HARTRON SETC Question Paper | SETC Test Quiz
Hartron SETC Test PDF

Q-1. Which of the following measure(s) is/are used to determine the quality of a printer
a) Dots printed in ?
a) minute
b) Dots per Inch
c) Dot-Per-Square-Inch
d) All of the Above
Q-2. is the mode we use to execute the instruction from a computer ?
a) Sequential
b) Parallel
c) Both (a) & (b)
d) None of the above
Q-3. Modern computers are reliable but they don’t have ?
a) Fast
b) Powerful
c) Cheap
d) Self thinking
Q-4. What is meant by devoted computer ?
a) Which uses only one kind of software
b) Which is used by only one person
c) Which is assigned with only one task
d) No such type of computers are available
Q-5. The system unit of a personal computer typically contains all of the following except ?
a) Microprocessor
b) Disk Controller
c) Serial interface
d) Modem
Q-6. A computer program that converts an entire program into a machine language is called ?
a) Interpreter
b) Simulator
c) Compiler
d) None of the above
Q-7. A computer program that converts one by one instruction into a machine language is called ?
a) Interpreter
b) Simulator
c) Compiler
d) None of the above
Q-8. is an internet based computing solution where shared resources are provided ?
a) Cloud Computing
b) Networking
c) LAN
d) None of the above
Q-9. is the language that computer can understand and execute ?
a) Middle Level Language
b) Machine Level Language
c) High Level Language
d) All of the above
Q-10.is a set of instructions, also called a program that tells a computer how to perform tasks ?
a) Hardware
b) Software
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) None of the above
Q-11. Router is device ?
a) Input
b) Output
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) None of the above
Q-12. Scanner is device ?
a) Input
b) Output
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) None of the above
Q-13. The building block for all information that flows through a computer ?
a) Bit
b) Byte
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) None of the above
Q-14. is the software that controls all the other software programs and allows to perform basic tasks ?
a) Software
b) Hardware
c) Windows
d) Operating System
Q-15. The following is termed as permanent memory ?
a) Random Access Memory
b) Read Only Memory
c) Flash Memory
d) Cache Memory
Q-16. Memory that temporarily stores data and that can be erased or changed is known as ?
a) Cache Memory
b) Read Only Memory
c) Flash Memory
d) Random Access Memory
Q-17. Information that is entered into a computer is called as ?
a) Input
b) Output
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) None of the above
Q-18. Information that a computer produces and delivers back to the user is known as ?
a) Input
b) Output
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) None of the above
Q-19. MP3 player is ?
a) Input device
b) Output device
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) None of the above
Q-20. The smallest unit of computerized data is referred as ?
a) Bit
b) Byte
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) None of the above
Q-21. After copying the content, how many times can you paste ?
a) Only one time
b) Two times
c) Three times
d) Many times
Q-22. What is the keyboard shortcut key to merge a document ?
a) Alt+Shift+N
b) Alt+Shift+O
c) Alt+Shift+P
d) Alt+Shift+Q
Q-23. In a table to move to the first cell in a row.. is the keyboard shortcut key ?
a) Alt+Tab
b) Alt+Shift
c) Alt+Ctrl
d) Alt+Home
Q-24. To find text, formatting and special items ?
a) Ctrl+g
b) Ctrl+h
c) Ctrl+f
d) Ctrl+a
Q-25. What is the shortcut key to display the ‘save as’ dialog box ?
a) F8
b) F12
c) Fil
d) F9
Q-26. Among the following is a logical function ?
a) Average
b) Count
c) ABS
d) AND
Q-27. Of the following is correct syntax in excel ?
a) REPLACE (old-text, num-chars, Start-num, New-text)
b) REPLACE (old-text, Start-num, num-chars. New-text)
c) REPLACE (old-text, New-text, num-chars, Start-num)
d) REPLACE (num-chars, Start-num, old-text, New-text)
Q-28. Which of the following is correct ?
a) Frequency (data-array, bins array)
b) Frequency (data, bins)
c) Frequency (data, bins array)
d) Frequency (array, bins array)
Q-29. Without the symbol’ excel will treat the data as ?
a) Number
b) Formula
c) Text
d) None of the above
Q-30. False () function ?
a) Returns the logical value of false
b) Returns the logical value of true
c) Returns the actual value
d) None of the above
Q-31. A group of computers connected together through a central sever using cables and other communication devices is known as ?
a) Network
b) LAN
c) WAN
d) None of the above
Q-32. All types of banking transactions performed electronically without manual operation is known as ?
a) E-Banking
b) Computerization
c) Modernization
d) None of the above
Q-33. Banks use computers for ?
a) Track customer information
b) Process the loan application
c) Track the credit card information
d) All of the above
Q-34. Measuring unit of capacity of hard drive is on web.on web ?
a) GB
b) GHz
c) MHz
d) None of the above
Q-35. Web address is a unique address to identify ?
a) Browser
b) Website
c) Link
d) All of the above
Q-36. In a network, the computer that stores the files and processes the data is named as ?
a) Terminal
b) Modem
c) Server
d) None
Q-37. In processing of cheques which of the following technology is helpful to the banks ?
a) OMR
b) Barcode
d) OCR
Q-38. The computer code for interchange of information between terminals is ?
Q-39. Of the following. is different from the group ?
a) Windows
b) MS-Word
c) MS-Excel
d) MS-PowerPoint
Q-40. Of the following, is not a computer language ?
a) MS-Word
b) C++
Q-41. A collection of related records in a database ?
a) Field
b) File
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) None of the above
Q-42. VIRUS stands for ?
a) Virtual Information Resource Under Siege
b) Vital Information Recourse Under Sage
c) Virus Information Recourse Under Siege
d) Vital Information Recourse Under Siege
Q-43. is known as restricting the access to information ?
a) Decryption
b) Encryption
c) Hacking
d) None of the above
Q-44. is known as allowing the authorized access to information ?
a) Decryption
b) Encryption
c) Hacking
d) None of the above
Q-45. is known as unauthorized access to the system ?
a) Decryption
b) Encryption
c) Hacking
d) None of the above
Q-46. are the examples of pointing devices ?
a) Electronic Mouse
b) Pointing Stick
c)Track ball
d) All of the above
Q-47. The device that is used to read bar codes is ?
a) OMR
b) Barcode
d) OCR
Q-48. Nano Second is the ?
a) Millionths of a second
b) Billionths of a second
c) Trillionth of a second
d) Thousands of a second
Q-49. Of the following. would be considered as a way through which a computer virus can enter into a computer system ?
a) E-mail with attachments
b) Downloading the data from sites
c) Operating the system without antivirus software
d) All of the above
Q-50. is known as a computer network in which one centralized, powerful computer is a hub to which many less powerful personal computers or workstations are connected. The clients run programs and access data that stored on the server ?
a) Client-Server network
b) Extranet
c) Internet
d) None of the above.
(1.) c (2.) c (3.) d (4.) c (5.) d
(6.) c (7.) a (8.) a (9.) b (10.) b
(11.) c (12.) a (13.) b (14.) d (15.) b
(16.) d (17.) a (18.) b (19.) c (20.) a
(21.) d (22.) a (23.) d (24.) c (25.) b
(26.) d (27.) b (28.) a (29.) c (30.) a
(31.) a (32.) a (33.) d (34.) a (35.) b
(36.) c (37.) c (38.) a (39.) a (40.) a
(41.) b (42.) d (43.) b (44.) a (45.) c
(46.) d (47.) b (48.) b (49.) d (50.) a.