Computer GK Questions Quiz Part- 9
Hartron Sample Paper | Computer GK Questions

Q- 61 is the fastest computer ?
(A) mini computer
(B) Microcomputer
(C) Mainframe computer
(D) supercomputer
Ans- (D) supercomputer
Q- 62 Which generation computer is microprocessor ?
(A) first generation
(B) second generation
(C) third generation
(D) fourth generation
Ans- (D) fourth generation
Q- 63 Which type of computer is ‘Param Computer’ manufactured in India ?
(A) Microcomputer
(B) Mini Computer
(C) Mainframe computer
(D) super computer
Ans- (D) super computer
Q- 64 In which country was the calculation plant abacus invented ?
(A) India
(B) America
(C) China
(D) Greece
Ans- (C) China
Q- 65 IMAC is a type of ?
(A) Machine
(B) Processor
(C) Program
(D) Register
Ans- (A) Machine
Q- 66 Who built the Analytic Engine ?
(A) G. Solo
(B) Ava Lovelace
(C) Charles Babbage
(D) Seamen Corscob
Ans- (C) Charles Babbage
Q- 67 Who was the first to use punch card ?
(A) Joseph Mary
(B) Charles Babbage
(C) John Mauchly
(D) none of these
Ans- (A) Joseph Mary
Q- 68 Who has contributed the most in the development of computer ?
(A) Charles Babbage
(B) Joseph Jacquard
(C) Blaise Pascal
(D) von Neumann
Ans- (D) von Neumann
Q- 69 Who has developed the Integrated Circuit Chip ?
(A) Charles Babbage
(B) CV Raman
(C) Robert Nayak
(D) J. s. Kilby
Ans- (D) J. s. Kilby
Q- 70 Which material layer is there on the magnetic disc ?
(A) Iron Oxide
(B) sodium peroxide
(C) Magnesium Oxide
(D) none of these
Ans- (A) Iron Oxide
Q- 71 On what principle does a digital computer work ?
(A) Measurement
(B) Count
(C) Electricity
(D) Logical
Ans- (B) Count
Q- 72 Which organization has developed the ‘Param’ super computer developed in India ?
(A) IIT, Kanpur
(B) IIT, Delhi
Ans- (C) C-DAC
Q- 73 Which of the following is faster ?
(A) Registers
(D) Cache
Ans- (A) Registers
Q- 74 Who made the first electronic computer – ENIAC ?
(A) von Neumann
(B) Presper Eckert & John Moshley
(C) Joseph Mary
(D) Charles Babbage
Ans- (B) Presper Eckert & John Moshley
Q- 75 Dot matrix is a type of instrument ?
(A) Printer
(B) Scanner
(C) keyboard
(D) Mouse