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Q.(1.)-Which one is not a function in ms excel ?)
a. Sum b. Avg c. Max d. Min
Q.(2.)Functions in ms excel must begin with _
a. An () sign b. an equal sign c. a plus sign d. a > sign
Q.(3.) The __ feature of ms excel quickly completes a series of data
a. auto complete b. auto fill c. fill handle d. sorting
Q.(4.) What is the intersection of a column and a row on a worksheet called ?
a. column b. value c. address d. cell
Q.(5.)- The basic unit of a worksheet into which you enter data in excel is called a (HARTRON EXAM)
a. cell b. table c. box d. column
Q.(6.) How many sheets are there, by default, when we create a new excel file ?
a.1 b.3 c.5 d.10
Q.(7.) An excel file is generally called a / an :
a. e-spreadsheet b. worksheet c. workbook d. sheet
Q.(8.) In excel, which one denoted a range from b1 through e5
a. b1 – e5 b. b1:e5 c. b1 to e5 d. b1$e5
Q.(9.) It is a collection of data that is stored electronically as a series of records in a table.
a. spreadsheet b. presentation c. database d. ms word
Q.(10.) ————————- is the first program that run on a computer when the computer boots
Q.(11.) Jan, feb, mar……. Series can be generated using the _____ features of excel.
Q.(12.) Gridlines in excel may be turned off for display but turned on for printing ?(t/f)
Q.(13.) Which of the following is not a function in ms excel?
a) sum b) avg c) max d) min
Q.(14.) The name box shows the location of previous active cell.
Q.(15.) A name is excel can be created using the name box.
Q.(16.) Data organized in rows and column in the spread sheet.
Q.(17.) A spreadsheet is collection of page is called __
Q.(18.) ___ function adds the cell values if specified condition or criteria is true.
Q.(19.) The binary language consists of two digits __ and __.
Q.(20.):- In ms excel, an individual file is known as ___
(1.):- In which view Headers and Footers are visible,
a): Normal View b) Page Layout c) View Print Layout d) View Draft View
(2.) The process of removing unwanted part of an image is called
a): Hiding b) Bordering c) Cropping d) Cutting
(3.) To apply center alignment to a paragraph we can press
a): Ctrl + S b) Ctrl + C c) Ctrl + C + A d) Ctrl + E
(4.) The space left between the margin and the start of a paragraph is called
a): Spacing b)Gutter c) Indentation d) Alignment
(5.) Text-styling feature of MS word is
a): WordColor b) Word Font c) WordArt d) Word Fill
(6.) Which items are placed at the end of a document
a): Footer b) Foot Note c) End Note d) Header
(7.) A number of letter that appears little above the normal text is called :
a) Superscript b) Subscript c) Supertext d) Toptext
(8.) A number of letter that appears little below the normal text is called :
a): Superscript b) Subscript c) Supertext d) Toptext
(9.) We can insert a page number at
a) Header b) Footer c) Both A and B d) None
(10.) Which one can be used as watermark in a word document
a): Text b) Image c) Both A and B d) None
(11.) Which item appears dimly behind the main body text
a): Water Color b) Background c) Watermark d) Back Color
(12.) Which feature starts a new line whenever a word or sentence reached a border
a): Text Line b) New Line c) Text Wrapping d) Text Align
(13.) The direction of a rectangular page for viewing and printing is called
a): Orientation b) Direction c) Print Layout d) Preview
(14.) We can remove / hide border of a shape by selecting …
a): No Line b) No Outline c) White Line d) No Border
(15.) Color and pattern used to fill a closed shape is called
a): Shape b) WordArt c) Fill Style d) Fill Back
Create b
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