text or paragraph will be highlighted. Which will stand out to you the most.
Step: #4 – Change Font
After selecting you are ready to change the font. And now you can do the formatting of WordPad Document of your choice.
For this, you have to go to the Home tab and go to the Font Group available here. In Font Group you will find Buttons like Font Family, Font Size, Font Color etc. From here, click on any type of text formatting you want to do.

If you click on Font Family Button, then a list of Fonts will open in front of you, from where you can choose your favorite font. If you click on the Size Button, then the size will open in front of you. From here, whatever font size you click on, that size will be applied to the selected text. Apart from this, you can also color the font, make it Bold, Italic, Underline.
In this way, you can do any formatting you want in a WordPad document. You can make the text bold. You can italicize it, and if you want, you can also draw a line under the text.
How to Insert Picture in WordPad Document
We have explained in detail below with Step-by-Step Picture about Inserting Picture in WordPad Document. We hope that by reading these steps, you will be able to easily insert a picture anywhere in any document of WordPad. So let’s insert the picture in WordPad.
How to Insert Picture in WordPad
Step: #1 – Open WordPad
First of all open WordPad. To open it, you try the same method as you open other computer programs.
Step: #2 -Go to Home Tab
After opening WordPad, click on WordPad Home Tab. On clicking on WordPad Home Tab, Home Tab will open in front of you. Which you can see in the screenshot below.
Step: #3 – Activate the Picture Tool
From here you have to click on Picture from Picture, Paint Drawing, Date and Time and Insert Object available in Insert Group. Doing so will activate the picture tool.
Step: #4 – Select Picture
After clicking on the picture, the Select Picture Dialog Box will open in front of you. From here you have to choose the picture for yourself that you want to insert in WordPad Document.
To choose a picture, you must first select the place where your picture is saved from the left panel. After that click on the picture which you want to insert. By doing this the picture will be selected.

After selecting the picture, you have to click on Open. After clicking here, the picture you had selected will be inserted here.
We chose the picture of flowers from above. Which is shown for you below. You can insert any picture here. Provided that the picture is available in your computer. If you want, you can also download the picture for yourself. And you can insert them in WordPad Document.
What have you learned ?
In this tutorial you have learned how text formatting is done in WordPad document. and how pictures are inserted in WordPad Document. We hope that this tutorial has been useful for you. After reading this, you can easily insert Text Formatting and Pictures in any WordPad document.