Hartron Question Part 11

Ques :121 A function that is called automatically each time an object is destroyed is a ___
A: Destructor
Ques:121 Which of the following relationship is known as inheritance relationship.
A: “has a”
Ques: 122 _________Refer to the name of variables, functions, arrays, classes etc created by the programmer. A: Identifiers
Ques :123 If m and n are int type variable what will be the result of the expression m%n when m=5 and n=2. A: 1
Ques :124 Maximum number of elements in he array declaration int a[8][3] is ________.
A: 24
True / False
Ques :125 ISP stands for Internet System provider.
Ans: False
Ques :126 Primary key values can store null values.
Ques :127 tag is the largest heading tag.
Ans: True
Ques :128 Javascript is client side scripting language
Ans: True.
Ques :129 There are 32 keywords in C-language.
Ans: True
Ques :130 The hexa-decimal number system contains digit(1-15).
Ans: False
Ques :131 Restarting of Computer is called cold booting.
Ans: False
Ques :132 We can send email to multiple person to the same time.
Ans:True Ques :133 Sub classes may also be called Child Class / Derived Classes.
Ques :134 ADO stands for All data object.
Ans: False
Ques:135 Function can not return more than one value at a time. (T/F)
Ans: True
Ques:136 Data communication system within a building or campus is called LAN. (T/F)
Ans: True
Ques:137 Binary information is represented in digital computers by physical quantities called signals. (T/F)
Ans: True
Ques:138 Flip Flop is a circuit used to store one bit of data. (T/F)
Ans: True
Ques-139 Starting process of a computer is called cold booting? (T/F)
Ans: True
Ques:140 Operating system is an interface between a computer hardware and computer user? (T/F)
Ans: True