Convert a Row to a Column in Excel
Convert excel’s row to column in just one second

You have created a very large data table in the excel sheet and after that you feel that it would be better if the row and column of this table are reversed.
Now you want to change the layout of your Excel sheet, but you have already filled all the data in it. So do you have to create a new table again and fill this data in it or copy-paste it? There is an easy way.
There is no need to re-enter all that data to reverse the row and column. Use Excel’s Transpose feature.
Excel will flip your data from row to column or column to row directly.
These are actually your very time saving tricks, which will greatly affect your coworkers or boss if you do it in front of them.
For example here, I have made a salary table, in the column of which I have the names of the months and the names of the emloy in the row. Now I have to interchange the data in these rows and columns, because having months in the column will greatly increase its length which can cause problems while taking print.
Convert a Row to a Column in Excel

In Excel 2013, first select the entire table whose row and column you want to swap. Select this entire table with the heading.
To copy selected cells, click on the “Copy” button or press Ctrl + C.
Note: Note that “Cut” will not work for this particular task.
Now click on a blank cell where you want to copy the transposed data. The cell you select will be the top left corner of whatever you are copying.
Now either from the Home tab on the ribbon, click the down arrow under the “Paste” button, and then click the “Transpose” button from the dropdown menu.
Now just like that, all your columns will become rows and your rows will also be converted into columns.
Note that your previously created table still exists. You can select those cells again, and delete them if you want.
This is a quick trick, but it is much faster and easier than retyping and formatting data.