computer networking-LAN-WAN-MAN its Benefits
what is computer networking
Computer network is a very useful technology. Computer Network is also called Networking by many people. You may know about computers but what is this computer network? Let us know how many types are there and what are its benefits.

- Definition of computer network
- Types of Computer Networks
- What is a LAN – Local Area Network
- What is a PAN or Personal Area Network
- What is a MAN or Metropolitan Area Network
- What is a WAN or Wide Area Network
- Benefits of computer network
Definition of computer network
A computer network is a group of interconnected computers by which one computer can communicate with another computer. The main purpose of a computer network is to share data, applications and resources to each other.
Connection between these computers is via cable such as Ethernet cable and wireless technology, via radio wave. A computer can do even more work through the network.
Computer networks are a cornerstone of communication in IT. Networks are used for many tasks, which include different types of networks.
Types of Computer Networks
There are many types of networks, which are used by different people and institutions for different tasks. Computer networks can be divided into some parts according to their size, which is as follows –
- LAN – Local Area Network
- PAN – Personal Area Network
- MAN – Metropolitan Area Network
- WAN – Wide Area Network
What is a LAN – Local Area Network
A local area network is a group of computers, limited to a small space. This can be in a network building, school or office.
It is a private network, within which two or more computers are connected through communication medium like Twisted Pairs, Coaxial Cable.
It is built with the help of network hardware such as Hubs, Ethernet Cable, Network Adapters etc.
Data and messages can be sent over a LAN network at high speed. Security is also better in this network.
What is a PAN or Personal Area Network
A personal area network is a private network, built around a single person. It consists of some other device connected in a network created by one device. The range of this network is generally up to 10 meters.
Nowadays personal area network can be created through laptop, mobile phone etc. There is also a Wireless Personal Area Network in it.
What is a MAN or Metropolitan Area Network
A Metropolitan Area Network is a network that spans a large area. Inside it, a large network is created by connecting different LANs to each other. It can be used to connect a city bank, college or airline to each other. Many LANs within a MAN connect to each other via telephone lines. Its range is also much higher than the local area network.
What is a WAN or Wide Area Network
Wide area networks span many countries and states, such as very large areas. It is connected to a very large area through fiber optic cable, telephone line, satellite link etc. The Internet is one of the largest WAN networks in the world. This network is used in the fields of business, education, information etc.

Benefits of computer network
Computer networks can be used for many tasks, such as
You can easily share data, messages, files etc. from other users and get data from other devices. Through instant messaging, people can talk to each other in real-time and send a file.
Printers, scanners and other devices can be connected to a computer network, through which they can also be used by more than one person. It is very beneficial in office, companies.
You can play games with the help of network. Through the network, two or more people can play a game from different places.
Internet connection can also be shared through this. Storage can be increased with the help of network. With the help of computer networks, the need for a lot of hardware can be reduced and money can be saved.
Apart from this, there are many uses of computer networks and today there are many benefits. Hopefully you will like this information of Computer Network and have understood what the Computer Network is.