HARTRON PART -19-A-Internet essential tools
Internet service provider

Internet Service Provider (ISP) is a company that provides access to your Internet by taking some money. There are many service providers who provide different types of services and benefits at different prices. There are many such ISPs in India. Chief among them is (Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited) VSNL. Mantra-on-line, Satyam, Hathaway and Data Indicom.
Cost of an ISP:
An ISP charges its value in various ways depending on the time you spend on the Internet. Some service providers charge only a few hours a month, while some ISPs allow unlimited time for Internet access at a special price. Therefore, while selecting an ISP, a thorough investigation should be done on their hidden prices first. Many ISPs offer multiple email addresses on one Internet account.(HARTRON EXAM)
world Wide Web
The World Wide Web is a part of the Internet. A large number of documents in the web are filled on computers around the world and the web is created by the Internet as well as many sites that support web browsing. On the web, you can choose your link which is available on the web page. You can go from one place to another. This link is a picture or highlighted tax that appears on the screen.
Web page:

The Internet or Web has a worldwide collection of electronic documents. Every electronic document on this web is called a web page. In addition to text, picture, graphics, sound, or video, the web page also has brief-in connections to other documents.

A web site is a collection of many web pages maintained by a college, university, government, company, organization or individual. Most websites initially have a home page that serves as a table of contents in the site.(HARTRON EXAM)
Web server:

Where does the web server that the computer stores web pages on the Internet go to. The web page is available for other people to view only when it is on the web server.

Highlighted text or images available on web pages are called hyperlinks. You can connect to other posts on the web through hyperlinks. With the help of hyperlinks, you can easily go from one web page to another and proceed by investigating the information. You can choose a hyperlink to a web page located on the same computer or on any other computer, anywhere in your city, country or world.
The hyperlink appears on the web page underlined and is colored in color.So it is not difficult to identify them at all.

A URL (uniform resource locator) or URL is unique to the web page. If you need If you have knowledge of it, then you can immediately access any web page.
In a web page, the URL starts with http (hyper text protocol or hyper text transfer protocol) in which the computer name is the directory and the web page is named.
The initial page of the browser is known as the home page. It is like a book cover for a website or a table making the subject work. It provides information about the purpose and subject of the site. The first page is what your web browser has chosen. You can change the home page whenever you want. Many sites also have the facility to personalize the home page so that it shows the same area or subject that interests you.(HARTRON EXAM)

Web browser:
A web browser is a program that allows you to view and read information on the World Wide Web. Today there are more used web browsers(HARTRON EXAM)
Microsoft Internet explorer:
Nowadays it is the most popular web browser. Microsoft Internet Explorer comes with Windows 98/2000 / ME / XP / Vista operating system.
Netscape Navigator:
It is a web browser that is available with computers running various operating systems such as Windows, Macintosh, OS / 2 and Unix. You can find this free on the website of Netscape Navigator www.Netscape.com.(HARTRON EXAM)

Book Marks or Favorites:
Some important information is stored for future use. Web browsers provide bookmarks that hold the addresses of your favorite sites. Most electronic references, large text databases and help systems provide bookmarks that mark a location. Users can visit the site where they have marked your favorites.(HARTRON EXAM)
History list:
It is difficult to remember all the browsed pages and visited sites while browsing the website. With the aim of easing this difficulty, the web browser also has a history list, which makes it easy to access the recently visited web pages again and immediately.(HARTRON EXAM)