Hartron exam sample paper

Q.1 JavaScript is a client side scripting language ?
Q.2 what is the output of following a=60;b=40;x=(a>b)?a:b;
Document.write(X); ?
Ans. a=60;
x= (a>b)? a:b;
Output – 60>40
60:40 => 3:2 ans
Q.3 what is the value of the following 8%3 ?
Ans. 8%3
=> 2 And
Q.4 Full from of: ?
(1) IBM – International business machine
(2) HDMI – High definition multimedia interface
(3) VGA – Video graphics array
(4) BCC – Blind carbon copy
(5) CVV – Card verification value
(6) GOOGLE – Global organization of oriented group of language of earth
Hartron exam sample paper
Q.5 what is hyperlink ?
Ans. Hyperlink:-
Hyperlink is a link with in link simply we can say that hyperlink is a place in an electronic document on computer that is connected to another electronic document in computer system. It is a a blue colour underline text. When we double click on it. Then the linked file will open. Shortcut key of hyperlink in in MS word is control + k.
Q.6 what is RAM ?
Ans. We have to types of memory in computer system. Primary and secondary primary memory have further two types RAM and ROM (read only memory)
RAM :- random Access memory.
The binary storage is referred to the random selection of memory location. It is also now as read and write memory. When power supply is cat during using this memory then data will be belated permanently
Ram further divided into categories:-
- D RAM :- dynamic random Access memory
- M RAM:- magnetic random Access memory
- S RAM:- static random Access memory
It is not permanent memory. It is also so known as volatile memory.
Q.7 What is Internet ?
Ans. Internet:-
Internet age globally connected network. It is huge number of network which uses system that is TCP-transmission control protocols by internet provider. Data on internet via vorious types of media. It is a network of private limited, business, academy, and government network connected bye by a guided wireless and fibes technology.
Internet is a communication system which age introduced 1995 since 1990 internet increase day by day. communication work done by internet through following applications:- email, Facebook, WhatsApp, online movies and games etc.
Internet provides all type of services to the the internet users. Millions to internet user increases yearly.
It provides us online classes for study.
Online cricket booking, online banking services, online learning video, online play games, which movies with full of entertainment.
Internet have also demarits or limitations
Internet is additive and relations are gap
Distroy by more use of internet aur mobile phones. 8 bad impact on new generation in susberclous activity of adult childrens.
Q.8 What is topology and its types ?
Ans. Topology:-
Physical topology reter to the physical design of network. While logical topology is refer to data is havde within the network regards of it’s physical topology.
Local area network (LAN) is the best example of both type of topology
physical as well as logical topology.
All the terminals are linked with to gether mapping of this interconnection is physical topology and the data flow through network is determined by logical topology.
1 Bus topology:-
Bus topology is the topology in which every computer and network device age connected a a single cable. When it has exactly end cable then it is is called linear bus topology.
2 Ring topology:-
This topology is called ring topology because hare computer systems and network devices connected to each other in form of ring thats why it is known as ring topology.
3 tree topology:-
This topology is called tree topology because there all connected devices are in form of tree so this topology is known as tree topology.
4 star topology:-
This topology from star like shape by connecting device.
5 mass topology:-
Mast apology is topology which all computer system connecting each other and connection are randomly as shown below.
Q.9 Different between LAN, MAN, WAN ?
LAN :-
It refer local area network. It is a network of spam 10 km area. It work in a small geographical area or building. LAN is used in in office and private works or network.
It refer to metropolitan area Network. It is network of spam 50 Km to 60 Km. It works in small geographical area or entire copy. It cover more area then LAN.
It refer to wide area network. It is network of limit of spam It covers whole world or country.it cover more area then LAN and MAN.
Hartron exam sample paper
Q.10 Wap to find largest 3 number ?
<title> ABC </title>
<script language = “JavaScript”>
Var a,b,c;
a = parseInt (“enter value of a”));
b = parseInt (“enter value of b”));
c = parseInt (“enter value of c”));
If ( (a>=b) && (a>=c);
document.write (“a is largest”);
else if ((b>=a) && (b>=c));
document.write (“b is largest”);
else if ((c>=a) && (c>=b));
document.write (“c is largest”);
Q.11 Wap to find sum of 10 natural number using for loop ?
<title> ABC </title>
<script language = “JavaScript”>
Var I,sum = 0;
for (I=1; I<=10; I++)
Sum= sum+I;
document.write (“the sum of 10 natural number is=”+sum);
Q.12 What is JavaScript and its features ?
Ans. Java Script:-
Java Script was introduced by breadom enrich at April 1995.
It is very powerful client side scripting language. It is mainly used for in haveing the interaction of a user with the webpage.
It is used to make any kind of static as well as dynamic webpage.
Features of Java Script:-
1 Entry browsers support java script.
2 No need to burchase special software for it
3 easy to use and implement.
4 case sensitive language
5 we can create both static as well as dynamic webpage with the reps of JavaScript.
Q.13 What is Array? How to define and declaration all methods ?
Ans. Array:-
Array is a collection of number of of elements of same data type of of with the same name but all elements have different index in array elements store at continue me mary location.
Two types of array
1 I-D Array. 2 multi declaration array
1- D array :- we use one script for all element representation.
2 Declaration of array :- It is clear that are [5] is name of array of Variable type var having size is five.
New Array
Var = Data type
Arr = Name of array
[5] = Size of array
Inhalization of array :-
1st method :-
Var arr = array [5] = {1,2,3,4,5}
2nd method :-
Var arr = new Array [5];
arr[0] = 1;
arr[1] = 2;
arr[2] = 3;
arr[3] = 4;
arr[4] = 5;
3rd method :-
Var I,arr [5];
for (I=0; I<= 4; I++)
parseInt (prompt (” array elements=”+corli);
Q.14 Which is the value of accept age of 10 persons is an array and find the number of 10 persons ?
<title> ABC <title>
Var age = new Array [0];
Var I,el,ab;
el = 0;
ab = 0;
for (i=0); I<=9; I++)
age[i] = parseInt (prompt (“enter age”));
document.write (” the age of 10 person are”);
For (I=0; I<=9; I++)
document.write (age[i])+ “<br>”);
For (i=0; i<=4; I++)
If (age [i])>=18)
el = el+I;
For (i=0; I<=9; I++)
If (age [i]) >=60)
ab= ab+1;
document.write (” the accept age of eligible person are=”+el+”<br>”);
Document.write (The reject age of above aged person are=”+ab);
Q.15 Wap to find maximum value entered in array ?
<title> ABC <title>
<script language= “JavaScript”>
Var arr = new Array [5] ,i,max;
document.write (Enter element of array”);
For (I=0; I<=4; i++)
parseInt (prompt (“enter array”+ arr [i]));
max = are [0];
for (i=1; i<=4; i++)
If (max < arr [i])
max = arr [i];
document.write (” maximum value”+ max);
Q.16 Wap to print following pattern ?
<title> Star peherns</title>
<Script language = “JavaScript”>
Var i,j,k,l,m;
For (i=1; i<=5; i++)
For ( i=1; j<=i; j++)
document.write (“*”);
document.write (“<br>”);
For (l=4; l>=1; l–);
For (k=1; n<=5-l; n++);
document.write (“&nbps&nbps”);
For (m=1; m<=l; m++)
document.write (“*”);
Document.write (“br”);
Hartron exam sample paper