[HDCA] Sample Paper
SAMPLE PAPER HDCA (Hartron Diploma Computer Application)
![[HDCA] Sample Paper](https://i0.wp.com/hartronexam.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/HDCA-Sample-Paper-1.jpg?resize=641%2C425&ssl=1)
Section A comprises of 20 objective type and 10 true/false question of two marks each. All question
are compulsory.
MARKS: 180
Section-A (2*30=60)
Q1. If you turn on a PC and the system unit is clearly ON, but the monitor is dark, the problem could
be that..
(a) The monitor is not turned on (b) the monitor is not plugged in (c) the monitor is not
connected to the PC
Q2. One thousands bytes represent a______
(a) Megabyte (b) Gigabyte (c) Kilobyte (d) None of these
Q3. Which one of the following is not an operating system.
(a) Linux (b) Ubuntu (c) Mac (d) None of these
Q4. ………. Is the first program that run on a computer when the computer boots up.
(a) Operating system (b) system software (c) System operation (d) none of these
Q5. Shortcut key to open font dialog box.
(a) Ctrl +U (b) Ctrl + D (c) Ctrl + Y (d) Ctrl +Z
Q6. To go to a specific location in a document we use
(a) Format painter (b) bookmark (c) comment (d) macro
Q7. The slide that is used to introduce a topic for the presentation is called the …..
(a) Title slide (b) Animation Slide (c) Slide (d) None of these
Q8. Full form of WWW is ……..
(a) World wide web (b) Word wise web (c) Word wide website (d) None of these
Q9. E-Government can be defined as the use of ——– by govt to enhance the services provided to
(a) Information (b) Political power (c) IT technologies (d) all of these
Q10. In event driven programming an event is generated by ?
(a) The system (b) a user’s action (c) the program itself (d) all of these
Q11. The extension of Access database file is —–
(a).cds (b).mdb (c) .xls (d) .doc
Q12. Floating point representation is used to store.
(a) Boolean values (b) whole numbers (c) real integers (d) integers
Q13. When one of the following tag in html is lowest in size.
(a) <h1> (b) <h2> (3) <h3> (4) <h4>
Q14. Which CSS property is Equivalent for the align attribute?
(a) Float (b) text-align (c) centre (d) flat & text-align
Q15. Java Script variable are a with the keyboard……..
(a) Data (b) value (c) var (d) none
Q16. DFD stands for ——–
(a) Data forwarding diagram (b) Digital flow diagram (c) Data Flow Diagram (d) none
Q17. Which of the following is a logical operator in c
(a) * (b) ? (c) + (d)!
Q18. ………………….. can return one value at a time.
Q19. In visual basics ……………….. is the extension to represent project file.
(a) .vnp (b) .vbk (c) .ppt (d) .aspx
Q20. Which of the following behavior are part of active listening ?
(a) Maintain eye contact (b)Nodding and making eye contact (c) asking for clarification (d)
all of the above
Q21. The hexadecimal number system contains digits from 1-15 (t/f)
Q22. Starting process of a computer is called cold booting. (t/f)
Q23. Clipart is a collection of commands. (t/f)
Q24. The name box shows the address of active cell. (t/f)
Q25. In power Point we can zoom a slide up to 500% (t/f)
Q26. Your e-mail address must be unique. (t/f)
Q27. The term field is used to refer to a row. (t/f)
Q28. By default the font size in HTML . document is three (t/f)
Q29. CSS stands for common style sheet. (t/f)
Q30. The method which loads the form into memory and display it on screen is called show method.
Section –B (5*12=60)
Q1. Explain the block diagram of a computer ?
Q2. (a) what is the difference between a file and a folder? (b) What is the use of Recycle bin?
Q3. A. what is mail merge and how to use it?
B. Explain the terms header and footer and write its steps to insert in a document?
Q4. What is spreadsheet? Explain any three uses of a spreadsheet.
Q5. Write short note on-
A. Animation B. Slide Show
Q6. What is e-mail? What are its uses?
Q7. What is data processing? Difference between and information. Which is more useful to the
Q8.Explain the use of MS. Access? Explain the components of MS. Access.
Q9. What are joins in SQL? Explain its types with example
Q10.A. how do you create a table in HTML? B. what is the difference rowspan and colspan?
Q11. What is an Array? Write syntax to declare an Array in javascript.
Q12. A. What is the difference between analysis and Design? B. What is SDLC and name its phases?
Q13. What is the difference between A. Array and Structure B. Call by value and Call by reference
Q14. What is the difference between Array and structure in C language ? Explain with example.
Q15.what is visual basic? Explain any 4 tools you used in visual basic.
Section –C (30*2=60)
Q1. Following table in excel and answer the question given below.

A. Write formula function to calculate average ranks of each student
B. Write formula function to calculate highest and lowest marks sem 2
Q2. Create following table in HTML

Q 3.Write a program to find check whether no. is even or odd