8 Features of Microsoft Word What is MS-Word
Microsoft Word is a complete word processing program with the help of which you can revise your required documents such as stone resume announcements and reports etc. Various features of ms-word help you to easily create your document. You can apply boarders, shading, create tables and graphics and insert picture and web addresses in your document.To create a template from Word. This is a form that you can use and can even change according to your needs. 8 Features of Microsoft Word What is MS-Word
Ms-Word improves syntax activities in your typing, anywhere in the language. The phrase contained in Ms-Word allows you to make your writing variety complete and very meaningful. It can provide proper title, table, provide border and also the web address to the article (text), while you are typing them. You can also email your Ms-Word document while you are connected to the Internet. Following are some of the features of MS-Word:

- 1 Editing the Ms-Word document
- 2 Formatting the Ms-Word Document
- 3 Ms-Word Table & Graphics
- 4 Starting and customizing MS-Word
- 5 Ms-word window
- 6 Ms-word menu bar or toolbar
- 7 1 Ms-word menu bar
- 8 2 Ms-word toolbar
Editing the Ms-Word document
This saves you a lot of time. You can easily edit your document. Some can also add and subtract from it by rearranging the language. By this, you can quickly count the words used in the document. You can check spelling and correct grammar errors. It may contain a few more stick words than thesaurus contained.
Formatting the Ms-Word Document
You can format your document to make it more legible and attractive. In this, you can emphasize the importance of text by using many fonts style, color etc. With this you can also fix the spacing between lines and text and also change the margin to provide the image of newspaper column.
Ms-Word Table & Graphics
With MS Word, you can make information more accessible in a document by creating tables. By adding graphics such as Aotoshapes and Clipart and Images, you can make the images in your document a medium for good idea appearance or to give a new look to your ideas.

Starting and customizing MS-Word
Windows must be running before starting M-S Word. Start MSword with the following step.

1- Click on Start button.
2- Click on All Programs.
3- Click Microsoft Office Word 2003 in the All Menu of All Programs.
Microsoft Word will be revealed.
A blank document whose title is Document 1 will appear on your screen.
A Task pane may then appear through which you can quickly complete your tasks.
A button for the Word program will appear on the Windows taskbar.
Task pane is a separate window through which you can complete the work in Word much better. You can get maximum working area in MS-Word by turning off task pane.
When you open MS Word for the first time, the buttons in the tool bar appear on the same line. If you want, you can also work by making it in two different lines – this will allow better use of the tool bar button.
1 Click on the Close button which is on the top right corner of the title bar of Task pane.
2 If the tool bar appears in the same line, click on the toolbar option button. A list will appear. Toolbar Option list will contain buttons that are not fully visible on the tool bar when the tool bar is displayed on the same line.
3 Click Show Buttons on Two Rows.
The M.s.-word displays those toolbars in two separate lines.
Now whenever you start MS Word, the MS Word window will show the same or the same format it showed when you used your first MS Word.
Ms-word window
The MS Word window displays many items that you can use to create or work with your document.

1 MS word title bar
The title bar shows the name of your document.
2 MS word menu bar
A manual bar is a special tool bar that shows the names of world key menus.
3 MS word standard bar
There are several buttons on this toolbar which you can use to select common commands like Save and Print.
4 MS-word formatting tools bar
This tool bar has buttons that you can use to select commands for common formatting such as bold or italic.
5 ms word ruler
By this you can change the process of setting tab or indent on your document.
6 ms word insertion point
This is the flashing line on the screen that indicates where the text you typed will appear.
7 MS word and mark
This is the short horizon (horizontal line) that shows the end of your document.
8 MS word views of document
Through this, you can see four different types of views of your document.
9 MS word scroll bars
This time you can go anywhere in a document.
10 MS word status bar
This bar gives you information about the area of the document displayed on the screen and shows the position of the insertion point.
11 MS word mouse pointer
The mouse pointer changes its size according to your work in the Word document.

Ms word menu bar or toolbar
Manubars and tool bars are shown just below the title bar and above the screen.
1 Ms word menu bar
The menu bar is a special tool bar that displays the names of MS Word menus. A list of commandos is given in a menu that you can use to perform tasks such as saving and formatting data in your document. For example, to show the format menu, click on the name of the format menu on the menu bar. Sometimes the menu also shows a second menu, also called a sub-menu, which displays an arrow when it is lost.
Clicking on the name of the menu on the menubar displays a short menu that shows your recently used commandos. There are two arrows just below the short menu, click on them or wait a few moments after clicking the name of the menu on the manubar, then the full menu will appear. The full menu will show a list of all the commands associated with that menu.
2 Ms word toolbar
MS Word has several built-in tool bars. There are many buttons, boxes and menus in a tool bar, so that you can do the work much faster than with the help or relation menu of the manubar. For example, to print a document, you can click on the Print button of the tool bar. Each button on the tool bar shows an image with the help of which you can remember its work.
The standard toolbar and the formatting toolbar are two inside the toolbar. Butt no way boxes of the standard toolbar are shown in Figure 1 below. The formatting toolbar is shown in Figure 2. Every button and box has been described in detail later to show how they are used. (8 Features of Microsoft Word What is MS-Word)