How to Change Font and Use Find in Notepad
How to Change Font Style in Notepad Document

Changing the Font Style and Font Size in a Notepad document affects the entire document. You can easily change the font style according to your need in Notepad and make your document impressive. Let us know how you can also change the font style in Notepad.
We have explained step-by-step below about changing the font style in Notepad. We hope that you will be able to change the font style in Notepad easily by reading these steps. So let’s know how to change font style in Notepad.
How to Change Font Style of Notepad Document

Step: #1 – Open Notepad
Step: #2 – Open Notepad File
Step: #3 – Activate Font Command
Step: #4 – Do Font Settings
Step: #5 – Save Font Style
If you repeat each of the above mentioned steps one by one, then you can easily change the font style of Notepad document. Each step is described below for your help.
Step: #1 – Open Notepad
First of all open Notepad. To open it, try the same method that you use to open other computer programs.
Step: #2 – Open Notepad File
After opening Notepad, the Notepad Document or Notepad File in which you want to change the Font Style. Open that too. We are assuming that you have opened the document.
Step: #3 – Activate Font Command
To change the font, we have to activate the font command first. For this you first click on Format Menu from the Menu Bar of Notepad. Doing this will open the Format Menu in front of you. From here you click on Font. By doing this, Notepad Font Dialog Box will open in front of you.
Step: #4 – Do Font Settings
In Font Dialog Box, you mainly get three boxes, which are Font, Font Style and Size respectively. From here you have to choose Font, Font Style and Font Size.
Font – This is the first box from which you have to choose the font. Here you will find all the fonts installed in the computer. Select any one font of your choice.
Font style – From this box you have to tell how you want the handwriting i.e. text to be displayed. Here you get formatting like Bold, Oblique, Underline according to the selected font.
Size – How big should be the text of notepad file. You will determine that from this box. Usually this size is 14 pixels. You can choose the size according to your need.
Sample – This box shows a preview of the font style you have selected. So that you can know immediately which style will get the desired style by applying it.
Script – You do not have to disturb this box.
When we change the font style, this change is shown in a box named Sample.
Step: #5 – Save Font Style
After making all the necessary changes. After choosing the font of your choice, you have to do one last thing to make this change permanent. You have to save the chosen font style. To save it, click on OK at the bottom of the font dialog box. And the Font Style will be saved.
Once the font style is saved, you will see its effect on the text present in the document.
How to Use Find Command in Notepad
You want to find something in the finished Notepad document. But, your document is so big that the whole day can be spent searching. So what will you do? Either he will close the file in anger or else he will leave all the work and find his own words. Which will prove to be a time-wasting and tiring process.
But, you can tackle this task with just a few clicks. Notepad cares about you and doesn’t like wasting your time. Therefore, he has made an endowment for this work. Which we know as Find Command.
We have explained step-by-step below about finding a word or group of words in Notepad. We hope that you will be able to easily find any word or word group in Notepad by reading these steps. So let’s find a word or group of words in Notepad.
How to Use Find Command in Notepad

Step: #1 – Open Notepad
First of all open Notepad. To open it, you use the same method as you open other computer programs.
Step: #2 – Open Notepad File
After opening Notepad, you have to write something in it. Or you can open Save Notepad Document in advance.
Step: #3 – Activate Find Command
After opening the document, you have to activate the Find Command. For this you first go to the Edit Menu. After this, you have to click on Find out of the options that are open in front of you. Clicking on Find will open the Find Dialog Box. Means your find command has been activated.
Step: #4 – Find Item
Now the box that has come open in front of you. In this, you have to type the word / word group in the Find what box, which you want to find in the opened document.
like; You want to know whether you have written HartronExam in the document or not. So for this you type HartronExam in the Find what box.
When you have typed the word/word group. So to find it, click on Find Next in front of this box.
On clicking Find Next, that word / word group (the particular word in the document to be found.) will be selected. Now you can easily see this special word.
What have you learned ?
In this tutorial, we have told you about how to change font style in Notepad and how to find any word or group of words in Notepad document. We hope that this tutorial has been useful for you. And after reading this tutorial, you can easily change the font style in Notepad.